
Sematilide is an antiarrhythmic agent. It is the same structure as for procainamide, differing only by the placement of a mesyl sulfonamide moiety to the anilino nitrogen.


Synthesis:[1] Patent:[2]

The reaction between Benzocaine (Ethyl 4-Aminobenzoate) [94-09-7] (1) and mesyl chloride [124-63-0] gives the sulfonamide, Ethyl 4-(Methylsulfonamido)benzoate [7151-77-1]. Base saponification followed by the removal of the water from the reaction mixture gives 4-[(Methylsulfonyl)amino]benzoic acid sodium salt (2). Halogenation with thionyl chloride gives 4-[(Methylsulfonyl)Amino]Benzoyl Chloride [63421-72-7]. Amide formation with N,N-Diethylethylenediamine [100-36-7] (3) then concludes the synthesis of Sematilide (4).


  1. ^ Lumma, William C.; Wohl, Ronald A.; Davey, David D.; Argentieri, Thomas M.; DeVita, Robert J.; Gomez, Robert P.; Jain, Vijay K.; Marisca, Anthony J.; Morgan, Thomas K. (1987). "Rational design of 4-[(methylsulfonyl)amino]benzamides as class III antiarrhythmic agents". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 30 (5): 755–758. doi:10.1021/jm00388a001.
  2. ^ David D. Davey, William C. Lumma, Jr., Ronald A. Wohl, U.S. patent 4,544,654 (1985 to Schering A.G.).