Michel II Government

Composition in the Chamber of Representatives

The Michel II Government was the Federal Government of Belgium, led by Prime Minister Charles Michel from 18 December 2018 until 27 October 2019 when it was succeeded by the Wilmès I Government. It was a centre minority coalition cabinet of Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD&V), the Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open Vld) and the Reformist Movement (MR). On 26 October 2019, it was announced that Sophie Wilmès would take over the role of Prime Minister from Michel on 1 November 2019, and form a new government.[1]


The government came into existence on 9 December 2018 following the exit of New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) from the Michel I Government. As the Prime Minister did not offer the government's resignation to the King until the 18th, it is constitutionally still the same government as the one that started in 2014, albeit a heavily reshuffled government following the resignation of all N-VA ministers and secretaries of state.[2] Politically, however, it is in an entirely different situation, as it has no support from N-VA and thus operates as a new government.

On 10 December, several parties had called for the government to propose a motion of confidence.[3][4]

Michel attempted to continue with the minority cabinet with support from the centre-left opposition, who instead announced on 18 December that they would submit a motion of no confidence against the cabinet.[5]

On 18 December, Premier Michel offered his resignation to King Philippe.[5][6]

On 20 December, the Chamber of Representatives almost unanimously voted a draft budget to enable provisional spending for the first three months of 2019 based on the 2018 budget.[7][8]

The King accepted Michel's resignation on 21 December after consulting party leaders.[9] The outgoing cabinet continues governing as a caretaker government, likely until after the European Parliament, Belgian regional and federal elections of 26 May 2019.[10]

On 2 July 2019, Prime Minister Charles Michel was elected to become the next President of the European Council as from 1 December 2019.[11] With no new government formed, Sophie Wilmès was appointed to take over the role of Prime Minister from 27 October 2019, to allow Charles Michel sufficient time to prepare for his role as President of the European Council.[1]


Changes in composition


  1. ^ a b "Sophie Wilmès (MR) wordt nieuwe premier in lopende zaken: "Alles aan doen om de stabiliteit te verzekeren"" [Sophie Wilmès (MR) to become new Prime Minister of caretaker cabinet: "Give it all to ensure stability"] (in Dutch). 26 October 2019. Retrieved 27 October 2019.
  2. ^ "Grondwetsspecialisten zijn formeel: "Juridisch gezien is dit geen nieuwe regering en is er dus geen probleem"". Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch). 10 December 2018. Retrieved 10 December 2018.
  3. ^ "N-VA, SP.A, Groen en Vlaams Belang vragen een vertrouwensstemming in het parlement". (in Dutch). VRT. 10 December 2018. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  4. ^ "Wat is een vertrouwensstemming en moet de regering het vertrouwen van het parlement vragen?". (in Dutch). VRT. 10 December 2018.
  5. ^ a b "Michel dient ontslag regering in na groen-rode motie van wantrouwen" (in Dutch). De Morgen. 18 December 2018. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  6. ^ "Herlees: Koning houdt ontslag regering in beraad, "Beste scenario om te ontsnappen aan vervroegde verkiezingen"". (in Dutch). 18 December 2018. Retrieved 19 December 2018.
  7. ^ "Politieke crisis: Kamer keurt noodbegroting goed". Knack (in Dutch). 20 December 2018. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  8. ^ "Kamer keurt 'noodbegroting' goed". De Standaard (in Dutch). 20 December 2018. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  9. ^ "Koning zet consultaties ook morgen nog verder: geen gesprek met Vlaams Belang". Het Laatste Nieuws (in Dutch). 20 December 2018. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  10. ^ "Koning Filip aanvaardt ontslag regering-Michel, regering in lopende zaken en geen vervroegde verkiezingen" (in Dutch). De Morgen. 21 December 2018. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  11. ^ "Wat met de federale regering en de MR nu Michel Europees president wordt?" [What will happen to federal government and MR with Michel becoming European president?] (in Dutch). De Morgen. 2 July 2019. Retrieved 15 August 2019.
  12. ^ "Kris Peeters (CD&V) biedt ontslag aan bij premier Michel en kiest nu voluit voor het Europees Parlement" [Kris Peeters (CD&V) offers resignation to prime minister Michel and chooses European Parliament].
  13. ^ "Wouter Beke replaces Kris Peeters in federal government" [Wouter Beke vervangt Kris Peeters in de federale regering].
  14. ^ "CD&V-Kamerlid Nathalie Muylle vervangt Wouter Beke in de federale regering" [CD&V Chamber of Representatives member Nathalie Muylle replaces Wouter Beke in Federal Government].