Gabriel Méxène

Gabriel Méxène is the collective pseudonym of French brothers Vincent Fayolle (born 1969) and Damien Fayolle (born 1974).[1] Philosophical poet, his work comprised poetry, painting and engraving. [2]


His work The Figures consists of several books. Each book (paper, or digital, or marble) combines text and landscapes. The whole is an initiatory narrative elaborating the contemporary image of the sorcerer. Gabriel Méxène was born one summer evening along the ramparts of the Citadel of Villefranche-sur-Mer. During this night of perfect ecstasy, the two brothers conceived a vast and altruistic utopia where poetic narrative, philosophy and painting are united. This utopia, known as "Piedmont-Savoy" is rooted in the history and geography of the Metropolis of Nice. In love with Nice, the author methodically develops his work in the metropolis which becomes his magical and cultural territory. [3]

Art edition

Artist’s books:

Public collections

The Figures, Orc page, Collections of the Library of Nice.

Stone books

The Figures, Delta Book, pages 9/10. Collections of the citadel museums in Villefranche-sur-Mer.
The Figures, Tau Book, pages 3/4 on permanent exhibition at the Romain Gary Library of Nice.

Digital edition


  1. ^ , Bibliothèque Littéraire Jaques Doucet[1], catalogue SUDOC.
  2. ^ , Library of Nice.[2], interview with Gabriel Méxène in 2021.
  3. ^ , interview [3], vidéo Musées de la Citadelle de Villefranche-Sur-Mer.
  4. ^ , Worldcat [4], catalogue BLJD.
  5. ^ , Musées de la Citadelle de Villefranche-Sur-Mer. [5], Villefranche-Sur-Mer website.
  6. ^ , Permanent exhibition [6], Bibliothèque Patrimoniale de la Ville de Nice.
  7. ^ , Official website [7]

External links