GR footpath

An X marks a trail or direction that deviates from the GR path.
Trailside marker and local observers alongside GR 76A

The GR footpaths are a network of long-distance walking trails in Europe, mostly in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain. They go by the following names: French: sentier de grande randonnée, West Flemish: Groteroutepad, Dutch: Langeafstandwandelpad, Spanish: sendero de gran recorrido, Portuguese: percurso pedestre de grande rota – generally meaning "long trail" or more literally "great route". The trails in France alone cover approximately 60,000 kilometres (37,000 mi). Trails are blazed with characteristic marks consisting of a white stripe above a red stripe. These appear regularly along the route, especially at places such as forks or crossroads.

The network is maintained in France by the Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre (French Hiking Federation),[1] and in Spain by the Federación Española de Deportes de Montaña y Escalada (Spanish Mountain Sports Federation).[2] Many GR routes make up part of the longer European walking routes which cross several countries.


The GR trails are marked using a system of blazes that are visible in both directions:

Red and white was chosen as the most visible colour combination in natural surroundings. Waymarks are often painted, but may take the form of metal signs in city centers.

GR routes

France: Grande Randonnée

Routes 1 to 25

Routes 26 to 40

Routes 41 to 50

Routes 51 to 75

Routes 76 to 100

Routes 101 and above

Routes with special codes

Spain: Gran Recorrido

All routes


Portugal: Percursos Pedestres de Grande Rota

Belgium: Grote Routepaden or Grande Randonnée

Netherlands: Langeafstandswandelpaden

See also


  1. ^ "French Hiking Federation".
  2. ^ "Spanish Mountain Sports Federation".
  3. ^ "GRP Andorra: La volta a tot un país".

External links