Gerino da Pistoia

Gerino da Pistoia, also Gerino di Antonio Gerini, (1480–1529) was an Italian painter and designer of the Renaissance.


Not much is known about Gerino except through his works and a few lines by Giorgio Vasari. Gerino was a pupil of Pietro Perugino and trained in his workshop. He traveled to Rome with Pinturicchio.[1]

The Courtauld Gallery was awarded a grant in 2011 to restore and study a surviving work of his Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Lawrence, John the Baptist, Monica and Augustine (1510) which was originally made for the church of Sant'Agostino in Sansepolcro.[2]

Some of his works include:


  1. ^ Guida di Pistoia per gli amanti delle belle arti con notizie, by Francesco Tolomei, 1821, page 176–177.
  2. ^ "Courtauld Gallery News update" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-08-12. Retrieved 2014-08-11.