Tubular gland

Tubular glands are glands with a tube-like shape throughout their length, in contrast with alveolar glands, which have a saclike secretory portion.[1][2]

Tubular glands are further classified as one of the following types:

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See also


  1. ^ tubular+gland at eMedicine Dictionary
  2. ^ SIU SOM Histology GI
  3. ^ Histology at KUMC glands-glands04 - "Simple Straight Tubular Gland"
  4. ^ Blue Histology – Epithelia and Glands
  5. ^ Exocrine glands Glandular epithelium
  6. ^ Histology at KUMC glands-glands12
  7. ^ "Epxthelxux C &". Archived from the original on 2008-06-03. Retrieved 2008-08-02.

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