Internet Architecture Board

The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) is a committee of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and an advisory body of the Internet Society (ISOC). Its responsibilities include architectural oversight of IETF activities, Internet Standards Process oversight and appeal, and the appointment of the Request for Comments (RFC) Editor. The IAB is also responsible for the management of the IETF protocol parameter registries.[1]


The body which eventually became the IAB was created originally by Vint Cerf in 1979 with the name Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB) while he was working at the United States Department of Defense's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In 1983, the ICCB was reorganized by Barry Leiner, Cerf's successor at DARPA, around a series of task forces considering different technical aspects of internetting. The re-organized group was named the Internet Activities Board.[2][3][4]

The IAB set for itself seven principal foci for the period of 1989 to 1990. These were namely:[5]

It finally became the Internet Architecture Board, under ISOC, in January 1992, as part of the Internet's transition from a U.S.-government entity to an international, public entity.


The IAB is responsible for:

In its work, the IAB strives to:


Activities of the IAB include:


Technical programs and administrative support groups

IAB appointments and confirmations


The IAB's current responsibilities include:[6]

RFC1087 – Ethics and the Internet and a rise to modernity

The IAB takes a formal stance on what constitutes proper use of the Internet in their 1989 memo, RFC 1087: “Ethics and the Internet.”[7] They introduce their contemporary version of the Internet, which at the time was in its nascent stages, serving primarily as a tool for communication of research in the scientific community, and identify the use of this internet as a “privilege.”

The IAB then proclaims as unethical any activity which:

This memo was written at a time during which the Internet existed in the general research milieu, but since that time the Internet has evolved greatly and expanded its user base. The IAB has accordingly taken new stances on ethical and secure Internet use, such as in RFC 8890, where the IAB identifies protecting end users as the first priority in their maintenance of the Internet.[8]

As such, though their core principles are the same, the IAB's priority for protection has shifted from the technical and scientific community to the community of day-to-day users. In another memo RFC7624, the IAB takes a firm stance against pervasive mass surveillance through the use of the Internet on the part of national intelligence agencies, saying that it is necessary that the Internet technical community, including itself, “address the vulnerabilities exploited [by mass surveillance campaigns] ensure that the Internet can be trusted by [its] users.”[9]

RFC 2850 - Charter of the Internet Architecture Board

RFC 2850 establishes the structure and purpose of the IAB. The RFC specifies the following:[10]

RFC 2026 - The Internet Standards Process

The Internet Standards process is an activity of the Internet Society that is organized and managed on behalf of the Internet community by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). The Internet Standards Process is concerned with all protocols, procedures, and conventions that are used in or by the Internet. The process of creating an Internet Standard is straightforward: a specification undergoes a period of development and several iterations of review by the Internet community and revision based upon experience, is adopted as a Standard by the appropriate body (either the IAB or the IESG), and is published. Each distinct version of an Internet standards-related specification is published as part of the "Request for Comments" (RFC) document series. This archival series is the official publication channel for Internet standards documents and other publications of the IESG, IAB, and Internet community. The complete Internet Standards Process is itself specified by an RFC, namely RFC 2026.[11]

RFC 8980 - Workshop on Design Expectations vs. Deployment Reality in Protocol Development

The RFC 8980 workshop was held in February 2021, where the IAB discussed several topics around security protocols, including:[12]

The workshop resulted in the following recommendations by the IAB:


The following people have served as chair of the IAB:[13]

Current members

Related organizations


  1. ^ "About | Internet Architecture Board".
  2. ^ "Status memo". Retrieved 2020-06-26.
  3. ^ Moschovitis, Christos J. P. (1999). History of the Internet: A Chronology, 1843 to the Present. ABC-CLIO. p. 104. ISBN 978-1-57607-118-2.
  4. ^ "Brief History of the Internet" (PDF). Internet Society. 1997. pp. 13–14.
  5. ^ G. Cerf, Vinton (May 1990). "RFC 1160 - Internet Activities Board". IETF. Retrieved 23 April 2021.
  6. ^ "IAB Job Description". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  7. ^ "RFC1087 – Ethics and the Internet". January 1989. Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  8. ^ Nottingham, Mark (August 2020). "RFC8890 – The Internet is for End Users". Retrieved 2021-04-22.
  9. ^ Barnes, Richard; Schneier, Bruce; Jennings, Cullen Fluffy; Hardie, Ted; Trammell, Brian; Huitema, Christian; Borkmann, Daniel (August 2015). "RFC7624 – Confidentiality in the Face of Pervasive Surveillance: A Threat Model and Problem Statement". Retrieved 2021-04-22.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Carpenter, Brian E. (May 2000). "RFC 2850 - Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)". Retrieved 2021-04-22.
  11. ^ Bradner, Scott O. (October 1996). "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3". Retrieved 2021-04-24.
  12. ^ "rfc8980" (PDF).
  13. ^ "History page from the IAB website". Retrieved 2017-06-30.
  14. ^ "Members | Internet Architecture Board". Retrieved 2021-04-26.
  15. ^ "IETF Administration LLC Page". Retrieved 2021-04-24.
  16. ^ "RFC Editor". Retrieved 2021-04-24.
  17. ^ "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority". Retrieved 2021-04-24.
  18. ^ "Internet Research Task Force". Retrieved 2021-04-24.
  19. ^ "IETF Trust". Retrieved 2021-04-24.
  20. ^ "Internet Society". Retrieved 2021-04-24.

Further reading

External links