Nationwide smoking ban order (Philippines)

Executive Order No. 26, entitled Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-Free Environments in Public and Enclosed Places,[1] was issued by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on May 16, 2017. This executive order invoked the Clean Air Act of 1999 and the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 to impose a nationwide ban on smoking in all public places in the Philippines.[2] The ban replicates on a national level an existing ordinance in Davao City that Duterte created as mayor in 2002.[3] The order took effect on July 23, 2017, 60 days after its publication in a newspaper.[3][4][5]


Section 3. Prohibited Acts, The following acts are declared unlawful and prohibited;

(a) Smoking within enclosed public places conveyances, whether stationary or in motion, except in DSAs fully compliant with the requirements of Section 4 of his Order;

(b) For persons-in-charge to allow, abet or tolerate smoking in places enumerated in the preceding paragraph, outside of DSAs fully compliant with Section 4 of this Order;

(c) For any person to sell, distribute or purchase tobacco products to and from minors. It shall not be a defense for the person selling or distributing that he/she did not know or was not aware of the real age of the minor. Neither shall it be a defense that he/she did not know nor had any reason to believe that the cigarette or any other tobacco product was for the consumption of the minor to whom it was sold;

(d) For a minor to smoke, sell or buy cigarettes or any tobacco products;

(e) Ordering, instructing or compelling a minor to use, light up, buy, sell, distribute, deliver, advertise or promote tobacco products;

(f) Selling or distributing tobacco products in a school, public playground, youth hostels and recreational facilities for minors, including those frequented by minors, or within 100 meters from any point of the perimeter of these places;

(g) Placing, posting, displaying or distributing advertisement and promotional materials of tobacco products, such as but not limited to leaflets, posters, display structures and other materials within 100 meters from the perimeter of a school, public playground, and other facilities frequented particularly by minors, hostel and recreational facilities for minors, including those frequented by them, or in an establishment when such establishments or its location is prohibited from selling tobacco products.

(h) Placing any form of tobacco advertisement outside of the premises of point-of-sale retail establishments; and

(i) Placing any stall, booth, and other displays concerning tobacco promotions to areas outside the premises of point-of-sale locations or adult-only facilities.

The order restricts and penalizes the act of smoking tobacco products in enclosed public places and public conveyances, whether stationary or in motion, except in certain designated smoking areas. It requires that all public buildings or places that are accessible or open to the public regardless of ownership or right to access must be smoke-free inside and within 10 meters (33 ft) from entrances and exits or where people pass or congregate, and from air intake ducts. This includes but is not limited to:[1]

Public conveyances include buses and jeepneys, taxicabs, tricycles and other public utility vehicles, rail transit, airplanes and ships. The order also prohibits smoking in all outdoor spaces where people gather such as parks, playgrounds, sidewalks, waiting areas, open-air markets and resorts.[1]

The order also covers existing bans on the sale, distribution and purchase of tobacco products to and from minors, or persons below 18 years old, as well as the restrictions on cigarette advertisements and promotions under the Tobacco Regulation Act.[4] It also instructs all local government units to form a "Smoke Free Task Force" to help enforce its provisions.[6]


The order imposes fines of up to ₱10,000 (US$200) for violation of the smoking ban in public places as prescribed in section 32 of the Tobacco Regulation Act.[3][7] Enforcement can be performed by members of the Philippine National Police and the local task forces of each city and municipality.[1]

Designated smoking areas

Section 4 of the EO details the standards required for designated smoking areas (DSA) in public places:[1][2]

The order also stipulates that no designated smoking areas shall be installed in all centers of youth activity such as playschools, preparatory schools, elementary schools, high schools, colleges and universities, youth hostels and recreational facilities for minors; elevators and stairwells; fire-hazard locations such as gas stations and storage areas for flammable liquids, gas, explosives or combustible materials; hospitals, health centers, medical, dental and optical clinics, nursing homes, dispensaries and laboratories; and food preparation areas.[2][1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Executive Order No. 26 (May 16, 2017), Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and Enclosed Spaces (PDF), Official Gazette, retrieved May 21, 2017
  2. ^ a b c Morallo, A. (May 18, 2017). "Duterte signs order banning smoking in public". The Philippine Star. Retrieved May 21, 2017.
  3. ^ a b c Grund, A. (May 19, 2017). "Duterte targets smokers in latest crackdown". CNN. Retrieved May 21, 2017.
  4. ^ a b De la Cruz, E. (May 19, 2017). "Philippines' tough public smoking ban gets broad support". Reuters. Retrieved May 21, 2017.
  5. ^ Nicholls, AC (July 23, 2017). "Nationwide smoking ban takes effect July 23". CNN Philippines. Archived from the original on July 23, 2017. Retrieved July 24, 2017.
  6. ^ Marcelo, V. (May 18, 2017). "Duterte signs EO on nationwide smoking ban in public places". CNN Philippines. Archived from the original on May 20, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017.
  7. ^ Republic Act No. 9211 (June 23, 2003), Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003, Official Gazette, retrieved May 21, 2017

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