Movement of Professionals "Hope"

Movement of Professionals "Hope" (Romanian: Mișcarea profeșionistilor "Speranța-Nadejda", MPSN) was a political party in Moldova led by Vladimir Florea.[1]


Registered on 30 April 1997,[1] the party joined the Social Democratic Bloc "Hope" alliance to contest the 1998 elections. However, the alliance received just 1.31% of the vote and failed to win a seat.[2]

Prior to the 2001 elections the party joined the Braghiş Alliance. The Alliance won 19 seats, one of which was taken by the MPSN's Vitalis Mrug.[3]

Following the 2003 local elections, in which the MPSN won just 21 seats and three mayoralties across the country, the party did not contest any further elections.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Mişcarea Profesioniştilor “Speranţa-Надежда” (MPSN) eDemocracy
  2. ^ Blocul electoral “Blocul Social-Democrat Speranţa” (BSDS) eDemocracy
  3. ^ List of Deputies elected on 25 February 2001 in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova eDemocracy