Treaty of Wad Ras

The Treaty of Wad Ras (Arabic: معاهدة واد راس, Spanish: Tratado de Wad-Ras) was a treaty signed between Morocco and Spain at the conclusion of the War of Tetuan on April 26, 1860 at Wad Ras, located between Tetuan and Tangier. The conditions of the treaty exacerbated Morocco's defeat in the war, with major concessions being granted to Spain. Morocco was forced to pay a 20 million duro (equivalent to $4 million 1861 US dollars)[1] indemnity—far greater the balance of the Makhzen's treasury; the territories of the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla were extended further into Moroccan territory; and Sidi Ifni became a Spanish possession.[1]

Following the treaty, the Moroccan government took a massive British loan larger than its national reserves to pay off its war debt to Spain.[2]

Historical context

From 1859 to 1860, Morocco became engaged with the War of Tetuan against Spain. Morocco had recently suffered a major defeat in the Franco-Moroccan War at the hands of the French in 1844. In 1856, the Moroccan government signed the Anglo-Moroccan Treaty, opening up the country to foreign trade while granting several rights to British subjects in Morocco and reducing the control of the Makhzen's over the Moroccan economy.[3]

The Spanish campaign of 1859 came in response to the skirmishes led by local tribes that took place around the Spanish enclaves.[4]

After the Spain's victory over Morocco at the Battle of Tetuan and its conquest of the city in 1860, the Spanish general Leopoldo O'Donnell decided to attack Tangier. The Moroccan army, led by al-Abass Bin Abderrahman, brother of Sultan Muhammad IV, attempted to challenge the attack at Wad Ras, where he suffered a massive defeat. This defeat forced Muhammad IV to sign a peace treaty with major concessions.

Main provisions

Image of the Spanish parliament building with two lions sculpted from Moroccan canons seized in the Battle of Wad Ras in 1860


To help pay the indemnity, Morocco took a loan from private investors in Britain. The loan, issued by Sirs Robinson, Fleming and Philippe P. Blyth, amounted to £501,200, of which the Sultan actually received £426,000.[6] The British loan was to be repaid from half of the tariff revenue collected at Moroccan ports, to be overseen by European agents.[7]: 25  The other half of the tariff revenue at Moroccan ports went toward the amount owed directly to Spain.[8]

The annual repayment of the loan represented 12% of Morocco's customs revenues, and it was repaid regularly up until 1882, when the loan was repaid in full and British civil servants left the country.[9]


  1. ^ a b Miller, Susan Gilson. (2013). A history of modern Morocco. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 25. ISBN 978-1-139-62469-5. OCLC 855022840.
  2. ^ Miller, Susan Gilson. (2013). A history of modern Morocco. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-139-62469-5. OCLC 855022840.
  3. ^ Miller, Susan Gilson. (2013). A history of modern Morocco. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 23. ISBN 978-1-139-62469-5. OCLC 855022840.
  4. ^ ضربة المدفع التي مددت حدود المدينة المحتلة مليلة في القرن التاسع عشر، بقام د. مصطفى الغديري، عن موقع تاويزة
  5. ^ بالإسبانية: نص المعاهدة من موقع مشروع إبيستيموويكيا المعرفي التابع لجامعة إيكستريمادورا الإسبانية Archived 6 October 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ Barbe, Adam (August 2016). Public debt and European expansionism in Morocco From 1860 to 1956 (PDF). Paris School of Economics.
  7. ^ Miller, Susan Gilson (2013). A history of modern Morocco. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-139-62469-5. OCLC 855022840.
  8. ^ Barbe, Adam (August 2016). Public debt and European expansionism in Morocco From 1860 to 1956 (PDF). Paris School of Economics.
  9. ^ Barbe, Adam (August 2016). Public debt and European expansionism in Morocco From 1860 to 1956 (PDF). Paris School of Economics.