Karina Grömer

Karina Grömer (born 1974) is an Austrian archaeologist known for her contribution to the study of archaeological textiles. She is the head of the Department of Prehistory at the Natural History Museum Vienna in Austria.[1]

Education and career

Grömer studied prehistoric archaeology, anthropology, history and ethnology at the University of Vienna, Department of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology in Austria.[2] During her studies she was a member of excavation teams in Austria, France, Croatia and Poland, excavating settlements and cemeteries, covering a time-span between Neolithic and Roman Period. She is engaged with studies in material culture, especially Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age in Central and Eastern Central Europe. In her research methodology, she is working in an interdisciplinary research context to set artefacts into a wider chronological and supra-regional framework. Theoretical approaches used for her studies are about identity, innovation and creativity, functional design theory, visual coding, design concepts, sociological and semiotic studies.[citation needed]

In 2007 she wrote her doctoral thesis about the Bronze Age textile finds from Hallstatt (Bronzezeitliche Gewebefunde aus Hallstatt und die Entwicklung der Textiltechnologie zur Eisenzeit) and in 2019 her Habilitation at the University of Vienna in 2019 “Archaeological Textile Research - Technical, economic and social aspects of textile production and clothing from Neolithic to the Early Modern Era”.[3]

Since 2008 she has been working for international and interdisciplinary research projects at the Department of Prehistory at the Natural History Museum Vienna. Her current research focuses on the analysis of textiles from graves and salt-mines, covering a time span from 2000 BC to 1000 AD and a geographical area from Central Europe to Iran.[citation needed]

Grömer is a member of HEAS Team Leaders, HEAS is the Human Evolution and Archaeological Sciences Consortium in Austria[4] and Board Member of Council for Austrian Archaeology.[5]

Public outreach

In November 2020 she won the Austrian Science Slam[6] with the performance "Hallstatt It Girl with Soundeffect".[7]

She teaches at the University of Vienna, Institute for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology,[8][9] and acts as visiting lecturer at the University Cambridge (GB), University Southampton (GB) and the Mazaryk University Brno (CZ),[10] where she holds lectures about textile archaeology and experimental archaeology.

She is the author of 9 monographs (4 peer-reviewed), 14 edited volumes (7 peer-reviewed); 82 journal articles (46 peer-reviewed); 121 book chapters (59 peer-reviewed) and numerous miscellaneous publications including popular science.[11]

She is the main editor of four archaeological–anthropological periodicals in Austria (Archäologie Österreichs[12] (until 2010); Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien[13], Archäologie Online Hallstatt[14]; Prähistorische Forschungen Online[15]) and member of the editorial board of Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien[16] Serie A, Archaeological Textiles Review at the Centre for Textile Research Copenhagen.[17]

International research projects

Selected publications


  1. ^ "Naturhistorisches Museum Wien - Staff-Detail". Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.
  2. ^ "Department of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  3. ^ "Karina Grömer". Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie.
  4. ^ "Team Leaders Archive". HEAS (in German). 28 October 2021.
  5. ^ "Archäologischer Rat". Austrian Academy of Sciences.
  6. ^ "Science Slam Vienna / Wien / Österreich". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  7. ^ "Karina Grömer & Andrea Krapf: "Distancing in der Bronzezeit" (Science Slam Staatsmeisterinnen 2020)". YouTube. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  8. ^ "Mit Bescheid vom 24.10.2019, Zl/Habil 02/703/2018/19, hat das Rektorat der Universität WienFrau Mag. Dr. Karina Grömerauf Grund des Beschlusses der vom Senat eingesetzten Habilitationskommissiondie Lehrbefugnis für das Fach "Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie" erteilt" (PDF). Retrieved 25 January 2021.
  9. ^ "u:find - Karina Grömer". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  10. ^ "Studies at PANE | Department of Classical Studies". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  11. ^ "Karina Grömer | Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria -". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  12. ^ "ÖGUF - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte - Archäologie Österreichs". Archäologie Österreichs.
  13. ^ "Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien". Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien.
  14. ^ Kern, Grömer, Reschreiter, Kovarik. "Naturhistorisches Museum Wien - ArchOn Hallstatt". ArchOn Hallstatt - Archäologie Online Hallstatt.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. ^ Grömer, Kern. "Naturhistorisches Museum Wien - PF On". PF on - Prähistorische Forschungen Online.
  16. ^ "Naturhistorischen Museums Wien - Annalen". Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien.
  17. ^ "Archaeological Textiles Review - University of Copenhagen". Archaeological Textiles Review. 13 October 2011.
  18. ^ "Naturhistorisches Museum Wien - Textilforschung". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  19. ^ "Action CA19131 - COST". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  20. ^ "Gerda Henkel Stiftung". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  21. ^ "Creativity and Craft Production in Middle and Late Bronze Age Europe (CinBA)". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  22. ^ "Humanities in the European Research Area | HERA". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  23. ^ "Knowledge for Collections: Natural dyes". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  24. ^ "FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds". Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  25. ^ Grömer, Kern, Kroh (2018). Critical Assessment of Media Stations in the Permanent Exhibition of the Natural History Museum Vienna: Prehistory and Palaeontology. Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie. ISBN 978-3-200-06576-5.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  26. ^ "SessionDownload_digitalvsanalogue.pdf" (PDF). Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  27. ^ Grömer, Kern (2018). Artifacts: Treasures of the Millennia: A Guide through the Prehistoric Collection. Naturhistorisches Museum. ISBN 978-3903096110.
  28. ^ Grömer (2016). The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making – The development of craft traditions and clothing in Central Europe. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. ISBN 9783902421944.
  29. ^ Grömer, Pritchard (2015). Aspects of the Design, Production and Use of Textiles and Clothing from the Bronze Age to the Early Modern Era. Archaeolingua; Bilingual Edition. ISBN 978-9639911673.
  30. ^ Grömer, Karina (January 2014). "Römische Textilien in Noricum und Westpannonien - im Kontext der archäologischen Gewebefunde 2000 v. Chr. - 500 n. Chr. in Österreich (mit Beiträgen von Annette Paetz gen. Schieck, Eva Hölbling-Steigberger und Kordula Gostencnik) - Karina Grömer -". Römische Textilien in Noricum und Westpannonien - Im Kontext der Archäologischen Gewebefunde 2000 V. CHR. - 500 N. CHR. In Österreich (Mit Beiträgen von Annette Paetz Gen. Schieck, Eva Hölbling-Steigberger und Kordula Gostencnik). Austria Antiqua 5, 171-179 mit Katalog (Auszug). Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  31. ^ Gromer, Kern, Reschreiter, Rösel-Mautendorfer (2013). Textiles from Hallstatt: Weaving Culture in Bronze Age and Iron Age Salt Mines. Archaeolingua; Bilingual Edition. ISBN 978-9639911468.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  32. ^ Grömer (2010). Prähistorische Textilkunst in Mitteleuropa. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. ISBN 9783902421500.

External links