The Wild and the Free

The Wild and the Free is a 1980 American family adventure comedy television film directed by James Hill and starring Granville Van Dusen, Linda Gray, Frank Logan, Raymond Forchion, Sharon Anderson, and Bill Gribble. It was broadcast on CBS as The CBS Wednesday Night Movie on November 26, 1980.[1][2][3]


Two animal researchers specializing in chimpanzees clash when one from a staid American university campus brings his bunch of laboratory household trained chimps into the wilds of Africa and meet the other researcher's wild chimps who is studying their behaviour in the wild. As good luck would have it, both groups of chimpanzees coalesce into a single group. This proves vital when both researchers and the chimpanzees have to stop the illegal activities of a wildlife poacher.



  1. ^ "The Wild and the Free". Archived from the original on August 4, 2018. Retrieved 4 August 2018.
  2. ^ "The Wild and the Free". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved 4 August 2018.
  3. ^ "The Wild and the Free". Retrieved 4 August 2018.

External links