Draft:Great Circassian Raid

The Great Circassian Raid In the spring and summer in the Kuban, Circassian detachments made a number of raids on Russian fortified lines. Circassian raid in 1786 showed the weakness of the defense of the Russian fortified lines on the western flank, which led to heavy losses of the Russians and other fortified regiments.[1]


At the Temizhbek crossing over the Kuban, Circassians attacked a detachment of 80 Don Cossacks under the command of Yesaul Ishtokin. The next day, 43 dead and 7 wounded Cossacks were found at the scene of the battle, another 1 Cossack, Klim Golitsyn, the wounded man managed to get to the Safe redoubt on his own. The rest of the Cossacks, including Yesaul Ishtokin, were missing.[2]

Circassian detachments captured the village of Novosiltsevo, killed 13 people, captured 180 people and drove away 9 thousand cattle.[3]

Circassians were also involved in the general flow of uprisings and responded to the hot speech of the preacher with a formidable raid on the Mozdok line in the spring of 1786.[4]

Circassians then invaded as far as the Alexandrovsky city, burned the village of Novoseltsevo, took captive up to two hundred inhabitants and stole nine thousand heads of cattle. A second attempt was repulsed by Colonel Muffle, but when the dark autumn nights came, the Circassians crossed the Kuban, tore down a Safe post, alarmed the Don fortress and even appeared on the way to Cherkassk[5]

A 2,000-strong detachment of Circassians (Shapsugs and Natukhaites) defeated three regiments of Don Cossacks at the Boldyrevsky redoubt on the Yeya River. The Circassians captured and killed Colonel Grekov and 1,500 Cossacks.[6][7][8]

There was a line on the line,
It was nice on the side,
A new redoubt has been built there;
There was a commander in that little room,
That the Don Cossack team;
And Agureev's son was in charge of the business trip.
During the week, Agureev's heart did not feel,
For another , it began to tell,
As for the third week in a week, it became prophetic;
Uninvited guests arrived-uninvited,
They began to beat and shoot at the redoubt
And they beat up the whole Cossack command;
Agureev's son walks around,
He breaks his white hands,
He shakes his exuberant head:
"You guys did a bad thing yourself,
They didn't set a guard, they went to bed themselves.
You guys will never be on the quiet Don,
You guys will not see your wives, children,
You, Cossack girls, will not hear the ringing of the bell..."

— A poetic song refers to this event

Fortunately for the Russians, the daring Circassian raids on the Northern Fortress and on the detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Fink, who stood at Temish Bek, were repulsed but with heavy losses on the part of Russia[9][10]


The success of the Circassians, who managed to overcome the Russian fortified lines in the Kuban and conduct a successful raid on Russian territory.[11]


  1. ^ "Военные действия на Северном Кавказе и в Закавказье в 1765–1800 гг".
  2. ^ Щербина, Федор (1910). "История Кубанского казачьего войска".
  3. ^ "Военные действия на Северном Кавказе 1763 – 1801 гг". 1763–1801.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  4. ^ "Кавказская война. В очерках, эпизодах, легендах и биографиях".
  5. ^ "Ушурма шейх мансур - первый имам кавказа. Шейх-мансур "джованни батиста боэтти"".
  6. ^ "Василий Александрович Потто - Кавказская война. Том 1. От древнейших времен до Ермолова".
  7. ^ "2 ноября 1786г. отряд черкесов (2000 человек) у Болдыревского редута на реке Ее победил три полка донских казаков". 2016-04-06.
  8. ^ "Бой при Болдыревском редуте".
  9. ^ "Ушурма шейх мансур - первый имам кавказа. Жизнь шейха мансура" (PDF). 2007-04-12.
  10. ^ "Хронология Кавказских войн, 1785-1787г.г." 2014-01-07.
  11. ^ "Кампания на Северном Кавказе в 1786 г."