Ministry of Defense (Mongolia)

The Ministry of Defence of Mongolia (Mongolian: Монгол Улсын Батлан хамгаалах яам) is a ministry of the Government of Mongolia. According to the Law on the Defence of Mongolia, the Ministry is responsible for developing Defence Policy, coordinating its political, economic, social, legal and military implementation, and exercise civilian control over the Mongolian Armed Forces.[3] The current Minister Gürsediin Saikhanbayar was appointed in July 2020.

The ministry has the following leadership structure:

According to the Law on the Armed forces, the General Staff of the Mongolian Armed Forces is the professional managing body and the headquarters for the Mongolian Armed Forces and operates under the policies approved by the Ministry of Defence. The policies are also approved by the Government cabinet and the Parliament "Ikh Khural" of Mongolia. [4]


On 29 December 1911, Mongolia gained independence from the Manchu Empire, and established its first five ministries. One of the ministries was the Ministry of Military Affairs, which was one of the predecessors to the Ministry of Defence.[5][6]

Since then, it has operated under the following names:

Ministry structure

The ministry has the following structure:[7]

Subordinate institutions/units

The following units/institutions are under the direct command of the Ministry of Defence:[8]

List of ministers of defence

Tserendash Tsolmon with Sergei Shoigu.

Since July 1996, the ministry has been led by a civilian official.

Bogd Khanate

Mongolian People's Republic

Modern era


  1. ^ "ШИЛЭН ДАНС". Retrieved 8 April 2024.
  2. ^ "БАТЛАН ХАМГААЛАХЫН САЙД ГҮРСЭДИЙН САЙХАНБАЯР" (in Mongolian). Ministry of Defense. 16 June 2022. Retrieved 6 July 2023.
  3. ^ "Монгол Улсын Батлан Хамгаалах Тухай".
  4. ^ "Зэвсэгт Хүчний Тухай".
  5. ^ "Mongolia Ministry of Defense".
  6. ^ "Нүүр". 16 June 2022.
  7. ^ "Монгол Улсын Батлан хамгаалах яам | Монгол улсын төлөө зүтгэе". 16 June 2022.
  8. ^ "Нүүр". 16 June 2022.
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  17. ^ "Keesing's Record of World Events". 1990.
  18. ^ "Daily Report: Soviet Union. 1990:July 13th". July 1990.
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  20. ^ "Chiefs of State and Cabinet members of foreign governments /National Foreign Assessment Center". 2003.
  21. ^ "State Great Khural Resolution No.24 of 2005. About the apointment of members of the Government of Mongolia". 14 April 2024.
  22. ^ "State Great Khural Resolution No.17 of 2006. About the apointment of members of the Government of Mongolia". 14 April 2024.
  23. ^ "State Great Khural Resolution No.91 of 2007. About dismissal of certain members of the Government from their duties". 14 April 2024.
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