List of cities and towns in Latvia

Cities and towns in Latvia

There are 10 cities (Latvian: valstspilsēta, "state city", pl. valstspilsētas) and 71 towns (Latvian: novada pilsēta, "municipality town", pl. novada pilsētas) in Latvia.

By Latvian law, towns are settlements that are centers of culture and commerce with a well-developed architectural infrastructure and street grid, and have at least 2,000 residents. A settlement can still be designated a town if it has fewer residents, but fulfills all other requirements (or has been a historic town).

To become a city, a town must typically have at least 25,000 residents. Additionally, cities should have a well-developed commercial district, transport, public utilities, social infrastructure, and be a significant center of culture. However, these requirements may be disregarded if there is sufficient population.[1]

In 2020, an agreement was reached in Latvian parliament, Saeima, to rename the previous nine "republic" cities with the new title of "state city" (valstspilsēta). It was at this time that a tenth state city, Ogre (formerly a town), was added to the list.[2]

The 7 largest state cities have their own local governance independent of any municipalities, whereas the smallest 3 (Jēkabpils, Ogre and Valmiera) belong to their wider corresponding municipalities.[3]

State cities



See also


  1. ^ a b Law On Administrative Territories and Populated Areas
  2. ^ "Vienojas par desmit valstspilsētām". LA.LV (in Latvian). Retrieved 2023-10-07.
  3. ^ "Levits izsludina Administratīvi teritoriālās reformas likumu". Sabiedrība un politika (in Latvian). 2020-06-22. Retrieved 2023-10-07.
  4. ^ a b "Latvijas iedzīvotāju skaits pašvaldībās" (PDF). Centrālās statistikas pārvaldes datubāzes (in Latvian). Retrieved 2019-10-25.
  5. ^ a b "Iedzīvotāju skaits un tā izmaiņas statistiskajos reģionos, republikas pilsētās, novadu pilsētās un novados". Centrālās statistikas pārvaldes datubāzes (in Latvian). Retrieved 2019-06-16.
  6. ^ a b "Population in cities, towns and counties". Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Retrieved 2024-07-08.

External links