Ministry of Industrial Policy (Ukraine)

The Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Міністерство промислової політики України) is a former government ministry of Ukraine; it was the main body in the system of central bodies of the executive power. It was created from the former Ministry of Economy and initially was created as Ministry of Machinebuilding, Military-Industrial Complex and Conversion in 1996 and merged with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in March 2014 with headquarters in Kyiv.[1]

Sectors of industry


List of ministers of industrial policy

See also


  1. ^ Cabinet decides to unite Industrial Policy Ministry and Economy Ministry, Kyiv Post (March 28, 2014)
  2. ^ Regulations on Ministry of Machinebuilding, Military-Industrial Complex and Conversion.
  3. ^ Regulations on Ministry of Industrial Policy.
  4. ^ Regulations on State Committee of Industrial Policy.
  5. ^ Regulations on Ministry of Industrial Policy.
  6. ^ Regulations on State Agency in Management of State Corporation Rights and Property.
  7. ^ About Ministry of Economical Development and Trade.

External links