Список муниципалитетов в Колорадо

Карта, показывающая расположение американского штата Колорадо.
Расположение штата Колорадо в Соединенных Штатах Америки

В американском штате Колорадо насчитывается 273 действующих муниципалитета , в том числе 198 поселков , 73 города и два объединенных городских и окружных правительства . [1] [2] Город и округ Денвер , столица штата , [3] является старейшим муниципалитетом в Колорадо. 3 декабря 1859 года внесудебная территория Джефферсон предоставила устав объединенному городу Денвер, Аурария и Хайленд . [4] Город Кистоун , зарегистрированный 8 февраля 2024 года, является новейшим муниципалитетом Колорадо.

Муниципалитеты Колорадо по численности населения варьируются от города и округа Денвер с населением 715 522 человек в 2020 году до города Карбонате , в котором не было постоянного населения с момента переписи 1890 года из-за суровой зимней погоды и труднодоступности. [a] [5] [6] Город Блэк-Хок с населением 127 человек в 2020 году является наименее населенным городом Колорадо, в то время как город Касл-Рок с населением 73 158 человек в 2020 году является самым густонаселенным городом Колорадо. [1] [5]

По данным переписи населения США 2020 года , 4 299 942 из 5 773 714 жителей Колорадо (74,47%) проживали в одном из 271 муниципалитетов, действующих на тот момент. [b] [5] Еще 714 417 жителей (12,37%) проживали в одном из 210 мест, определенных переписью , в то время как остальные 759 355 жителей (13,15%) проживали во многих сельских и горных районах штата. [5]

В 2020 году только 1968 квадратных миль (5097 км 2 ) из 103 642 квадратных миль (268 431 км 2 ) земельной площади Колорадо (1,90%) были включены в 271 активный муниципалитет. Город Колорадо-Спрингс с 195 квадратными милями (506 км 2 ) земельной площади был самым обширным муниципалитетом, в то время как город Сопит с 19 акрами (0,078 км 2 ) земельной площади был наименее обширным. [7] Город Глендейл с плотностью населения в 2020 году 8117 жителей на квадратную милю (3134/км 2 ) был самым густонаселенным муниципалитетом, в то время как город Бонанза с плотностью населения в 2020 году 38 жителей на квадратную милю (15/км 2 ) был наименее густонаселенным муниципалитетом после Карбоната.

Муниципальное управление

Муниципалитеты Колорадо действуют в рамках одного из пяти типов муниципальных органов управления — объединенный город и округ, муниципалитет с самоуправлением (который может быть как городом, так и поселком), уставной город, уставной город и территориальный уставной муниципалитет. [1] Закон штата делает сравнительно мало различий между городом и поселком. Устав муниципалитета с самоуправлением может определять муниципальное название города или поселка. В целом города более густонаселены, чем поселки, хотя долгосрочные изменения численности населения могут значительно это исказить, как показано на примере городов Блэк-Хок и Касл-Рок .

Ни деревня, ни гражданский тауншип не являются типом административного деления в штате Колорадо. Города Cherry Hills Village и Greenwood Village , а также города Log Lane Village , Mountain Village и Snowmass Village имеют слово «деревня» в конце своих названий. [1]

Девятнадцать муниципалитетов Колорадо охватывают территорию двух округов, а два города — Аврора и Литтлтон — охватывают территорию трех округов. [1]

Объединенный город и округ

В штате Колорадо только Денвер и Брумфилд имеют консолидированные городские и окружные органы власти. Город и округ Денвер действуют в соответствии со статьей XX, разделом 4 Конституции штата Колорадо ; и разделом 30, статьей 11, разделом 101 Пересмотренных законов Колорадо . В Денвере есть выборный мэр и городской совет из 13 членов, 11 из которых избираются от округов совета, а два члена избираются в целом. Город и округ Брумфилд действуют в соответствии со статьей XX, разделами 10–13 Конституции штата Колорадо. В Брумфилде есть назначенный городской и окружной управляющий , выборный мэр и городской совет из 11 членов, состоящий из мэра и двух членов, избранных от каждого из пяти округов.

Самоуправляемый муниципалитет

По состоянию на 2024 год в Колорадо насчитывается 102 города и поселка, являющихся муниципалитетами с самоуправлением, [8] которые являются самоуправляемыми в соответствии со статьей 20 Конституции штата Колорадо; разделом 31, статьей 1, разделом 202 Пересмотренных законов Колорадо; и уставом самоуправления каждого муниципалитета. Утвержденный штатом устав самоуправления определяет форму правления. Самоуправление дает местным муниципалитетам право принимать законодательство, относящееся к их территориям, осуществляя контроль над вопросами местного значения, при этом сводя к минимуму вмешательство государства в муниципальные дела. [9]

Город, установленный законом

В Колорадо 11 статутных городов, которые действуют в соответствии с разделом 31, статьей 1, разделом 203 и статьей 4, разделом 100 или разделом 200 Пересмотренных статутов Колорадо. [10] На момент регистрации или реорганизации статутный город должен иметь население не менее 2000 человек, хотя с тех пор три города потеряли население. [11] В статутных городах есть выборный мэр и городской совет, состоящий из мэра и двух членов, избранных от каждого округа. Статутный город может подать прошение о реорганизации в статутный город раздела 200 с назначенным городским менеджером и городским советом с двумя членами, избранными от каждого округа, и одним членом, избранным в целом. Мэр может быть членом городского совета, избранным в целом, или городской совет может назначить мэра.

Уставный город

В Колорадо 157 статутных городов, которые действуют в соответствии с разделом 31, статьей 1, разделом 203 и статьей 4, частью 3 пересмотренных статутов Колорадо. Статутный город Крид использует официальное название «Город Крид». [1] Гарден-Сити , Лейк-Сити , Орчард-Сити и Шугар-Сити являются статутными городами, но используют слово city в конце своих названий. [1]

Уставные города имеют выборного мэра и совет попечителей, состоящий из мэра и четырех или шести дополнительных членов, избираемых в целом. Уставные города и поселки Колорадо ограничены осуществлением полномочий, которые предоставлены штатом, и подчиняются положениям и ограничениям, налагаемым штатом [9], и похожи на деревни в других штатах, например, деревни штата Нью-Йорк .

Территориальный устав муниципалитета

Город Джорджтаун — единственный муниципалитет, который до сих пор действует в соответствии с уставом, предоставленным Территорией Колорадо . Город действует в соответствии со Статьей 14, Разделом 13 Устава и Конституции Территории Колорадо, принятыми 28 января 1868 года. Мэр города называется полицейским судьей, а городской совет — советом выборщиков . [12]


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Municipalities in multiple counties

Twenty-one active municipalities currently extend into more than one county.[1]

See also


  1. ^ a b For the most recent population estimates, see the List of Colorado municipalities by population.
  2. ^ a b The 2020 statistics exclude the Town of Carbonate and the Town of Keystone which were not active in 2020.
  3. ^ Three Colorado county seats: Brighton, Central City, and Littleton, extend into adjacent counties.[1][13]
  4. ^ The unincorporated community of Conejos, a census-designated place (CDP), is the seat of Conejos County. Conejos is the last unincorporated county seat in Colorado.[13]
  5. ^ Municipal websites from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.[1]
  6. ^ Municipal maps from the Colorado Department of Transportation.[14]
  7. ^ Akron has been the seat of Washington County, Colorado since the county was created on February 9, 1887.
  8. ^ Alamosa has been the seat of Alamosa County, Colorado since the county was created on March 8, 1913.
  9. ^ Located at an elevation of 10,361 feet (3,158 m), the Town of Alma, Colorado has been the highest elevation populated municipality in the United States since 1890.
  10. ^ Aspen has been the seat of Pitkin County, Colorado since the county was created on February 23, 1881.
  11. ^ Ault was originally incorporated on April 11, 1904 as the Town of Bergdorf.[1]
  12. ^ The City of Aurora is the 51st most populous U.S. municipality.[17]
  13. ^ The City of Aurora is a principal city of the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area and the Denver-Aurora, CO Combined Statistical Area.[18]
  14. ^ Aurora was originally incorporated on May 5, 1903 as the Town of Fletcher.[1]
  15. ^ Bonanza was originally incorporated on January 13, 1881 as the Town of Bonanza City.[1]
  16. ^ On November 28, 1859, the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson created 12 counties, with Boulder City as the seat of Jackson County, Jefferson Territory.[19] On November 1, 1861, the new Territory of Colorado created 17 original counties, with Boulder City as the seat of Boulder County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, Boulder has been the seat of Boulder County, Colorado.
  17. ^ Boulder was originally incorporated by the Territory of Colorado on November 4, 1871 as the City of Boulder City.[1]
  18. ^ The Town of Breckenridge is the principal city of the Breckenridge, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  19. ^ On November 28, 1859, the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson created 12 counties, with Breckenridge as the seat of Saratoga County, Jefferson Territory.[19] On January 18, 1860, the spelling of the town's name was changed to Breckinridge in honor of U.S. Vice President John Cabell Breckinridge.[20] On December 2, 1861, after John Breckinridge accepted a commission as a brigadier general in the Confederate States Army, the town changed its name back to the original Breckenridge.[21][22] In 1862, county voters selected Breckenridge as the new seat of Summit County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Summit County, Colorado.
  20. ^ Brighton has been the seat of Adams County, Colorado since the county was created on November 15, 1902.
  21. ^ a b The City of Brighton is the seat of Adams County, but extends into Weld County.[1][13]
  22. ^ The City and County of Broomfield was consolidated on November 15, 2001.
  23. ^ As a consolidated city and county, the City and County of Broomfield is its own county seat.[1][13]
  24. ^ The City and County of Broomfield was consolidated on November 15, 2001.[1]
  25. ^ Buena Vista served as the seat of Chaffee County, Colorado from 1888 until 1928.
  26. ^ Burlington has been the seat of Kit Carson County, Colorado since the county was created on April 11, 1889.
  27. ^ The City of Cañon City is a principal city of the Cañon City, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area and the Pueblo-Cañon City, CO Combined Statistical Area.[18]
  28. ^ On November 1, 1861, the new Territory of Colorado created 17 original counties, with Cañon City as the seat of Fremont County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Fremont County, Colorado. Cañon City has also been spelled Canon City and Canyon City.[21]
  29. ^ Carbonate served as the original seat of Garfield County, Colorado for several months after the county was created on February 10, 1883. On November 4, 2014, the property owners of Carbonate, Colorado voted 9 to 0 to reactivate the town government despite having no year-round residents since the 1890 United States Census.[23][5]
  30. ^ The City of Castle Pines North was incorporated on November 6, 2007. An election on November 2, 2010, changed the name to the City of Castle Pines.[1]
  31. ^ In 1874, county voters selected Castle Rock as the new seat of Douglas County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Douglas County, Colorado.
  32. ^ On November 28, 1859, the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson created 12 counties, with Central City as the seat of Mountain County, Jefferson Territory.[19] On November 1, 1861, the new Territory of Colorado created 17 original counties, with Central City as the seat of Gilpin County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Gilpin County, Colorado. Central City uses the municipal title City of Central.[1]
  33. ^ a b The City of Central is the seat of Gilpin County, but extends into an uninhabited area of Clear Creek County.[1][13]
  34. ^ Cheyenne Wells has been the seat of Cheyenne County, Colorado since the county was created on March 25, 1889.
  35. ^ The Town of Coal Creek should not be confused with the Coal Creek CDP.
  36. ^ The City of Colorado Springs is the 40th most populous U.S. municipality.[17]
  37. ^ The City of Colorado Springs is the principal city of the Colorado Springs, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  38. ^ In 1873, county voters selected Colorado Springs as the new seat of El Paso County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of El Paso County, Colorado.
  39. ^ Commerce City was originally incorporated on December 18, 1952 as the Town of Commerce Town.[1]
  40. ^ Cortez has been the seat of Montezuma County, Colorado since the county was created on April 16, 1889.
  41. ^ The City of Craig is a principal city of the Craig, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area and the Steamboat Springs-Craig, CO Combined Statistical Area.[18]
  42. ^ On August 28, 1889, Yampa changed its name to Craig.[21] Craig has been the seat of Moffat County, Colorado since the county was created on February 27, 1911.
  43. ^ On November 7, 1893, county voters selected Amethyst as the new seat of Mineral County, Colorado. On February 2, 1909, Amethyst changed its name to Creede.[21] Creede has continued to serve as county seat. Creede uses the official title City of Creede despite its status as a Colorado statutory town.[1]
  44. ^ Creede uses the official title City of Creede despite its status as a Colorado statutory town.
  45. ^ Fremont changed its name to Morland on December 9, 1891; then changed it back to Fremont on February 4, 1892; then changed it to Cripple Creek on June 20, 1892.[21] Cripple Creek has been the seat of Teller County, Colorado since the county was created on March 23, 1899.
  46. ^ On February 10, 1874, the Territory of Colorado created Rio Grande County, Colorado Territory with Del Norte as the original county seat, until statehood on August 1, 1876, when Del Norte became the seat of Rio Grande County, Colorado.
  47. ^ Delta has been the seat of Delta County, Colorado since the county was created on February 11, 1883.
  48. ^ The City and County of Denver is the 19th most populous U.S. municipality.[17]
  49. ^ The City and County of Denver is the principal city of the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area and the Denver-Aurora, CO Combined Statistical Area.[18]
  50. ^ On August 24, 1859, voters of the Pike's Peak mining region approved the formation of the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson with Denver City as the territorial capital.[24][25] On November 28, 1859, the extralegal territory created 12 counties, with Denver City as the seat of Arrappahoe County, Jefferson Territory.[19] On December 3, 1859, the Jefferson Territory granted a charter to the consolidated City of Denver, Auraria, and Highland, still commonly known as Denver City.[4] On November 13, 1860, the Jefferson Territory moved its capital to Golden City. On February 28, 1861, U.S. President James Buchanan signed An Act to provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Colorado, which designated Denver City as the original capital of the Colorado Territory.[26] On June 6, 1861, the Jefferson Territory officially yielded to the new territory. On November 1, 1861, the Colorado Territory created 17 original counties, with Denver City as the original seat of Arapahoe County. On November 7, 1861, the Colorado Territory reincorporated the city as the City of Denver City.[27] On July 7, 1862, the Colorado Territory moved its capital to Colorado City. On February 13, 1866, the city shortened its name to the City of Denver.[21] Denver served again as the capital of the Colorado Territory from December 9, 1867, until statehood on August 1, 1876, when Denver became the (first and only) capital of the State of Colorado. The City and County of Denver was consolidated on December 1, 1902.[1]
  51. ^ Denver has retained its "Mile-High City" elevation of 5,280 feet (1,609.344 m) despite advances in scientific measurement. When the National Geodetic Survey makes adjustments to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD), the State of Colorado moves the official mile-high elevation point up or down the west steps of the Colorado State Capitol to reflect the changes. Most of Denver actually lies above this elevation.[28]
  52. ^ As a consolidated city and county, the City and County of Denver is its own county seat.[1]
  53. ^ Dinosaur was originally incorporated on December 18, 1947 as the Town of Artesia.[1]
  54. ^ Dove Creek has served as the seat of Dolores County, Colorado since 1945.
  55. ^ The City of Durango is the principal city of the Durango, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  56. ^ Durango has served as the seat of La Plata County, Colorado since 1881.
  57. ^ Eads has served as the seat of Kiowa County, Colorado since 1902.
  58. ^ Castle changed its name to Eagle on September 3, 1891.[21] Eagle has served as the seat of Eagle County, Colorado since 1921.
  59. ^ Evans served as the seat of Weld County, Colorado Territory from 1870 until 1874 and again from 1875 until statehood on August 1, 1876, when it became the seat of Weld County, Colorado until the following year.
  60. ^ On November 7, 1867, county voters selected Fair Play as the new seat of Park County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Park County, Colorado. On October 1, 1924, Fair Play changed its name to Fairplay,[21] and has continued to serve as county seat.
  61. ^ The City of Fort Collins is the principal city of the Fort Collins, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  62. ^ In 1868, county voters selected Fort Collins as the new seat of Larimer County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Larimer County, Colorado.
  63. ^ The City of Fort Morgan is the principal city of the Fort Morgan, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  64. ^ Fort Morgan has been the seat of Morgan County, Colorado since the county was created on February 19, 1889.
  65. ^ In 1867, county voters selected Georgetown as the new seat of Clear Creek County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Clear Creek County, Colorado.
  66. ^ The City of Glenwood Springs is a principal city of the Glenwood Springs, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area and the Edwards-Glenwood Springs, CO Combined Statistical Area.[18]
  67. ^ On June 25, 1883, Defiance changed its name to Barlow, and several months later, county voters selected Barlow as the new seat of Garfield County, Colorado. On March 28, 1884, Barlow changed its name to Glenwood Springs,[21] and Glenwood Springs continues to serve as county seat.
  68. ^ On November 6, 1860, the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson designated Golden City as the new seat of Jefferson County, Jefferson Territory, and on November 13, 1860, it designated Golden City as its new territorial capital.[19] On November 1, 1861, the new Territory of Colorado created 17 original counties, with Golden City as the original seat of Jefferson County, Colorado Territory. Golden City served as the third capital of the Colorado Territory from August 14, 1862, until December 9, 1967. On June 27, 1876, Golden City shortened its name to Golden,[21] and since statehood on August 1, 1876, Golden has been the seat of Jefferson County, Colorado.
  69. ^ Golden was originally incorporated by the Territory of Colorado on January 2, 1871 as the City of Golden City.[1]
  70. ^ The City of Grand Junction is the principal city of the Grand Junction, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  71. ^ On May 26, 1882, Ute changed its name to Grand Junction.[21] Grand Junction has been the seat of Mesa County, Colorado since the county was created on February 11, 1883.
  72. ^ Grand Lake served as the seat of Grand County, Colorado from 1882 until 1888. On June 30, 1895, Grand Lake changed its name to Grandlake; then changed it back to Grand Lake on April 1, 1938.[21]
  73. ^ The City of Greeley is the principal city of the Greeley, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  74. ^ Greeley served as the seat of Weld County, Colorado Territory from 1874 until 1875. Greeley has served as the seat of Weld County, Colorado since 1877.
  75. ^ Gunnison has been the seat of Gunnison County, Colorado since the county was created on March 9, 1877.
  76. ^ On January 29, 1877, the state created Routt County, Colorado and designated Hayden as the original county seat. Hayden served as county seat until 1878.
  77. ^ Holyoke has been the seat of Phillips County, Colorado since the county was created on March 27, 1889.
  78. ^ Hot Sulphur Springs served as the original seat of Grand County, Colorado Territory since the county was created on February 2, 1874, and with statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Grand County, Colorado until 1882 and then again from 1888 to present. On June 26, 1894, Hot Sulphur Springs changed its name to Sulphur Springs, then changed it back to Hot Sulphur Springs on February 15, 1912.[21]
  79. ^ Hugo has been the seat of Lincoln County, Colorado since the county was created on April 11, 1889.
  80. ^ On November 1, 1861, the Territory of Colorado created 17 original counties, with Idaho as the original seat of Clear Creek County, Colorado Territory, serving until 1867. On April 7, 1876, Idaho changed its name to Idaho Springs.[21]
  81. ^ Ignacio is the headquarters of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe.[29]
  82. ^ On May 26, 1886, Denver Junction changed its name to Julesburg.[21] Julesburg has been the seat of Sedgwick County, Colorado since the county was created on April 9, 1889.
  83. ^ Keystone population and area prior to February 8, 2024 are for the Keystone CDP.
  84. ^ On February 2, 1874, the Territory of Colorado created Elbert County, Colorado Territory, with Kiowa as the county seat, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Elbert County, Colorado.
  85. ^ Kit Carson served as the seat of Greenwood County, Colorado Territory for the four years it existed from February 11, 1870, until February 6, 1874.
  86. ^ La Junta has been the seat of Otero County, Colorado since the county was created on March 25, 1889.
  87. ^ In 1875, county voters selected Lake City as the new seat of Hinsdale County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Hinsdale County, Colorado.
  88. ^ The City of Lakewood is a principal city of the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  89. ^ Lamar has been the seat of Prowers County, Colorado since the county was created on April 11, 1889.
  90. ^ On February 11, 1870, the Territory of Colorado created Bent County, Colorado Territory, with Las Animas serving as the original county seat for only a few months. Las Animas served as county seat again from 1872 until 1875, when the county seat was moved to West Las Animas. With statehood on August 1, 1876, West Las Animas became the seat of Bent County, Colorado. On September 4, 1886, West Las Animas changed its name to Las Animas,[21] and Las Animas has served as the county seat since.
  91. ^ LaSalle was originally incorporated in 1910 as the Town of La Salle.[1]
  92. ^ Leadville has served as the seat of Lake County, Colorado since it was re-created on February 10, 1879.
  93. ^ Voters selected Littleton as the seat of South Arapahoe County, Colorado, which was renamed and re-created on November 15, 1902. Littleton has remained the seat since the county name was changed back to Arapahoe County, Colorado on April 11, 1903.
  94. ^ a b The City of Littleton is the seat of Arapahoe County, but extends into both Jefferson and Douglas counties.[1][13]
  95. ^ Meeker has been the seat of Rio Blanco County, Colorado since the county was created on March 25, 1889.
  96. ^ The City of Montrose is the principal city of the Montrose, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  97. ^ Montrose has been the seat of Montrose County, Colorado since the county was created on February 11, 1883.
  98. ^ Ordway has been the seat of Crowley County, Colorado since the county was created on May 29, 1911.
  99. ^ Ouray has been the seat of Ouray County, Colorado since the county was created on January 18, 1877, although the name of the county was changed to Uncompahgre County for the three days from February 27 to March 2, 1883.
  100. ^ Pagosa Springs has been the seat of Archuleta County, Colorado since the county was created on April 14, 1885.
  101. ^ Parachute was originally incorporated on April 1, 1908 as the Town of Grand Valley.[1]
  102. ^ The City of Pueblo is the principal city of the Pueblo, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area and the Pueblo-Cañon City, CO Combined Statistical Area.[18]
  103. ^ On November 28, 1859, the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson created 12 counties, with Pueblo as the seat of Fountain County, Jefferson Territory.[19] On November 1, 1861, the new Territory of Colorado created 17 original counties, with Pueblo as the seat of Pueblo County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Pueblo County, Colorado.
  104. ^ Raymer is served by the New Raymer post office, creating some confusion about the town's name.[30]
  105. ^ Red Cliff served as the original seat of Eagle County, Colorado since the county was created on February 11, 1883, until 1921. Red Cliff changed its name to Redcliff on February 7, 1895; then changed it back to Red Cliff on April 1, 1979.[21]
  106. ^ Rico served as the original seat of Dolores County, Colorado since the county was created on March 4, 1881, until 1945.
  107. ^ On December 29, 1866, the Territory of Colorado created Saguache County, Colorado Territory with Saguache as the county seat, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Saguache County, Colorado.
  108. ^ a b The name "Saguache" is pronounced /səˈwæ/. This name comes from the Ute language noun "sawup" /səˈwʌp/ meaning "sand dunes". The Spanish language version of this name is usually spelled "Saguache", while the English language version is usually spelled "Sawatch".[31]
  109. ^ On March 28, 1881, Arkansas changed its name to Salida.[21] Salida has served as the seat of Chaffee County, Colorado since 1928.
  110. ^ San Luis de la Culebra was settled on April 9, 1851.[32] In 1863, county voters selected San Luis as the new seat of Costilla County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Costilla County, Colorado. San Luis is the oldest continuously occupied community in Colorado.
  111. ^ On September 20, 1887, Bee changed its name to Sheridan Lake; then changed it back to Bee on October 15, 1887; then changed it back again to Sheridan Lake on October 27, 1887.[21] Sheridan Lake served as the original seat of Kiowa County, Colorado since the county was created on April 11, 1889, until 1902.
  112. ^ Silver Cliff served as the seat of Custer County, Colorado from 1886 until 1928.
  113. ^ On January 31, 1876, the Territory of Colorado created San Juan County, Colorado Territory with Silverton as the county seat, and since statehood on August 1 of that year, the seat of San Juan County, Colorado.
  114. ^ Springfield has been the seat of Baca County, Colorado since the county was created on April 16, 1889.
  115. ^ The City of Steamboat Springs is the principal city of the Steamboat Springs, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area and the Steamboat Springs-Craig, CO Combined Statistical Area.[18]
  116. ^ Steamboat Springs has served as the seat of Routt County, Colorado since 1912.
  117. ^ The City of Sterling is the principal city of the Sterling, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area.[18]
  118. ^ Sterling has been the seat of Logan County, Colorado since the county was created on February 25, 1887.
  119. ^ On July 26, 1880, Columbia changed its name to Telluride.[21] Telluride has been the seat of San Miguel County, Colorado since the county was created on March 2, 1883.
  120. ^ Telluride was originally incorporated on February 10, 1887 as the Town of Columbia.[1]
  121. ^ On February 9, 1866, the Territory of Colorado created Las Animas County, Colorado Territory with Trinidad as its seat until statehood on August 1, 1876, when it became the seat of Las Animas County, Colorado.
  122. ^ Walden has been the seat of Jackson County, Colorado since the county was created on May 5, 1909.
  123. ^ In 1874, county voters selected Walsenburgh as the new seat of Huerfano County, Colorado Territory, and since statehood on August 1, 1876, the seat of Huerfano County, Colorado. On October 20, 1887, Walsenburgh changed its name to Tourist; then changed it back Walsenburgh on November 29, 1887; then shortened it to Walsenburg on December 22, 1892.[21]
  124. ^ Westcliffe has served as the seat of Custer County, Colorado since 1928.
  125. ^ Wray has served as the seat of Yuma County, Colorado since 1902.
  126. ^ Yuma served as the original seat of Yuma County, Colorado from the creation of the county on March 15, 1889, until 1902.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj "Active Colorado Municipalities". State of Colorado, Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government. Retrieved September 15, 2023.
  2. ^ "State of Colorado Incorporated Places - Current/TAB20 - Data as of January 1, 2020". United States Census Bureau. January 1, 2020. Retrieved October 24, 2023.
  3. ^ "Why Is Denver the Capital of Colorado?". Sporkle Blog. January 21, 2020. Retrieved September 4, 2022.
  4. ^ a b "To Charter and Consolidate the Towns of Denver, Auraria and Highland". Provisional Laws and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of Jefferson Territory. General Assembly of the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson. December 3, 1859. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h "QuickFacts for Colorado". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved September 4, 2022.
  6. ^ Stroud, John (November 8, 2014). "Yes, that's a town — by 9-0 vote". Glenwood Springs Post Independent. Archived from the original on March 6, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2021.
  7. ^ a b c "State of Colorado Incorporated Places - Current/TAB20 - Data as of January 1, 2020". United States Census Bureau. January 1, 2020. Retrieved August 27, 2022.
  8. ^
  9. ^ a b Block, Sheridan; Tiedje, Bill (January 29, 2014). "COLORADO Comparing home rule and statutory municipalities". Ouray Plaindealer. Archived from the original on 2019-07-13.
  10. ^ "Colorado Revised Statutes 2016 - TITLE 31" (PDF).
  11. ^ "A 60,000-Person Town And A 100-Person City? How Colorado's Communities Get Named". KUNC. 2020-02-27. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
  12. ^ "First settlers came to the Georgetown are in 1859" (PDF). Retrieved August 29, 2022.
  13. ^ a b c d e f "Colorado Counties (64 counties)". State of Colorado, Department of Local Affairs. Retrieved September 19, 2022.
  14. ^ "Map Search". Colorado Department of Transportation. Retrieved October 17, 2023.
  15. ^ "Geographic Names Information System". United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved October 15, 2023.
  16. ^ a b c d e Merkl, Dameon (February 26, 2013), "What's in a Colorado name pronunciation?", The Denver Post, retrieved September 4, 2022
  17. ^ a b c "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places of 50,000 or More, Ranked by July 1, 2021 Population: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021". United States Census Bureau, United States Department of Commerce. May 2022. Retrieved September 4, 2022.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "OMB Bulletin No. 20-01: Revised Delineations of Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and Combined Statistical Areas, and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas" (PDF). United States Office of Management and Budget. March 6, 2020. Retrieved September 5, 2022.
  19. ^ a b c d e f "An Act Defining the Boundaries of Counties and for other purposes". Provisional Laws and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of Jefferson Territory. General Assembly of the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson. November 28, 1859. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  20. ^ Dawson, John Frank (1954). "Breckenridge". Place Names in Colorado: Why 700 Communities Were So Named. p. 11. Retrieved 16 March 2020.
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Bauer, William H.; Ozment, James L.; Willard, John H. (1990). Colorado Post Offices 1859-1989. Golden, Colorado: Colorado Railroad Historical Foundation. ISBN 0-918654-42-4.
  22. ^ "Town History, Gold Dust to White Gold". Special Features. Town of Breckenridge. Archived from the original on 2007-02-09. Retrieved 2007-02-23.
  23. ^ Stroud, John (November 8, 2014). "Yes, that's a town — by 9-0 vote". Glenwood Springs Post Independent. Archived from the original on March 6, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2021.
  24. ^ Frederic L. Paxson (1906). Francis Ramaley (ed.). "The Territory of Jefferson: A Spontaneous Commonwealth". The University of Colorado Studies: General Series A. 3. Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado: 15–18. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  25. ^ "The Model of Auraria-Denver of 1860" (PDF). The Colorado Magazine. Colorado Historical Society. July 1935. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  26. ^ Thirty-sixth United States Congress (February 28, 1861). "An Act To provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Colorado" (PDF). Library of Congress. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  27. ^ "An Act Defining the Boundaries of Counties and for other purposes". Provisional Laws and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of Jefferson Territory. General Assembly of the Territory of Jefferson. November 28, 1859. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  28. ^ Cook, Terri (May 26, 2015). "Only in Colorado: The Capitol's Mile-High Step(s)". 5280 Magazine. Retrieved August 27, 2022.
  29. ^ "Southern Ute Indian Tribe". Southern Ute Indian Tribe. Retrieved August 27, 2022.
  30. ^ "Colorado Post Offices". United States Postal Service. Retrieved August 27, 2022.
  31. ^ Merkl, Dameon (February 26, 2013), "What's in a Colorado name pronunciation?", The Denver Post, retrieved March 7, 2013
  32. ^ "Colorado celebrates the anniversary of its oldest town, San Luis". History Colorado. April 1, 2015. Retrieved August 27, 2022.

External links

38°59′50″N 105°32′52″W / 38.9972°N 105.5478°W / 38.9972; -105.5478 (State of Colorado)