List of Masjids in Mandalay

West Kone Yoe Central Mosque in Mandalay
Panthay Mosque (清真寺, Qingzhensi) in Mandalay serves the Panthay community

List of Masjids in Mandalay.[1] During Pagan Min reign, Mindon Prince and brother Ka Naung Prince run away with their servants to Shwe Bo and started a rebellion. U Bo and U Yuet were the two Muslims who accompanied the princes. Some Kala Pyo Burmese Muslim artillery soldiers followed them.[2]

In the Royal Defence Army, many Cannon-crew members were Kindar Kala Pyos and Myedu Muslims.[3] Captain Min Htin Min Yazar’s 400 Muslims participated to clear the land for building a new Mandalay city. Kabul Maulavi was appointed an Islamic Judge by King Mindon to decide according to the Islamic rules and customs on Muslim affairs. Burmese Muslims were given specific quarters to settle in the new city of Mandalay[4]King Mindon donated his palace teak pillars to build a mosque at North Obo in central Mandalay. His Majesty also permitted a mosque to be built on the granted site for the Panthays Burmese Chinese Muslims.[5] Inside the Palace wall, for the Royal Body Guards, King Mindon himself donated and started the building of the Mosque by laying the Gold foundation at the South-eastern part of the Palace located near the present Independent Monument. This Mosque was called the Shwe Pannet Mosque. That mosque was destroyed by the British to build the Polo playground. The King donated the rest house in Mecca for his Muslim subjects performing Hajj.

Aung Mye Tharzan Township[6]

Chan Aye Tharzan Township [7]

Maha Aung Myae Township [8]

Early Masjids in Mandalay, Pyigyi Tagun Township, period of Amarapura

Approved by the Burmese Kings and Hluttaw or Parliament [9]

Chan Mya Tharzi Township, Amarapura Period Masjids [10]

See also


  1. ^ Mandalay Prophet’s day Diamond Jubilee Magazine, pp 82, 84, 85, 86 & 87, “Islamic History Catalogue of Mandalay Radanabon (Mahar Prophet day Diamond Jubilee and anticipation to 150th. Anniversary of Mandalay)” by Maung Maung Gyi (Man) [History Researcher]
  2. ^ Konbaung Dynasty Royal History Vol. 3. Page 139.
  3. ^ U Maung Maung Tin’s Burmese Kings’ Royal Articles, page 66-71-72.
  4. ^ The “Twentieth Anniversary Special Edition of Islam Damma Beikman.” Myanmar Pyi and Islamic religion. The reprint of the records of the lectures given by Pathi U Ko Lay in 1973. from page 109,110 and 111.
  5. ^ The Emergence Of The Panthay Community At Mandalay, by Professor U Maung Maung Lay.
  6. ^ Maung Maung Gyi page 84
  7. ^ Maung Maung Gyi page 85
  8. ^ Maung Maung Gyi page 86first table
  9. ^ Maung Maung Gyi page 86 second table
  10. ^ Maung Maung Gyi page 87