Lambert Ferri

Lambert Ferri (fl. c. 1250–1300) was a trouvère and cleric at the Benedictine monastery at Saint-Léonard, Pas-de-Calais. By 1268 he was a canon and a deacon of the monastery; he is last associated with the monastery in 1282.

He was a popular partner for jeux partis, of which some twenty-seven survive between him and other composers, including Jehan Bretel, Jehan le Cuvelier d'Arras, Jehan de Grieviler, Jehan de Marli, Phelipot Verdiere, Robert Casnois, and Robert de La Pierre.[1] Eleven of his songs have surviving melodies, including seven of the jeux partis, three chansons, and one Marian serventois.

Table of extant songs



  1. ^ Michelle F. Stewart (1979), "The Melodic Structure of Thirteenth-Century Jeux-Partis," Acta Musicologica, 51(1), 86–107.
  2. ^ There are two songs between Lambert and Bretel with this incipit.