
In the mathematical area of algebra, a digroup is a generalization of a group that has two one-sided product operations, and , instead of the single operation in a group. Digroups were introduced independently by Liu (2004), Felipe (2006), and Kinyon (2007), inspired by a question about Leibniz algebras.

To explain digroups, consider a group. In a group there is one operation, such as addition in the set of integers; there is a single "unit" element, like 0 in the integers, and there are inverses, like in the integers, for which both the following equations hold: and . A digroup replaces the one operation by two operations that interact in a complicated way, as stated below. A digroup may also have more than one "unit", and an element may have different inverses for each "unit". This makes a digroup vastly more complicated than a group. Despite that complexity, there are reasons to consider digroups, for which see the references.


A digroup is a set D with two binary operations, and , that satisfy the following laws (e.g., Ongay 2010):

and are associative,
The set of bar units is called the halo of D.

Generalized digroup

In a generalized digroup or g-digroup, a generalization due to Salazar-Díaz, Velásquez, and Wills-Toro (2016), each element has a left inverse and a right inverse instead of one two-sided inverse.

One reason for this generalization is that it permits analogs of the isomorphism theorems of group theory that cannot be formulated within digroups.
