List of Zhou dynasty states

States during the Spring and Autumn period

The following ancient Chinese states were parts of the geopolitical milieu during the Zhou dynasty of early China, during one or more of its main chronological subdivisions: the Western Zhou period, Spring and Autumn period, and Warring States period. Listed below are the names of various polities, the aristocratic houses and lineages of their ruling families, locations relative to modern Chinese geography, noble titles of the rulers, start and end years, and conquerors.

Zhou royal family

States during the Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn periods (1046–403 BCE)

Main States

Vassal states within the capital region (畿内) or fiefs granted to the aristocratic families during the Zhou dynasty

States located in present Henan province

In Shaanxi province

In Shanxi province

In Shandong Province

In Hubei Province

In Chongqing

In Sichuan Province

In Anhui Province

In Jiangsu Province

In Hebei Province

In Liaoning Province

In Korean Peninsula

Tribes or states outside the vassalage of the Zhou Dynasty

States during the Warring States period (403 BCE – 221 BCE)

Main States

Other States

See also


  1. ^ a b c 《史記·秦本纪》:「蜚廉惡來。... 蜚廉復有子曰季勝。...繆王以趙城封造父,造父族由此為趙氏。自蜚廉生季勝已下五世至造父,別居趙。...惡來革者,蜚廉子也,蚤死。有子曰女防。女防生旁皋,旁皋生太幾,太幾生大駱,大駱生非子。以造父之寵,皆蒙趙城,姓趙氏。非子居犬丘,好馬及畜,善養息之。犬丘人言之周孝王,孝王召使主馬于汧渭之間,馬大蕃息。...於是孝王曰:「昔伯翳為舜主畜,畜多息,故有土,賜姓嬴。今其後世亦為朕息馬,朕其分土為附庸。」邑之秦,使復續嬴氏祀,號曰秦嬴。
  2. ^ 《左傳·莊公二十八 BCE》:「晉伐驪戎,驪戎男女以驪姬。」
  3. ^ 《山海經·大荒北經》:「大荒之中,有山名曰融父山,順水入焉。有人名曰犬戎。黃帝生苗龍,苗龍生融吾,融吾生弄明,弄明生白犬,白犬有牝牡,是為犬戎,肉食。」
  4. ^ 皇甫谧《帝王世纪》:「先世造父之为穆王御,有功,封之于赵城,国为赵氏也。与简子同祖,嬴姓也。」