List of literary movements

Literary movements are a way to divide literature into categories of similar philosophical, topical, or aesthetic features, as opposed to divisions by genre or period. Like other categorizations, literary movements provide language for comparing and discussing literary works. These terms are helpful for curricula or anthologies.[1]

Some of these movements (such as Dada and Beat) were defined by the members themselves, while other terms (for example, the metaphysical poets) emerged decades or centuries after the periods in question. Further, some movements are well defined and distinct, while others, like expressionism, are nebulous and overlap with other definitions. Because of these differences, literary movements are often a point of contention between scholars.[1]


This is a tablelist of modern literary movements: that is, movements after the Renaissance literature. Ordering is approximate, as there is considerable overlap. Notable authors ordering is predominantly by precedence.

See also


  1. ^ a b Milne 2009, pp. xi–xii.
  2. ^ a b c Sypher, Wylie (1955). Four Stages of Renaissance Style: Transformations in Art and Literature, 1400–1700. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
  3. ^ Greene 2012, "Renaissance"; Baldick 2015, "Renaissance (Renascence)".
  4. ^ Mirollo, James V. (1984). Mannerism and Renaissance Poetry: Concept, Mode, Inner Design. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-03227-7.
  5. ^ Greene 2012, "Mannerism"; Baldick 2015, "Mannerism".
  6. ^ Minta, Stephen (1980). Petrarch and Petrarchism: the English and French Traditions. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-719-00745-3.
  7. ^ Greene 2012, "Petrarchism".
  8. ^ Wölfflin, Heinrich (1964) [1888]. Renaissance and Baroque. Translated by Kathrin Simon. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  9. ^ Segel, Harold B. (1974). The Baroque Poem: a comparative survey. New York: Dutton. pp. 3–14.
  10. ^ Greene 2012, "Baroque"; Baldick 2015, "Baroque".
  11. ^ Mirollo, James V. (1963). The Poet of the Marvelous. New York: Columbia University Press.
  12. ^ Greene 2012, "Marinism"; Baldick 2015, "Marinism".
  13. ^ Bleiberg, Germán; Ihrie, Maureen; Pérez, Janet, eds. (1993). "Conceptismo". Dictionary of the Literature of the Iberian Peninsula. Vol. A–K. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. pp. 424–426. ISBN 0-313-28731-7.
  14. ^ Baldick 2015, "Conceptismo".
  15. ^ Bleiberg, Germán; Ihrie, Maureen; Pérez, Janet, eds. (1993). "Culteranismo". Dictionary of the Literature of the Iberian Peninsula. Vol. A–K. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. pp. 479–480. ISBN 0-313-28731-7.
  16. ^ Greene 2012, "Neo-Gongorism"; Baldick 2015, "Culteranismo".
  17. ^ Baldick 2015, "Préciosité, la".
  18. ^ Dalglish, Jack, ed. (1961). Eight Metaohysical Poets. Oxford: Heinemann. ISBN 0-435-15031-6.
  19. ^ Greene 2012, "Metaphysical poetics"; Baldick 2015, "Metaphysical poets".
  20. ^ Greene 2012, "Cavalier poets"; Baldick 2015, "Cavalier poets".
  21. ^ Baldick 2015, "Euphuism".
  22. ^ Baldick 2015, "Classicism"; Greene 2012, "Neoclassical poetics".
  23. ^ Backscheider, Paula R.; Richetti, John J. (1996). Popular Fiction by Women, 1660–1730: An Anthology. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 978-0-19-871136-0.
  24. ^ Baldick 2015, "Augustan Age".
  25. ^ Baldick 2015, "Rococo".
  26. ^ Ermatinger, Emil (1928). Barock und Rokoko in der deutschen Dichtung (in German). Leipzig; Berlin: B. G. Teubner.
  27. ^ Brissenden, R.F. (1974). Virtue in Distress: Studies in the Novel of Sentiment from Richardson to Sade. London: Macmillan.
  28. ^ Mullan, John (1988). Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  29. ^ Baldick 2015, "Sentimental novel".
  30. ^ Baldick 2015, "Gothic novel".
  31. ^ Hogle, Jerrold E., ed. (2002). The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–20. doi:10.1017/ccol0521791243. ISBN 978-0-521-79124-3.
  32. ^ Leidner, Alan C. Sturm Und Drang: The German Library. 14. New York: The Continuum Publ., 1992
  33. ^ "Sturm und Drang". Merriam Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. 1995. ISBN 0-87779-042-6.
  34. ^ Greene 2012, "Sturm und Drang"; Baldick 2015, "Sturm und Drang".
  35. ^ Willoughby, L. A. (1966). The Classical Age of German Literature 1748–1805. New York: Russell & Russell.
  36. ^ Greene 2012, "Romanticism"; Baldick 2015, "Romanticism".
  37. ^ Greene 2012, "Lake school"; Baldick 2015, "Lake poets (Lake school)".
  38. ^ Greene 2012, "Pre-Raphaelitism"; Baldick 2015, "Pre-Raphaelites".
  39. ^ Greene 2012, "Transcendentalists"; Baldick 2015, "Transcendentalism".
  40. ^ Greene 2012, "Realism"; Baldick 2015, "Realism".
  41. ^ Baldick 2015, "Naturalism"; Greene 2012, "Naturalism".
  42. ^ Baldick 2015, "Verismo".
  43. ^ Giger, Andreas (August 2007). "Verismo: Origin, Corruption, and Redemption of an Operatic Term". Journal of the American Musicological Society. 60 (2): 271–315. doi:10.1525/jams.2007.60.2.271.
  44. ^ Korin, Pavel (1971). "Thoughts on Art", Socialist Realism in Literature and Art. Moscow: Progress. p. 95.
  45. ^ Baldick 2015, "Socialist realism".
  46. ^ "1934: Writers' Congress". Seventeen Moments in Soviet History. Archived from the original on 2013-12-08. Retrieved 2013-12-11.
  47. ^ Witschi, N. S. (2002). Traces of Gold: California's Natural Resources and the Claim to Realism in Western American Literature. Tuscaloosa, Al: University of Alabama Press.
  48. ^ Buford, Bill (1983-06-01). "Editorial". Granta Magazine (8). Archived from the original on 2017-12-09. Retrieved 2024-08-05.
  49. ^ Michael Hemmingson (2008). The Dirty Realism Duo: Charles Bukowski and Raymond Carver on the Aesthetics of the Ugly. The Milford Series: Popular Writers of Today, 70. San Bernardino, Ca: The Borgo Press. ISBN 1-4344-0257-6.
  50. ^ Baldick 2015, "Magic realism".
  51. ^ Trentmann, F. (1994). Civilisation and its Discontents: English Neo-Romanticism and the Transformation of Anti-Modernism in Twentieth-Century Western Culture. London: Birkbeck College.
  52. ^ Desmarais, Jane (2013). Jane Ford; Kim Edwards Keates; Patricia Pulham (eds.). "Perfume Clouds: Olfaction, Memory, and Desire in Arthur Symon's London Nights (1895)". Economies of Desire at the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Libidinal Lives: 62–82.
  53. ^ Huneker, James (1909). Egoists, a Book of Supermen: Stendhal, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Anatole France, Huysmans, Barrès, Nietzsche, Blake, Ibsen, Stirner, and Ernest Hello. AMS Press. ISBN 0-404-10525-4 – via Kindle Edition.
  54. ^ Baldick 2015, "Decadent".
  55. ^ "The Differences between Symbolism and Decadence". Oscar Wilde and the French Decadents. 2014-03-03. Retrieved 2017-01-23.
  56. ^ McMullen, Lorraine (1971). An Introduction to the Aesthetic Movement in English Literature. Ottawa, On: Bytown Press.
  57. ^ Burke, Doreen Bolger (1986). In Pursuit of Beauty: Americans and the Aesthetic Movement. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Rizzoli Pub. ISBN 0-87099-467-0.
  58. ^ Mendelssohn, Michèle (2007). Henry James, Oscar Wilde and Aesthetic Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-2385-3.
  59. ^ Greene 2012, "Aestheticism"; Baldick 2015, "Aestheticism".
  60. ^ Greene 2012, "Parnassianism"; Baldick 2015, "Parnassians".
  61. ^ a b Greene 2012, "Symbolism"; Baldick 2015, "Symbolists".
  62. ^ a b "Symbolism". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 2023-02-21.
  63. ^ Conway Morris, Roderick The Elusive Symbolist movement article – International Herald Tribune, March 17, 2007.
  64. ^ Peterson, Ronald E. (1993). A History of Russian Symbolism. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Pa: John Benjamins Pub. ISBN 90-272-1534-0.
  65. ^ Greene 2012, "Modernism"; Baldick 2015, "Modernism".
  66. ^ Cuddon, J. A. (1998). C.E. Preston (ed.). A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory (4th rev. ed.). Oxford: Blackwell. p. 515. ISBN 0-631-20271-4.
  67. ^ a b Murphy, Richard (1999). Theorizing the Avant-Garde: Modernism, Expressionism, and the Problem of Postmodernity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  68. ^ Gillies, Mary Ann (2007). Modernist Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-2764-6.
  69. ^ Badawi, M. M. (1975). A Critical Introduction to Modern Arabic Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 179–203. ISBN 0-521-20699-5.
  70. ^ Moreh, S. (1976). Modern Arabic Poetry 1800–1970: The Development of its Forms and Themes under the Influence of Western Literature. Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 82–124. ISBN 90-04-04795-6.
  71. ^ Jayyusi, Salma Khadra (1977). Trends and Movements in Modern Arabic Poetry. Vol. 2. Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 361–362. ISBN 90-04-04920-7.
  72. ^ Greene 2012, "Arabic poetry".
  73. ^ Clough, Rosa Trillo (1942). Looking Back on Futurism. New York: Cocce Press. pp. 53–66. ISBN 978-1-258-53231-4.
  74. ^ Folejewski, Zbigniew (1980). Futurism and Its place in the development of Modern Poetry: A Comparative Study and Anthology. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
  75. ^ White, John J. (1990). Literary Futurism: Aspects of the First Avant Garde. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  76. ^ Greene 2012, "Futurism"; Baldick 2015, "Futurism".
  77. ^ a b Greene 2012, "Futurism".
  78. ^ Terras, Victor (1985). Handbook of Russian Literature. New Haven, Co: Yale University Press. p. 197. ISBN 0-300-04868-8.
  79. ^ Gourianova, Nina (2012). The Aesthetics of Anarchy: Art and Ideology in the Early Russian Avant-Garde. University of California Press. p. 17.
  80. ^ Markov, Vladimir (1968). Russian Futurism: a History. Berkeley; Los Angeles, Ca: University of California Press. p. 64.
  81. ^ Greene 2012, "Acmeism"; Baldick 2015, "Acmeism".
  82. ^ Cuddon, J. A. (1998). C.E. Preston (ed.). A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory (4th rev. ed.). Oxford: Blackwell. p. 7. ISBN 0-631-20271-4.
  83. ^ "Acmeist". Merriam Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. 1995. p. 9. ISBN 0-87779-042-6.
  84. ^ Willhardt, Mark; Parker, Alan Michael, eds. (2001). Who's Who in Twentieth Century World Poetry. Who's Who Series. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203991992. ISBN 0-415-16355-2.
  85. ^ Wachtel, Michael (2004). The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry. Cambridge Introductions to Literature. Cambridge University Press. p. 8. ISBN 0-521-00493-4.
  86. ^ a b Greene 2012, "Modern poetry of China".
  87. ^ Wang, David Der-wei, ed. (2017). A New Literary History of Modern China. Harvard, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-97887-4. pp. 242–270.
  88. ^ Baldick 2015, "Stream of consciousness".
  89. ^ Greene 2012, "Impressionism"; Baldick 2015, "Impressionism".
  90. ^ Fried, Michael (2018). What was Literary Impressionism?. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-98079-2.
  91. ^ Murphy, Richard (1999). Theorizing the Avant-Garde: Modernism, Expressionism, and the Problem of Postmodernity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 43.
  92. ^ Baldick 2015, "Expressionism"; Greene 2012, "Expressionism".
  93. ^ Greene 2012, "Imagism"; Baldick 2015, "Imagism".
  94. ^ Greene 2012, "Dada"; Baldick 2015, "Dada".
  95. ^ Nilsson, N. (1970). The Russian imaginists. Ann Arbor: Almgvist and Wiksell.
  96. ^ Baldick 2015, "Lost generation".
  97. ^ Greene 2012, "Harlem Renaissance"; Baldick 2015, "Harlem Renaissance".
  98. ^ Greene 2012, "Jindyworobak".
  99. ^ "Jindyworobak movement". Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved 2018-08-13.
  100. ^ Smith, Ellen (1 May 2012). "Local Moderns: The Jindyworobak Movement and Australian Modernism". Australian Literary Studies. 27 (1): 1–17. doi:10.20314/als.927d4ae36b. ISSN 0004-9697.
  101. ^ Baldick 2015, "Surrealism"; Greene 2012, "Surrealism".
  102. ^ Kasack, Wolfgang (1988) [1976]. Dictionary of Russian literature Since 1917. Translated by Maria Carlson and Jane T. Hedges. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-2310-5242-1.
  103. ^ Gifford (2010). "Anarchist Transformations of English Surrealism: The Villa Seurat Network". Journal of Modern Literature. 33 (4): 57–71. doi:10.2979/jml.2010.33.4.57. JSTOR 10.2979/jml.2010.33.4.57. S2CID 162319958..
  104. ^ Greene 2012, "Objectivism".
  105. ^ Greene 2012, "Agrarians".
  106. ^ Baldick 2015, "Postcolonial literature".
  107. ^ Popescu, Monica (2020). At Penpoint. African Literatures, Postcolonial Studies, and the Cold War (pdf). Durham, NC: Duke University Press. doi:10.1515/9781478012153. ISBN 978-1-4780-0940-5. S2CID 241238726.
  108. ^ Greene 2012, "Black Mountain school"; Baldick 2015, "Black Mountain poets".
  109. ^ Greene 2012, "Absurdism"; Baldick 2015, "Absurd, the".
  110. ^ Cornwell, Neil (2006). The Absurd in Literature. New York, NY: Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-7409-7.
  111. ^ Baldick 2015, "Movement, the"; Greene 2012, "Movement, the".
  112. ^ Baldick 2015, "Nouveau roman, le".
  113. ^ "French literature § Toward the nouveau roman". Britannica. Retrieved 2023-03-25.
  114. ^ Baldick 2015, "Concrete poetry".
  115. ^ Baldick 2015, "Beat writers"; Greene 2012, "Beat poetry".
  116. ^ Greene 2012, "Confessional poetry"; Baldick 2015, "Confessional poetry".
  117. ^ Parthé, Kathleen F. (1992). Russian Village Prose: the Radiant Past. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-06889-5.
  118. ^ Rosenfeld, Alla; Dodge, Norton T., eds. (1995). Nonconformist Art: The Soviet Experience 1956–1986. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-23709-3.
  119. ^ Baldick 2015, "Samizdat".
  120. ^ Kahn, Andrew; Lipovetsky, Mark; Reyfman, Irina; Sandler, Stephanie (2018). A History of Russian Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199663941. pp. 554–557.
  121. ^ Baldick 2015, "Postmodernism"; Greene 2012, "Postmodernism".
  122. ^ Greene 2012, "New York school"; Baldick 2015, "New York school".
  123. ^ Moorcock, Michael. "Play with Feeling." New Worlds 129 (April 1963), pp. 123-27.
  124. ^ Greene 2012, "Minimalism"; Baldick 2015, "Minimalism".
  125. ^ Obendorf, Hartmut (2009). Minimalism: designing simplicity. Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN 978-1-84882-371-6. OCLC 432702821.
  126. ^ Clark, Robert C. (2014). American literary minimalism. Tuscaloosa, Al. p. 13. ISBN 978-0-8173-8750-1. OCLC 901275325.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  127. ^ Greene 2012, "Poetry of England".
  128. ^ Mottram, Eric (1993). "The British Poetry Revival". In Hampson, Robert & Peter Barry (eds). New British poetries: The scope of the possible. Manchester University Press.
  129. ^ Greene 2012, "Language poetry"; Baldick 2015, "Language poetry".
  130. ^ Wang 2017, pp. 718–724, "Poems from Underground".
  131. ^ "A Brief Guide to Misty Poets". Archived from the original on 2010-04-12. Retrieved 2010-10-19.
  132. ^ Folkways, Smithsonian. "Say It Loud". Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 2013-02-15.
  133. ^ Rosenfeld & Dodge 1995, p. 332, "A View from Moscow".
  134. ^ a b Epstein, Mikhail; Genis, Alexander; Vladiv-Glover, Slobodanka (2016) [1999]. Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture. Translated by Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover (Rev. ed.). New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books. pp. 169–176. ISBN 978-1-78238-864-7.
  135. ^ Kahn et al. 2018, pp. 631–635, "Concrete and Conceptualist poetry".
  136. ^ Johnson, Kent; Ashby, Stephen M., eds. (1992). Third Wave: The New Russian Poetry. Introd. by Andrew Wachtel and Alexei Parshchikov. Afterword by Mikhail Epstein. Ann Arbor, Mi: University of Michigan Press. pp. 10, 53, 184. ISBN 0-472-06415-0.
  137. ^ Kahn et al. 2018, pp. 639–641, "Metarealism".
  138. ^ Greene 2012, "New Formalism"; Baldick 2015, "New Formalism".
  139. ^ "New Formalism". Poetry Foundation. 2020-08-23. Retrieved 2023-03-26.
  140. ^ Fitzgerald, Jonathan D. (November 20, 2012). "Sincerity, Not Irony, Is Our Age's Ethos". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2016-03-24.
  141. ^ Williams, Iain (May 27, 2015). "(New) Sincerity in David Foster Wallace's "Octet"". Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. 56 (3): 299–314. doi:10.1080/00111619.2014.899199. ISSN 0011-1619. S2CID 142547118.
  142. ^ Lipscombe, Becky (September 10, 2003). "Chick-lit becomes Hip Lit in Indonesia". BBC News. Retrieved 2023-03-21.
  143. ^ Drowning in Beauty: The Neo-Decadent Anthology, Snuggly Books, 2018
  144. ^ "Decadentismo, siglo XXI: fervor, actualidad y pastiche - El Mundo article". 13 November 2018.
  145. ^ Rodgers, Courtney (July 7, 2022). "Literary Movements You've Never Heard Of". Book Riot. Retrieved 2023-04-15.
  146. ^ "Scuola empatica: Genesi e sviluppo". 9 January 2021.

Main sources