Powstanie Warszawskie (album)

Powstanie Warszawskie (Polish for "Warsaw Uprising") is a second studio album released in March 2005 by Polish band Lao Che. It consists of 10 songs illustrating the course of 1944 uprising in Warsaw, Poland. The album received many prestigious nominations and awards:

Track listing

Titles in brackets are translated from Polish.

  1. "1939 / Przed Burzą" (1939 / Before the Storm)
  2. "Godzina W" (W-Hour)
  3. "Barykada" (Barricade)
  4. "Zrzuty" (Airdrops)
  5. "Stare Miasto" (Old Town)
  6. "Przebicie do Śródmieścia" (Breakout to the City Center)
  7. "Czerniaków"
  8. "Hitlerowcy" (Hitlerites)
  9. "Kanały" (Sewers)
  10. "Koniec" (The End)


  1. ^ Sankowski, Robert (28 December 2005). "Podsumowanie roku 2005 w polskiej muzyce". Gazeta Wyborcza (in Polish). Retrieved 2007-02-26.
  2. ^ "Płyty roku 2005" (in Polish). Przekrój. Retrieved 2007-02-26.

External links