Wikipedia:How to be civil

The owner of this backyard is politely asking neighbours to use an alternate footpath around their garden.

The editing atmosphere can be improved if we treat our fellow editors as respected colleagues who are working, in collaboration with us, on an important project. Pursue disputes in a respectful, civil manner, attempting to find an acceptable resolution quickly, with minimal disruption.

Advice regarding civility

Personally reducing the impact

These suggestions may help you maintain civility in the face of difficulties. Use common sense and personal preferences to choose an appropriate option, or create a solution that better suits the specific situation you find yourself in.

A medieval festival re-enactor gives a formal, and very civil apology

Why incivility is inappropriate

Incivility creates a hot, unfriendly space, and a sense of threat. With civility, respect and a sense of safety and collegiality between all concerned is created, producing ample room for negotiation. Incivility may put editors on the defensive, may create closed-mindedness to multiple, alternative ideas, and can help to prevent a consensus from forming.

A more serious consequence of incivility may be that an editor becomes so unhappy that they leave Wikipedia. Wikipedia is at heart an online community. To maintain the effectiveness of the community, all members must be civil to one another and remember why they have joined the community in the first place. Editors should strive to create an environment that supports other editors and that does not encourage or support breaches of incivility. All contributors are expected to assume good faith towards each other (within reason), in order to try to uphold a reasonably civil atmosphere.

Editors can apply peer pressure by voicing displeasure each time rudeness or incivility occurs; however, some care is required: If the comment is read as an insult, or seems to belittle another editor; the situation could be inflamed further. Peer pressure works best when it comes from friends or people the editor already trusts or respects.

Preventing incivility within Wikipedia

See also