Venatrix furcillata

Venatrix furcillata, one of the wolf spiders, is a mid sized spider found in eastern Australia. The body length of the female is up to 13 mm, the male 9 mm. The abdomen has distinctive tapering markings. Sometimes noted in suburban gardens and lawns. It lives in a simple burrow, but may be seen migrating in large numbers to a communal web, an unusual feature for wolf spiders. The grey coloured spherical egg sac is around 6 mm in diameter, carried by the female. Eggs are 45 to 60 in number, 0.8 mm in diameter. Prey is ground dwelling insects.[1][2][3][4] The spider has been identified as occurring in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria.

See also


  1. ^ Australian Spiders in Colour - Ramon Mascord. 1970 SBN 589 07065 7, page 108
  2. ^ Ron Atkinson. "Wolf Spider". Retrieved February 9, 2020.
  3. ^ "Venatrix furcillata (L. Koch, 1867)". Atlas of Living Australia. Retrieved February 9, 2020.
  4. ^ Volker W. Framenau. "Venatrix furcillata (L. Koch, 1867)". Retrieved February 9, 2020.