List of New Testament papyri

Verso of papyrus š¯”“37

A New Testament papyrus is a copy of a portion of the New Testament made on papyrus. To date, over 140 such papyri are known. In general, they are considered the earliest witnesses to the original text of the New Testament.[1]

This elite status among New Testament manuscripts only began in the 20th century. The grouping was first introduced by Caspar RenĆ© Gregory, who assigned papyri texts the Blackletter character š¯”“ followed by a superscript number. This number refers not to the age of the papyrus, but to the order in which it was registered.[2] Before 1900, only 9 papyri manuscripts were known, and only one had been cited in a critical apparatus (š¯”“11 by Constantin von Tischendorf). These 9 papyri were just single fragments, except for š¯”“15, which consisted of a single whole leaf.[3] The discoveries of the twentieth century brought about the earliest known New Testament manuscript fragments.[4] Kenyon in 1912 knew 14 papyri,[5] Aland in his first edition of Kurzgefasste... in 1963 enumerated 76 papyri, in 1989 there were 96 known papyri, and in 2008 124 papyri. As of 2021, a total of 141 papyri are known, although some of the numbers issued were later deemed to be fragments of the same original manuscript.

Among the most important are the Chester Beatty Papyri: š¯”“45, which contains the Gospels and Acts; š¯”“46, which contains the Pauline epistles; and š¯”“47, which contains the Book of Revelation. All of these are thought to date from sometime in the third century.[2]

Also significant are the Bodmer Papyri: š¯”“66, which contains the Gospel of John;[6] and š¯”“75, which contains the Gospels of Luke and John.[7] These early manuscripts are more complete, allowing scholars to better examine their textual character.[8]

Not all of the manuscripts are simply New Testament texts: š¯”“59, š¯”“60, š¯”“63, š¯”“80 are texts with commentaries; š¯”“2, š¯”“3, and š¯”“44 are lectionaries; š¯”“50, š¯”“55, and š¯”“78 are talismans; and š¯”“10,š¯”“12, š¯”“42, š¯”“43, š¯”“62, š¯”“72, and š¯”“99 belong to other miscellaneous texts, such as writing scraps, glossaries, or songs.[9]

Every papyrus is cited in Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece.

List of all registered New Testament papyri

Papyrus 1ā€“50

Papyrus 51ā€“100

Papyrus 101ā€“

Distribution based on content

Note: "Early" manuscripts are manuscripts dated firmly from the fourth century or earlier. Roughly half of the papyri are "early". Some manuscripts contain content from more than one New Testament book, so the numbers above do not directly correspond to the total number of manuscripts.

See also

Other articles


  1. ^ Nestle-Aland 1996
  2. ^ a b Law 2012, p. 95
  3. ^ Nestle-Aland 1996, pp. 83-84, 87
  4. ^ 'š¯”“52, š¯”“90, š¯”“98, and š¯”“104 all dating to the 2nd century
  5. ^ Kenyon, F. G., Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, London2, 1912, p. 129.
  6. ^ Floyd V. Filson, A New Papyrus Manuscript of the Gospel of John, The Biblical Archeologist (Vol. XX), p. 54.
  7. ^ Aland and Aland, The Text of the New Testament (1989), p. 244
  8. ^ In fact, the preservation level of š¯”“66 surprised scholars because the first 26 leaves were basically fully intact, and even the stitching of the binding remained.
  9. ^ Nestle-Aland 1996, p. 85
  10. ^ "Saint Mathew Gospel". University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Penn Museum. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  11. ^ "Neues Testament Luke 7:36-45; 10:38-42". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  12. ^ "ManuscritSupplĆ©ment grec 1120". Gallica. BibliothĆØque nationale de France. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  13. ^ "Papyrus 782". British Library. British Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  14. ^ "Papyrus 2484". British Library. British Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  15. ^ "P. 8683: Lukas, Acta Apostolorum 4, 31ā€“6, 15". BerlPap. Berliner Papyrusdatenbank. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  16. ^ "P.Oxy.3.402 (MS Gr SM3736. Houghton Library, Harvard University). First epistle of John in Greek". Harvard Library. Houghton Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  17. ^ "P.Oxy. 2.209 (MS Gr SM2218. Houghton Library, Harvard University). Romans 1:1-7. First epistle of John in Greek". Harvard Library. Houghton Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  18. ^ "Papyrus 2053". British Library. British Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  19. ^ "Matthew's Gospel (fragment: x, 32 - xi, 5)". Digital Bodleian Library. Bodleian Library. Retrieved 2018-11-12.
  20. ^ "Princeton Papyri Collections, AM4107; AM4117". Princeton University Library. Princeton University Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  21. ^ "The Robert C. Horn Papyrus Collection". Trexler Library. Muhlenberg College Trexler Library. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  22. ^ "Saint John's Gospel xv, xvi". University of Glasgow. University of Glasgow. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  23. ^ "Oxyrhynchus Papyrus, P.Oxy X 1229: Excerpt, James 1: 15-18". University of Illinois. University of Illinois. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  24. ^ "P. 16388: Evangelium nach MatthƤus oder Tatian, Diatessaron". BerlPap. Berliner Papyrusdatenbank. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  25. ^ "[papyrus] Fragmenten uit de eerste brief aan de inwoners van Thessaloniki". University of Ghent Library. Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent. Retrieved 2017-08-23.
  26. ^ "Neues Testament Apg 7, 6-18; 15, 22-24.27-32". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  27. ^ "Neues Testament Litterarischer theologischer Text No. 26 1Kor 16,4-7,10; 2Kor 5,18-21; 10,13-14; 11,2-4". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  28. ^ "PSI I 1". PSIonline. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  29. ^ "PSI I 3". PSIonline. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  30. ^ "Gospel of John (P39; P.Oxy. 1780)". Museum of the Bible. Museum of the Bible. Retrieved 2019-07-31.
  31. ^ "VBP IV 57 Romans Fragments". University of Heidelberg. University of Heidelberg. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  32. ^ "Neues Testament K 7541". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  33. ^ "Neues Testament K 7542". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  34. ^ "Neues Testament K 7542". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  35. ^ "Neues Testament K 7543". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  36. ^ "Neues Testament K 7544". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  37. ^ "Neues Testament K 7545". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  38. ^ "Neues Testament K 7546". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  39. ^ "Neues Testament K 7426". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  40. ^ "Neues Testament K 7731". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  41. ^ "Neues Testament K 7377". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  42. ^ "Neues Testament K 7547". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  43. ^ "Neues Testament K 7548". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  44. ^ "Neues Testament K 8706". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  45. ^ "Papyrus Fragments from a Lectionary,580ā€“640". Metropolitan Museum of Art. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved 2019-08-04.
  46. ^ "PSI X 1165". PSIonline. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  47. ^ "P.CtYBR inv. 415". Yale University Library. Yale University Library. Retrieved 2017-08-24.
  48. ^ "P.Oxy.XVIII 2157". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  49. ^ "Neues Testament John 1:31-33; 1:35-38". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  50. ^ "Neues Testament Acts 1:1, 4-5; 1:7, 10-11; Acts 1:1-4; 1:7-10". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  51. ^ "Neues Testament Acts 4:36-5:2;5:8-10". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  52. ^ "P. 11914: Bibelorakel mit Versen aus dem Evangelium nach Johannes". BerlPap. Berliner Papyrusdatenbank. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  53. ^ "A Gem of the Christian era: the Gospel of John". Bodmer Foundation. Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  54. ^ "Inv. 04274; 004298, Kƶln, Papyrussammlung". University of Cologne. University of Cologne. Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  55. ^ "P.Oxy.XXIV 2383". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  56. ^ "P.Oxy.XXIV 2384". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  57. ^ "P.Oxy.XXIV 2385". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  58. ^ "Manuscript - Pap.Bodmer.VIII". Digital Vatican Library. Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  59. ^ "Manuscript - Pap.Hanna.1(Mater.Verbi)". Digital Vatican Library. Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  60. ^ "Neues Testament John 4:9; 4:11-12". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-25.
  61. ^ "P.Oxy.LXIV 4405". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  62. ^ "P.Oxy.XXXIV 2684". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  63. ^ "Inv. 05516, Kƶln, Papyrussammlung". University of Cologne. University of Cologne. Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  64. ^ "Inv. 00012, Kƶln, Papyrussammlung". University of Cologne. University of Cologne. Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  65. ^ "P.Oxy.L 3523". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  66. ^ "P.Oxy.LXV 4449". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  67. ^ "P.Oxy.LXIV 4401". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  68. ^ "P.Oxy.LXIV 4402". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  69. ^ "P.Oxy.LXIV 4403". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  70. ^ "P.Oxy.LXIV 4404". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  71. ^ "P.Oxy.LXIV 4406". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  72. ^ "P.Oxy.LXV 4445". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  73. ^ "P.Oxy.LXV 4446". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2018-05-31.
  74. ^ "P.Oxy.LXV 4447". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  75. ^ "P.Oxy.LXV 4448". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  76. ^ "P.Oxy.LXVI 4494". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  77. ^ "P.Oxy.LXVI 4495". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  78. ^ "P.Oxy.LXVI 4496". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  79. ^ "P.Oxy.LXVI 4497". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  80. ^ "P.Oxy.LXVI 4498". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  81. ^ "P.Oxy.LXVI 4499". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  82. ^ "A New Testimony to the Letter to the Hebrews (2.9-11 and 3.3-6), Tyche 16 (2001)". Austrian National Library. Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  83. ^ "Inv. 10311, Kƶln, Papyrussammlung". University of Cologne. University of Cologne. Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  84. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXI 4803". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  85. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXI 4804". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  86. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXI 4805". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  87. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXI 4806". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  88. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXII 4844". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  89. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXII 4845". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  90. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXIII 4934". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2023-02-20. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  91. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXIV 4968". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Retrieved 2018-05-31.
  92. ^ a b c d New NT Papyrus Manuscripts - Peter M. Head, June 3, 2015.
  93. ^ "Papyrus Fragments from a Lectionary,580ā€“640". Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved 2019-08-04.
  94. ^ The image of P129 was posted at by Peter Head upon viewing presentation by Josh McDowell ( who released the papyrus image and indicated the resources shown, including images in his presentation, were available for usage.
  95. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXXI 5258". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2017-08-28. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  96. ^ "P.Oxy.LXXXI 5259". Oxyrhynchus Online. Oxyrhynchus Online. Archived from the original on 2017-08-28. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  97. ^ "A New Papyrus of the Gospel of John". Evangelical Textual Criticism. Evangelical Textual Criticism. 21 November 2015. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  98. ^ "Acts of the Apostles". Duke University. Duke University. Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  99. ^ "P. Oxy. LXXXIII 5345. Mark i 7ā€“9, 16ā€“18". Oxford University. Oxford University. Retrieved 2023-07-06.
  100. ^ "P. Oxy. LXXXIII 5346. Luke xiii 13ā€“17, 25ā€“30". Oxford University. Oxford University. Retrieved 2023-07-06.
  101. ^ "P. Oxy. LXXXIII 5347. Philemon 6ā€“8, 18ā€“20". Oxford University. Oxford University. Retrieved 2023-07-06.
  102. ^ "P.Oxy. LXXXV 5478". Oxford University. Oxford University. Retrieved 2023-07-06.


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