
Dalbergichromene is a neoflavene, a type of neoflavonoid (a polyphenolic compound). Dalbergichromene can be extracted from the stem-bark and heartwood of Dalbergia sissoo.[1][2] It has also been synthesized from vanillin.[3]


  1. ^ Mukerjee, S.K.; Saroja, T.; Seshadri, T.R. (1971). "Dalbergichromene". Tetrahedron. 27 (4): 799–803. doi:10.1016/S0040-4020(01)92474-3.
  2. ^ Parvesh Devi, Sushila Singh and Promila (2017). "Phytochemical and pharmacological profiling of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Stem". J Pharmacogn Phytochem. 6 (6): 2483–2486.
  3. ^ Li, Sie-Rong; Chen, Liang-Yeu; Tsai, Jui-Chi; Tzeng, Jing-Yu; Tsai, Ian-Lih; Wang, Eng-Chi (2007). "New syntheses of dalbergichromene and dalbergin from vanillin via neoflavene intermediate". Tetrahedron Letters. 48 (12): 2139–2141. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2007.01.117.