Karmazinai Hillfort

The Karmazinai mound (also called Viršupis) is a hill fort (piliakalnis) in Vilnius district municipality, Lithuania. It is situated about 0.8 km northwest of the Karmazinai village, 40 m from the right bank of the Dūkšta River [lt], close to its confluence with Neris.[1][2] The Karmazinai burial mound [lt] is located some 1.8 km southeast of the hillfort, about 0.3 km northeast of the village, about 0.2 km northeast of the right bank of the Neris, in the forest.[3]

Karmazinai hillfort mound

See also


  1. ^ "Karmazinų pilkapyno tyrinėjimai 1997 metais" ("1997 Exploration of Karmazinai Tumuli") by Gintautas Vėlius [lt] (in Lithuanian)
  2. ^ Karmazinai Hill Fort
  3. ^ Gintautas Vēlius, Karmazinų pilkapyno tyrinėjimai 1997 metais