Ministry of Construction, Spatial Planning and State Property

The ministry of Construction, Spatial Planning and State Property of the Republic of Croatia (Croatian: Ministarstvo graditeljstva, prostornog uređenja i državne imovine) is the ministry in the Government of Croatia which is in charge of construction.

The total amount of budget funds allocated to the combined Ministry Construction and the Ministry of the Environment was 699 million HRK as of 2014 (ca. 90 million EUR).

The government agencies in the jurisdiction of the Ministry have included:[3]

List of ministers

Ministers of Construction and Physical Planning (1990–2020)

Ministers of Construction, Spatial Planning and State Property (2020–present)


nb 1. ^ Served as Minister of Construction, Housing-Communal Works, and Protection of Human Environment
nb 2. ^ Served as Minister of Environment, Physical Planning and Construction
nb 3. ^ Served as Minister of Construction and Environment
nb 4. ^ Served as Minister of Physical Planning, Construction and Housing
nb 5. ^ Served as Minister of Public Works, Construction and Reconstruction
nb 6. ^ Served as Minister of Environment Protection, Spatial Planning and Construction

See also


  1. ^ Blažević, Robert (2015): Upravna znanost, p. 284. ISBN 9789538034039
    "...(on day 19. February 2015)."
  2. ^ "Odluka o proglašenju državnog proračuna Republike Hrvatske za 2014. godinu i projekcije za 2015. i 2016. godinu - II. Posebni dio" (PDF). Narodne novine (in Croatian) (152). 17 December 2013. Retrieved 6 October 2014.
  3. ^ "Državni proračun 2010. - Republika Hrvatska - Ministarstvo financija". 2010-08-31. Retrieved 2013-05-16.

External links