Public holidays in Slovenia

There are two kinds of public holidays in Sloveniastate holidays and work-free days. State holidays are those celebrated by the state. These include official functions and flying the national flag. The latter are actually Catholic religious holidays, which are equivalent to any Sunday: companies and schools are closed, but there is no official celebration.

9 of 14 state holiday days are work-free, and there are additional 6 work-free days in Slovenia.[1] Two of them always fall on Sunday, thus, there are effectively at most 13 work-free days in Slovenia.

State holidays that are work-free are shown in pale green, while work-free days that are not state holidays (coinciding with Catholic religious holidays) are shown in blue.


Other holidays

In addition to these, several other holidays are traditionally and popularly celebrated by the people of Slovenia, although not being work-free. The best known are:

See also


  1. ^ "Državni prazniki in dela prosti dnevi" [National holidays]. Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za komuniciranje (in Slovenian). Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za komuniciranje. 25 November 2019.
  2. ^ "DZ sprejel varčevalne ukrepe" [The National Assembly Passes Austerity Measures]. Krizno ogledalo (in Slovenian). Slovenian Press Agency. 12 May 2012. Archived from the original on 18 April 2013.
  3. ^ a b c "Odprava praznikov je poseg v socialne pravice" [The Abolishment of Holidays is an Intervention into Social Rights]. (in Slovenian). 30 April 2012.
  4. ^ "Poslanci odločili: 2. januarja bomo spet lahko ostali doma", MMC RTV Slovenija (in Slovenian)
  5. ^ Naglič, Miha (3 February 2008). "Prešernov dan" [Prešeren Day]. Gorenjski glas (in Slovenian). GG Plus. Archived from the original on 24 December 2012.
  6. ^ "Za ene veliki šmaren, za druge prost dan" [The Assumption Day for Ones, the Free Day for Others]. Slovenske novice (in Slovenian). 14 August 2011.
  7. ^ "Reformation Day in Slovenia in 2022". Office Retrieved 8 December 2021.
  8. ^ "Zakaj je danes dela prost dan?" [Why Is Today a Work-Free Day?]. Slovenske novice (in Slovenian). 31 October 2011.
  9. ^ "1. november – dan, ki velja za praznik zmagoslavja in veselja" [1 November – the Day Which Is Seen as the Holiday of Triumph and Joy]. MMC RTV Slovenija (in Slovenian). RTV Slovenija.

External links