Éric Geoffroy

Éric Geoffroy (born 1956) is a French philosopher, islamologist, writer and scholar in the Sufi studies teaching at the University of Strasbourg.[5]


He is a critic of the notion of a Clash of Civilizations, which he transcends into a Dialogue of Traditions[6][7] He is an affiliate of the Alawiya Sufi Brotherhood.[8]



  1. ^ Geoffroy, e. L'iSlam sera spirituel ou ne sera plus Paris: Seuil 2009 [1]
  2. ^ Geoffroy, E. Jihad et Contemplation Paris: Albouraq 2002
  3. ^ Geoffroy, E. Abd-el Kader, un spirituel dans la modernité Paris: Albouraq 2010
  4. ^ Laude, P. Universal Dimension of Islam with Eric Geoffroy World Wisdom 2011 [2]
  5. ^ Mention in Geothe's entry at the Marousse encyclopedia
  6. ^ Geoffroy E. Lecture at Columbia University, April 15th 2005
  7. ^ "alternative reference and full transcript". Archived from the original on 2013-06-02. Retrieved 2011-10-15.
  8. ^ "Le nouveau numéro d'Horizons Maghrébins sur le thème Soufisme et spiritualité en contexte de postmodernité est coordonné par Éric Geoffroy... Lire la suite ..."