Solorina saccata

Solorina saccata, commonly called chocolate chip lichen, is a lichen growing on calcareous rocks, usually in crevices and always in sheltered conditions. It is found from the mediterranean mountains up to the arctic. It differs from other alpine Solorina-species by the four two-cell spores in the asci.[1]


It belongs to the genus Solorina of the family Peltigeraceae. It is also confused with Solorina simensis (Hochst. ex Flotow) in spore ornamentation and chemical properties as well as in its mainly plane apothecia and blue-green photobiont.[2]


  1. ^ J. Poelt Bestimmungsschlüssel europäischer Flechten. J. Cramer Publ., Vaduz 1974
  2. ^ Krog, Hildur; Swinscow, T. D. V. (1986). "Solorina simensis and S. saccata". The Lichenologist. 18 (1): 57–62. doi:10.1017/S0024282986000075.