Sri Aman Division

Sri Aman Division is one of the twelve administrative divisions in Sarawak, Malaysia. Formerly part of the Second Division, which included Betong, Sri Aman Division has a total area of 5,466.7 square kilometres. It was formerly known as Simanggang District.

Sri Aman Division contains two administrative districts: Sri Aman and Lubok Antu. The total population is 93,379. The population is generally culturally mixed, with Iban, Malay and Chinese predominating.

The economy of the division is mostly agricultural. Sri Aman Division is in the largest farming area of Sarawak.

The Division also contains the Batang Ai National Park and the Maludam National Park, and tourism, especially ecotourism, and cultural tourism to the Iban longhouses is an important part of the local economy.


The Second Division of Sarawak was established on 1 June 1873. It was later renamed to Simanggang Division. The Division was renamed to Sri Aman Division in March 1974.

Sri Aman Division was originally made up of four districts, which were Sri Aman, Lubok Antu, Betong, and Saratok together with 9 smaller districts including Pantu, Lingga, Maludam, Engkilili, Spaoh, Debak, Pusa and Roban.

After the establishment of Betong Division on 26 March 2002, Sri Aman Division comprises only 2 districts and 3 smaller districts, which were Sri Aman and Lubok Antu Districts whereas the smaller districts covers Engkilili, Lingga and Pantu.


The land area of the division is 5,466.25 km2 and the population is around 90,000 people. The division's main economy source is agriculture, with palm oil, padi, pepper and cocoa being the main crops.

Members of Parliament

Resident's Roll of Honor

Below is the Resident of Sri Aman Roll of Honor, dating back to its formation in 1869:


  1. ^ "Laporan Kiraan Permulaan 2010". Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia. p. iv. Archived from the original on 27 December 2010. Retrieved 24 January 2011.

External links