Fair division among groups

Fair division among groups[1] (or families[2]) is a class of fair division problems, in which the resources are allocated among groups of agents, rather than among individual agents. After the division, all members in each group consume the same share, but they may have different preferences; therefore, different members in the same group might disagree on whether the allocation is fair or not. Some examples of group fair division settings are:

In all the above examples, the groups are fixed in advance. In some settings, the groups can be determined ad-hoc, that is, people can be grouped based on their preferences. An example of such a setting is:[4]

Fairness criteria

Common fairness criteria, such as proportionality and envy-freeness, judge the division from the point-of-view of a single agent, with a single preference relation. There are several ways to extend these criteria to fair division among groups.

Unanimous fairness requires that the allocation be considered fair in the eyes of all agents in all groups. For example:

Unanimous fairness is a strong requirement, and often cannot be satisfied.

Aggregate fairness assigns to each group a certain aggregate function, such as: sum, product, arithmetic mean or geometric mean. It requires that the allocation be considered fair according to this aggregate function. For example:

Democratic fairness requires that, in each group, a certain fraction of the agents agree that the division is fair; preferredly this fraction should be at least 1/2. A practical situation in which such requirement may be useful is when two democratic countries agree to divide a certain disputed land among them, and the agreement should be approved by a referendum in both countries.

Unanimous-fairness implies both aggregate-fairness and democratic-fairness. Aggregate-fairness and democratic fairness are independent - none of them implies the other.[2]

Pareto efficiency is another important criterion that is required in addition to fairness. It is defined in the usual way: no allocation is better for at least one individual agent and at least as good for all individual agents.

Results for divisible resources

In the context of fair cake-cutting, the following results are known (where k is the number of groups, and n is the number of agents in all groups together).[2]

The division problem is easier when the agents can be grouped ad-hoc based on their preferences. In this case, there exists a unanimous envy-free connected allocation for any number of groups and any number of agents in each group.[4]

Unanimous proportionality and exact division

In an exact division (also called consensus division), there are n agents, and the goal is to partition the cake into k pieces such that all agents value all pieces at exactly 1/k. It is known that an exact division with n(k-1) always exists. However, even for k=2, finding an exact division with n cuts is FIXP-hard, and finding an approximate exact division with n cuts is PPA-complete (see exact division for more information). It can be proved that unanimous-proportionality is equivalent to consensus division in the following sense:[2]

Results for indivisible items

In the context of fair item allocation, the following results are known.

Unanimous approximate maximin-share fairness:[6]

Unanimous approximate envy-freeness:[7]

Unanimous envy-freeness with high probability:[10]

Democratic fairness:[11]

Group fair division of items and money

In the context of rental harmony (envy-free division of rooms and rent), the following results are known.[12]

Fair division of ticket lotteries

A practical application of fair division among groups is dividing tickets to parks or other experiences with limited capacity. Often, tickets are divided at random. When people arrive on their own, a simple uniformly-random lottery among all candidates is a fair solution. But people often come in families or groups of friends, who want to enter together. This leads to various considerations in how exactly to design the lottery. The following results are known:

Related concepts


  1. ^ Suksompong, Warut (2018). Resource allocation and decision making for groups (Thesis). OCLC 1050345365.
  2. ^ a b c d Segal-Halevi, Erel; Nitzan, Shmuel (December 2019). "Fair cake-cutting among families" (PDF). Social Choice and Welfare. 53 (4): 709–740. doi:10.1007/s00355-019-01210-9. S2CID 1602396.
  3. ^ a b Bade, Sophie; Segal-Halevi, Erel (2023-09-01). "Fairness for multi-self agents". Games and Economic Behavior. 141: 321–336. arXiv:1811.06684. doi:10.1016/j.geb.2023.06.004. ISSN 0899-8256.
  4. ^ a b Segal-Halevi, Erel; Suksompong, Warut (2 January 2021). "How to Cut a Cake Fairly: A Generalization to Groups". The American Mathematical Monthly. 128 (1): 79–83. arXiv:2001.03327. doi:10.1080/00029890.2021.1835338. S2CID 210157034.
  5. ^ Segal-Halevi, Erel; Nitzan, Shmuel (December 2019). "Fair cake-cutting among families" (PDF). Social Choice and Welfare. 53 (4): 709–740. doi:10.1007/s00355-019-01210-9. S2CID 1602396.
  6. ^ Suksompong, Warut (1 March 2018). "Approximate maximin shares for groups of agents". Mathematical Social Sciences. 92: 40–47. arXiv:1706.09869. doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2017.09.004. S2CID 3720438.
  7. ^ Kyropoulou, Maria; Suksompong, Warut; Voudouris, Alexandros A. (12 November 2020). "Almost envy-freeness in group resource allocation" (PDF). Theoretical Computer Science. 841: 110–123. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2020.07.008. S2CID 220546580.
  8. ^ Plaut, Benjamin; Roughgarden, Tim (January 2020). "Almost Envy-Freeness with General Valuations". SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 34 (2): 1039–1068. arXiv:1707.04769. doi:10.1137/19M124397X. S2CID 216283014.
  9. ^ Manurangsi, Pasin; Suksompong, Warut (2022). "Almost envy-freeness for groups: Improved bounds via discrepancy theory". Theoretical Computer Science. 930: 179–195. arXiv:2105.01609. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2022.07.022. S2CID 233714947.
  10. ^ Manurangsi, Pasin; Suksompong, Warut (1 September 2017). "Asymptotic existence of fair divisions for groups". Mathematical Social Sciences. 89: 100–108. arXiv:1706.08219. doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2017.05.006. S2CID 47514346.
  11. ^ Segal-Halevi, Erel; Suksompong, Warut (December 2019). "Democratic fair allocation of indivisible goods". Artificial Intelligence. 277: 103167. arXiv:1709.02564. doi:10.1016/j.artint.2019.103167. S2CID 203034477.
  12. ^ Ghodsi, Mohammad; Latifian, Mohamad; Mohammadi, Arman; Moradian, Sadra; Seddighin, Masoud (2018). "Rent Division Among Groups". Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 11346. pp. 577–591. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04651-4_39. ISBN 978-3-030-04650-7.
  13. ^ a b Arnosti, Nick; Bonet, Carlos (2022). "Lotteries for Shared Experiences". Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. pp. 1179–1180. arXiv:2205.10942. doi:10.1145/3490486.3538312. ISBN 978-1-4503-9150-4. S2CID 248986158.
  14. ^ Arbiv, Tal; Aumann, Yonatan (28 June 2022). "Fair and Truthful Giveaway Lotteries". Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 36 (5): 4785–4792. doi:10.1609/aaai.v36i5.20405. S2CID 250288879.