Xiaozhuang Mishi

Xiaozhuang Mishi, also known as Xiaozhuang Epic (Chinese: 孝庄秘史), is a 2003 Chinese television series produced by You Xiaogang. The series is the first installment in a series of four television series about the early Qing dynasty. It was followed by Huang Taizi Mishi (2004), Taizu Mishi (2005) and Secret History of Kangxi (2006), all of which were also produced by You Xiaogang.


Dayu'er is a Khorchin Mongol princess who is deeply in love with Dorgon- one of the several sons of Nurhaci, a Jurchen chieftain. Yet, she soon becomes the concubine of Dorgon's older brother Hong Taiji. Hong Taiji is already married to Dayu'er's aunt Jerjer to secure the alliance between the Khorchin Mongols and Later Jin. Hong Taiji initially has feelings for Dayu'er, but realizes that she only loves Dorgon, so he directs his affections to her sister, Harjol.

Hong Taiji later becomes the founder of the Qing Dynasty, with the help of Dorgon and other brother Dodo. Dorgon and Hong Taiji have a strained relationship because of Dayu'er and the forced suicide of Dorgon's mother, Lady Abahai. After Hong Taiji's death, Dayu'er son Fulin becomes Emperor and is assisted by Dorgon. Fulin suspects that his mother and Dorgon have a love affair and strips Dorgon of his power. However, Fulin is disillusioned with life after his true love Consort Donggo dies. Dayu'er now becomes regent for her young grandson, who ascends to the throne as Kangxi Emperor.





Xiaozhuang Mishi first aired on HNETV (湖南經視綜合頻道) on 31 December 2002. It reached first place in audience measurement in some provinces of China.[1]


  1. ^ "网易娱乐频道--《孝庄秘史》两岸明星齐上阵". Retrieved 2020-09-07.

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