Wikipedia:Articles in many other languages but not on English Wikipedia

  • WP:BUT

This page lists articles that exist in many other languages but not on English Wikipedia. Articles contained in many other languages of Wikipedia usually are important. Therefore, they should be started immediately.

When the articles are started, please first add the hyperlink in other languages of Wikipedia, then delete the link in this page. If you are not the article starter, please make sure that hyperlink is added on other languages of Wikipedia before deleting the link in this page.

Attention: Please don't use redirects to delete the red words (for example: redirect Black Death to Plague (disease), because the articles listed below are single articles, not redirect pages.

In order to keep the articles not yet started in red, if the article is a redirect page, please add {{delete|wrong redirect}} on the top of the page to alert the administrators to delete it.

There is a quick update of the list here.

The English translations below are only for reference. If they are wrong, please feel free to correct them. If there are more than one common names, please put them together to make a redirect page.

Please feel free to refresh these lists:

Please note that there are limited Wikipedia users, but your requests are unlimited.
Therefore, please don't give too many requests at a time to let us finish our job.

40 or more versions


19 to 29 versions

16 versions

14-13 versions


9 versions

8 versions

7 versions

6 versions

5 versions


4 or fewer versions

See also