John O. Merritt

John O. Merritt was an expert in the applications of stereoscopic 3D displays and remote-presence systems.

He was a Fellow of SPIE[1] and co-chaired the annual SPIE/IS&T Conference on Stereoscopic Displays and Applications since co-founding it in 1990.[2] He taught, together with Andrew Woods, a short course on "Stereoscopic Display Application Issues" each year at the annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference. He also co-chaired the IS&T/SPIE 2002 Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology Symposium.[3]

He was the author of over 60 technical reports and papers in topics related to vision and simulation. Topics he worked on include telerobotics, medical imaging and military off-road mobility.

He was the Chief Technology Officer of The Merritt Group.

Merritt died in July 2021 at age 81.[4]

Published work

Merritt wrote, co-authored, and published many works across many fields of study. These include, but are not limited to:

See also


  1. ^ "John Merritt". Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  2. ^ "A video interview with John Merritt and Andrew Woods: Getting rid of ghosts in 3D display". Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  3. ^ "Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIII (2002)". Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  4. ^ "The Merritt Group". Retrieved 2023-11-29.

External links