Tight span

In metric geometry, the metric envelope or tight span of a metric space M is an injective metric space into which M can be embedded. In some sense it consists of all points "between" the points of M, analogous to the convex hull of a point set in a Euclidean space. The tight span is also sometimes known as the injective envelope or hyperconvex hull of M. It has also been called the injective hull, but should not be confused with the injective hull of a module in algebra, a concept with a similar description relative to the category of R-modules rather than metric spaces.

The tight span was first described by Isbell (1964), and it was studied and applied by Holsztyński in the 1960s. It was later independently rediscovered by Dress (1984) and Chrobak & Larmore (1994); see Chepoi (1997) for this history. The tight span is one of the central constructions of T-theory.


The tight span of a metric space can be defined as follows. Let (X,d) be a metric space, and let T(X) be the set of extremal functions on X, where we say an extremal function on X to mean a function f from X to R such that

  1. For any x, y in X, d(x,y) ≤ f(x) + f(y), and
  2. For each x in X, f(x) = sup{d(x,y) - f(y):y in X}.[1]: 124 

In particular (taking x = y in property 1 above) f(x) ≥ 0 for all x. One way to interpret the first requirement above is that f defines a set of possible distances from some new point to the points in X that must satisfy the triangle inequality together with the distances in (X,d). The second requirement states that none of these distances can be reduced without violating the triangle inequality.

The tight span of (X,d) is the metric space (T(X),δ), whereis analogous to the metric induced by the norm. (If d is bounded, then δ is the subspace metric induced by the metric induced by the norm. If d is not bounded, then every extremal function on X is unbounded and so Regardless, it will be true that for any f,g in T(X), the difference belongs to , i.e., is bounded.)

Equivalent definitions of extremal functions

For a function f from X to R satisfying the first requirement, the following versions of the second requirement are equivalent:

Basic properties and examples

Hyperconvexity properties


If a set of points in the plane, with the Manhattan metric, has a connected orthogonal convex hull, then that hull coincides with the tight span of the points.

Dimension of the tight span when X is finite

The definition above embeds the tight span T(X) of a set of n () points into RX, a real vector space of dimension n. On the other hand, if we consider the dimension of T(X) as a polyhedral complex, Develin (2006) showed that, with a suitable general position assumption on the metric, this definition leads to a space with dimension between n/3 and n/2.

Alternative definitions

An alternative definition based on the notion of a metric space aimed at its subspace was described by Holsztyński (1968), who proved that the injective envelope of a Banach space, in the category of Banach spaces, coincides (after forgetting the linear structure) with the tight span. This theorem allows to reduce certain problems from arbitrary Banach spaces to Banach spaces of the form C(X), where X is a compact space.

Develin & Sturmfels (2004) attempted to provide an alternative definition of the tight span of a finite metric space as the tropical convex hull of the vectors of distances from each point to each other point in the space. However, later the same year they acknowledged in an Erratum Develin & Sturmfels (2004a) that, while the tropical convex hull always contains the tight span, it may not coincide with it.


See also


  1. ^ Dress, Huber & Moulton (2001).
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Khamsi, Mohamed A.; Kirk, William A. (2001). An Introduction to Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theory. Wiley.
  3. ^ a b c Dress, Andreas; Huber, Katharina T.; Koolen, Jacobus; Moulton, Vincent; Spillner, Andreas (2012). Basic Phylogenetic Combinatorics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-76832-0.
  4. ^ a b c Huson, Daniel H.; Rupp, Regula; Scornavacca, Celine (2010). Phylogenetic Networks: Conceps, Algorithms and Applications. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-75596-2.
  5. ^ Deza, Michel Marie; Deza, Elena (2014). Encyclopedia of Distances (Third ed.). Springer. p. 47. ISBN 978-3-662-44341-5.
  6. ^ Melleray, Julien (2008). "Some geometric and dynamical properties of the Urysohn space". Topology and Its Applications. 155 (14): 1531–1560. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2007.04.029.
  7. ^ Benyamini, Yoav; Lindenstrauss, Joram (2000). Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis. American Mathematical Society. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-8218-0835-1.
  8. ^ In two dimensions, the Manhattan distance is isometric after rotation and scaling to the distance, so with this metric the plane is itself injective, but this equivalence between 1 and does not hold in higher dimensions.
  9. ^ Chrobak & Larmore (1994).
  1. ^ Khamsi and Kirk use this condition in their definition.
  2. ^ Khamsi and Kirk's proof shows one implication of the equivalence to the condition immediately above. The other implication is not difficult to show.
  3. ^ I.e., the Kuratowski map We will introduce the Kuratowski map below.
  4. ^ The supremum is achieved with y=x.
  5. ^ The supremum is achieved with y=x.


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