Handover Gifts Museum of Macao

The Handover Gifts Museum of Macao (Chinese: 澳門回歸賀禮陳列館; Portuguese: Museu das Ofertas sobre a Transferência de Soberania de Macau) is a museum commemorating the transfer of sovereignty over Macau in Sé, Macau, China.


The construction of the museum started in March 2003 and was completed in October 2004. The museum was then officially opened on 30 December 2004.[1]


The museum is a three-story building. The first floor houses the museum's lobby, entrance and administrative offices . The second floor houses both the handover gifts exhibition gallery and the special exhibition gallery. The auditorium is located on the third floor.


The museum exhibits auspicious gifts given by the 56 ethnic groups of China to celebrate the establishment of the special administrative region of Macau.[2]

See also


  1. ^ "Handover Gifts Museum". Open House Macau. Retrieved 9 May 2022.
  2. ^ "Handover Gifts Museum of Macao". Macau Lifestyle. Retrieved 9 May 2022.

External links