Valpy FitzGerald

Valpy FitzGerald (aka E. V. K. FitzGerald) is a British development economist and emeritus professor of International Development Finance at the Oxford Department of International Development. His research focus has been on international finance and taxation, income inequality, Kaleckian macroeconomics, and Latin America. He is the son of the noted author Penelope Fitzgerald.[1]

Academic service and awards

Selected publications


  1. ^ Toye, J. (2017). Valpy FitzGerald: radical macroeconomist of development. Oxford Development Studies, 45(2), 116–124.
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  4. ^ Kemal, A. R. (1979). [Review of Public Sector Investment Planning for Developing Countries, by E. V. K. FitzGerald]. The Pakistan Development Review, 18(2), 187–189.
  5. ^ Parker HR (1979) Fitzgerald, E. V. K. "Public Sector Investment Planning for Developing Countries" (Book Review) Third World Planning Review Volume 1, Number 2