List of prime ministers of Greece

This is a list of the heads of government of the modern Greek state, from its establishment during the Greek Revolution to the present day. Although various official and semi-official appellations were used during the early decades of independent statehood, the title of prime minister has been the formal designation of the office at least since 1843. On dates, Greece officially adopted the Gregorian calendar on 16 February 1923 (which became 1 March). All dates prior to that, unless specifically denoted, are Old Style.

Color key

First Hellenic Republic (1822–1833)

The heads of government of the provisional Greek state during the Greek War of Independence, and the subsequent Hellenic State.

Kingdom of Greece – Wittelsbach dynasty (1833–1862)

The heads of government during the period of the Wittelsbach dynasty.

Kingdom of Greece – Glücksburg dynasty (1863–1924)

The heads of government during the first period of the Glücksburg dynasty.

Second Hellenic Republic (1924–1935)

Kingdom of Greece – Glücksburg dynasty restored (1935–1974)

The heads of government during the second period of the Glücksburg dynasty, including the rival governments during the Second World War and the Civil War, as well as the 1967–74 military regime.

Third Hellenic Republic (1974–present)



Georgios KafantarisStylianos GonatasSotirios KrokidasAnastasios CharalambisNikolaos TriantafyllakosPetros ProtopapadakisNikolaos StratosSpyridon LambrosNikolaos KalogeropoulosStephanos SkouloudisDimitrios GounarisEleftherios VenizelosStephanos DragoumisKyriakoulis MavromichalisGeorgios TheotokisAlexandros ZaimisDimitrios RallisNikolaos DeligiannisSotirios SotiropoulosKonstantinos KonstantopoulosDimitrios ValvisTheodoros DeligiannisCharilaos TrikoupisThrasyvoulos ZaimisEpameinondas DeligeorgisAlexandros KoumoundourosBenizelos RoufosDiomidis KyriakosZinovios ValvisAristeidis MoraitinisGennaios KolokotronisAthanasios MiaoulisDimitrios VoulgarisAntonios KriezisKitsos TzavelasKonstantinos KanarisAndreas MetaxasOtto of GreeceIgnaz von RudhartJosef Ludwig von ArmanspergIoannis KolettisAlexandros MavrokordatosSpyridon TrikoupisAugustinos KapodistriasIoannis KapodistriasGeorgios MavromichalisAndreas ZaimisGeorgios KountouriotisPetros MavromichalisAlexandros Mavrokordatos


Kyriakos MitsotakisIoannis SarmasVassiliki Thanou-ChristophilouAlexis TsiprasAntonis SamarasPanagiotis PikrammenosLucas PapademosGeorge PapandreouKostas KaramanlisKonstantinos SimitisAndreas PapandreouKonstantinos MitsotakisXenophon ZolotasIoannis GrivasTzannis TzannetakisGeorgios RallisKons. KaramanlisAdamantios AndroutsopoulosSpyros MarkezinisGeorgios PapadopoulosConstantine KolliasIoannis ParaskevopoulosIlias TsirimokosGeorgios Athanasiadis-NovasStefanos StefanopoulosStylianos MavromichalisPanagiotis PipinelisKonstantinos DovasKonstantinos GeorgakopoulosKonstantinos KaramanlisAlexandros PapagosDimitrios KiousopoulosIoannis TheotokisAlexandros DiomidisDimitrios PartsalidisNikolaos ZachariadisMarkos VafeiadisDimitrios MaximosKonstantinos TsaldarisPanagiotis PoulitsasThemistoklis SofoulisPanagiotis KanellopoulosArchbishop DamaskinosPetros VoulgarisNikolaos PlastirasGeorgios PapandreouSophoklis VenizelosAlexandros SvolosEvripidis BakirtzisIoannis RallisKonstantinos LogothetopoulosGeorgios TsolakoglouEmmanouil TsouderosGeorge II of GreeceAlexandros KoryzisIoannis MetaxasKonstantinos DemertzisAlexandros OthonaiosPanagis TsaldarisEleftherios VenizelosAlexandros ZaimisGeorgios KondylisAthanasios EftaxiasTheodoros PangalosAndreas MichalakopoulosThemistoklis SophoulisAlexandros Papanastasiou

See also


First Hellenic Republic
Kingdom of Greece


  1. ^ There weren't any formal political parties then. According to Greek historian Grigorios Dafnis : " is not possible to talk about parties during the revolutionary period" («Υπό αυτούς τους όρους δεν είναι δυνατό να ομιλούμε περί κομμάτων κατά την περίοδο της επανάστασης και μέχρι της 3ης Σεπτεμβρίου 1843»). «Τα Ελληνικά Πολιτικά Κόμματα 1821–1961» Εκδ. Κάκτος, σελ. 190 (2020) Grigorios Dafnis: "Greek political parties 1821–1961", Athens:Kaktos, p.190
  2. ^ Koliopoulos, Ioannis S. (1976–1977). "Η στρατιωτική και πολιτική κρίση στην Ελλάδα τον Απρίλιο του 1941" [The Military and Political Crisis in Greece in April 1941] (PDF). Μνήμων (in Greek). 6: 53–74. doi:10.12681/mnimon.174.

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