Sarah Siddons as the Tragic Muse

Sarah Siddons as the Tragic Muse, or Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse, is a 1783–1784 painting by English painter Sir Joshua Reynolds. The 1784 version is in the Huntington Library art museum,[1] while a 1789 reproduction from Reynolds's studio is in the Dulwich Picture Gallery.[2]


The painting depicts the actress Sarah Siddons as Melpomene, the muse of tragedy. Siddons wears a diadem and is dressed in an 18th-century costume adorned with pearls. She is seated on a large throne while behind her, figures personifying Pity and Terror stand in the shadows.[3]


  1. ^ a b Huntington Library.
  2. ^ McPherson 2000, p. 411.


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