
You have reached the Wikipedia User page of Neezes (formerly known as Lord Spring Onion), contributing and editing here since 2007. To leave a message for me, please visit my talk page.

Currently due to blogging, creative writing, work & family commitments I am not very active on wikipedia.

I maintain a blog at which focuses on psychology.

About me

I am a human whose interests include Psychology, language, the geography of this planet, folk rock music, creative writing (especially the art and craft of the short story), idealism, weird and wonderful things (a.k.a. surrealism), astronomy, good food, and politics - especially the plight of disadvantaged and oppressed people around the world. My hobbies include painting, running and reading.

Working with draft pages

A draft page is easily created within your own user space. Simply put a link to "User: Your_user_name/Subpage_name" on your user page, save, then click the link.

If you want to delete a page in your own user space, put {{db|page in my own user space}} at the top of that page. Deletion will take a little time.

Current projects

I have been working on pages for several locations in Scotland.

I have joined Wikipedia:WikiProject Psychology and Wikipedia:WikiProject Education - that is where my academic background lies, so I aim to contribute what I can. Currently I am looking to improve the articles on prejudice and study skills.

My 'testing zone' is at User:Neezes/draft

Long-term aims

I will work on my areas of interest and knowledge, especially where wikis seem limited or incomplete. One day would like to develop pages relating to my ancestral homeland Orkney, but first I will need a return trip to update my knowledge!

Books - some great authors and titles are languishing as stubs! I'd like to develop some of these, and cut out some of the self-promotion type author articles with dubious notability.


Other wikimedia and internet

As well as wikipedia, I spend some time on wikibooks and wikiversity, and as a teacher I would love to see both of these resources become as well-developed as wikipedia is.