Intime Department Store

Intime Department Store (sometimes transliterated as Yintai) is a chain of department stores with stores in Beijing, Zhejiang, Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Anhui.

Launch and ownership

Founded in 1998, Yintai Department Store opened its first store in Hangzhou, headquartered in Beijing. It is owned by Yintai Commercial Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong Stock Exchange:1833.HK), and is part of Alibaba Group.


External links


  1. ^ 銀泰今招股 獲中壽潘迪生入股 Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine 明報,2007年3月7日
  2. ^ 16億售內地四百貨店 收取股份 恒地入股銀泰7.7% Archived 2019-07-01 at the Wayback Machine 蘋果日報,2010年10月13日
  3. ^ 前主席股權減 馬雲鞏固銀泰大股東地位 Archived 2019-06-21 at the Wayback Machine 明報,2015年7月20日
  4. ^ Xiang Mei (2010-09-01). ""投资女侠"曾玉". Economic Observer. Retrieved 2019-06-04.