SS Panzer Division order of battle

An SS Panzer Division (German: SS-Panzerdivision, short: SS-PzDiv) was a Waffen-SS formation during World War II. The table below shows the order of battle to which an SS panzer division aspired.[1]

The 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend was organized according to the above table, and served as a standard for all other SS panzer divisions during World War II. The average complement was approximately 19,000. However, only two out of seven SS panzer divisions contained that strength. In the second half of the war in Europe, in particular close to the end of war, some divisions achieved only the complement of regiment sized units.

See also


  1. ^ Willamson, Gordon (1994). The SS Hitler´s Instrument of the Power; appendix, p. 249, "Organisation of a SS Panzer Division", Brown Packaging Books Ltd., London.
  2. ^ MILITÄRISCHES STUDIENGLOSAR ENGLISCH Teil II/ Teil III, Deutsch – Englisch, Abkürzung Begriff, Bundessprachenamt (Stand Januar 2001).
  3. ^ Official designation as to "Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv" in Freiburg im Breisgau, stores of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS.