Wikipedia:Department of Fun

There is no Cabal
The official symbol for Humor on Wikipedia

The Department of Fun is dedicated to providing the Wikipedia community, both young and old editors, with humour to encourage them to stay at Wikipedia, indirectly improving the encyclopedia. Below, you can find links to fun pages or fun things to do, other Wikipedian Associations, and a list of members who help with the creation and upkeep of entertaining or fun pages.

Please, if you have ideas for activities or competitions, do not hesitate to post them to the discussion page or join the Department of Fun. And above all, enjoy yourself! No whats or buts.

News and Alerts

Article alerts

Templates for discussion

Miscellany for deletion

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If there is any work that needs to be done please post a task and the Department of Fun will see that it is dealt with.
Add new tasks to the bottom of the To Do List, by "Editing" this section. Use an asterisk, followed by your Task Description.
Replies require a colon, not a small intestine. Template:Done not required, but encouraged. Sign with four tildes~~~~.
This Section Is NOT For General Discussion.

Quality and importance assessment


Project Template

Advertisements for talk pages

Add an ad to your posts on talk pages.
(Remember, always sign & date posts by adding four tildes: ~~~~)!!! – click "show" to see ads

{{wikipedia ads|ad=25}}~~~~

{{wikipedia ads|ad=20}}~~~~

{{wikipedia ads|ad=217}}~~~~

{{wikipedia ads|ad=220}}~~~~

Add a Smile to your posts on talk pages. – click "show" to see Smiles
  • {{subst:Smile}}

  • {{subst:Smile|[[User:Example User]]}}

  • {{subst:Smile|~~~}}

  • {{subst:Smile|[[User:Example User]]|~~~~}}

  • {{subst:Smile|~~~|~~~~}}

Navigation Boxes


{{Wikipedia fauna}}

{{WikiLove templates}}

{{Word Association}}



Article or Policy Guideline templates



{{humorous essay}}

Member userbox templates

See Template:Userboxtop for grouping multiple userboxes.

Templates for user pages

You can use the following humorous templates on your user page – click "show" to view

{{User:Pier Snake/Fun}}

{{User:Listroiderbob/Snazz line}}

This user has a snazzy line at the top of their userpage ↗

{{User:Pier Snake/Evil Bananas}}

{{User:Pier Snake/Aliens}}



{{User:Kayau/Confirmed insane}}




You have new smiles
You have new smiles
Hello Department of Fun! Your smile has livened my day so much I have smiled back at you!
You can share the wikilove at any time by adding {{Smile}} or {{User:WVRMad/Smileback}} on someone's talk page.


Pun Generator

Seven days without a pun makes one weak.






You can also use some of the userboxes at the humour userboxes, as long as the userbox you choose does not contain any oaths. We do not encourage anyone to swear.



A DoF icon has been created. Use {{User:Hi878/DoF Icon}} to put it on your user page. It is based on {{topicon}}, so it can be positioned in the same way.

 Fixed Click for details, instructions, and an example of what it looks like.





Active Games


Wikipedia Movies

Currently only offered in script until it becomes possible, through technological advances, to edit movies like Wikipedia articles.

Wikipedia Musicals


"Pulleth my holy finger," sayeth the Lord.

Funny (haha)

Funny (weird)

Songs, poems and other literary fun

While Meta:Hotel Wikipedia is the official theme song, there's no reason not to make up your own songs. Since it has been recognized that the Wikiholic in particular needs lots of ways to create their own culture or at least encounter their own despair, we probably needs lots more songs on the Wikisong list. Don't worry! You don't have to write music, just rip off a tune everyone knows and change the lyrics, marking it TTTO for "to the tune of" the victimized song.

These songs can be sung in public, but, that may only compound your problem. Just humming a few bars of the song can remind people of the Wikipedia-themed lyrics and create yet more in-jokes that will further isolate you from non-Wikipedian human contact. Which we encourage.

There also exists (as of 20 March 2011) a poem and a soliloquy about Wikipedia at Wikipedia:Poems about Wikipedia.




Wikipedia:Department of Fun/Squabble Board


Extensive, all inclusive, and extremely long, List of Members. – click "show" to view.
*EarthShift 31 AUGUST 2007 [2]

Hungary 19:36, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

Other fun Wikipedian associations

The Grand Smiley, overseer of the WikiFun Police

Some Wikipedians[who?] have formed voluntary associations to participate in various activities on Wikipedia. Consult their pages if you are interested in participating.

Related projects












Not-so Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparent

Not-so Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparent

Not-so Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparent

Not-so Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparent

Not-so Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparent

Not-so Great-Great-Great-Grandparent

Not-so Great-Great-Grandparent

Not-so Great-Grandparent

Not a Grandparent


Who's slept with your mum...

Father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate

The dog that bites a lot

The guy that gets bitten

...also see Bite force quotient

Father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate's new roommate's friend from when they were two years old's sister's husband's son's wife's mother's favorite actor's second-cousin twice removed