Joseph Guo Jincai

Joseph Guo Jincai (Chinese: 郭金才; pinyin: Guō Jīncái; born February 1968) is a Chinese Catholic prelate who has served as Bishop of Chengde since 2010.[1] He is also vice-president of Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association and China Committee on Religion and Peace.[2][3] He was a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress.


Guo was born in Chengde, Hebei, in February 1968. He was illicitly made the Bishop of Chengde in 2010 by the Bishop of Yongping, Fang Jianping (Chinese: 方建平) that year. The consecration was made without consent of the pope and as a result, all involved were excommunicated latae sententiae. On December 9, 2010, Jincai was elected vice-president of Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association.[4]

On September 22, 2018, Pope Francis lifted the excommunication of Jincai and other six bishops previously appointed by the Chinese government without a pontifical mandate.[5][6]


  1. ^ 郭金才主教率团访问澳大利亚和新西兰圣经公会. (in Chinese). 2016-09-02. Archived from the original on 2018-09-29. Retrieved 2018-09-29.
  2. ^ “中宗和”副主席郭金才访问美国圣经公会. (in Chinese). 2012-11-01.
  3. ^ 郭金才主教接待德国天主教弗莱堡大教区大学生代表团. (in Chinese). 2015-08-20. Archived from the original on 2018-09-29. Retrieved 2018-09-29.
  4. ^ 郭金才主教应邀率团访问美国. (in Chinese). 2017-09-22. Archived from the original on 2018-09-29. Retrieved 2018-09-29.
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  6. ^