Речной верблюд

Река Верблюд ( Корнуолл : Dowr Kammel , что означает кривая река ) — река в Корнуолле , Англия. Он берет свое начало на краю Бодмин-Мур и вместе с притоками охватывает большую часть Северного Корнуолла. [1] Река впадает в восточную часть Кельтского моря между Степпер-Пойнт и Пентайр-Пойнт , пройдя около 30 миль (50 км), что делает ее второй по длине рекой в ​​Корнуолле. Река течет вверх по течению от Эглошейла и популярна среди любителей парусного спорта , наблюдения за птицами и рыбалки . Название «Верблюд» происходит от корнуоллского языка, означающего «кривой», что указывает на его извилистый путь. Исторически река делилась на три названных участка. Хейл ( корнуоллский : Heyl , что означает устье ) было названием устья до Эглошейла, река Аллен ( корнуоллский : Dowr Alen , что означает сияющая река ) была участком между Эглошейлом и Трекарном, в то время как Верблюд был зарезервирован для участка реки. между его источником и Трекарном. [2]

Геология и гидрология

Река Кэмел берет свое начало на холме Хендрабурник (UK Grid Reference SX135875) на краю Бодмин-Мур, территории, которая является частью гранитного хребта Корнуолла. Течение реки проходит через осадочные породы верхнего и среднего девона , [3] преимущественно сланцы Верхнего Делаболе, сланцы Тревозе и сланцы Ползит, которые простираются до побережья, образуя землю с неглубокими кислыми почвами. [4] Помимо осадочных пород, магматические породы можно найти на холме Бреа [5] и в мысе Пентире, которые состоят в основном из подушечных лав . [6] [7] [8] Через устье реки Кэмел Степпер-Пойнт состоит из зеленого камня, как и Рампс, мыс на северной стороне мыса Пентире, обращенный к заливу Порт-Куин. [9] [7]

Добыча сланца для строительных целей велась в различных местах вдоль реки, часто с созданием небольших карьеров рядом с местом, где предполагалось использовать камень. Сегодня единственный действующий карьер во всем водосборном бассейне реки Кэмел находится в Делаболе [10] , но ранее добыча свинца и серебра велась на Пентайр-Хед [11] и вокруг Пинксон-Крик [12] , а также медный рудник в Кредисе над Литтл-Петериком. , [13] Дальше вглубь страны Верблюд и его притоки граничат с горнодобывающими жилами Сент-Остелл возле Ланивета , и рудники в этой области производят олово , [14] [15] свинец , [16] серебро , [16] и медь . [17] Железная руда в виде гематита и связанных с ним оксидов марганца также добывалась в этом районе. [18] Хотя и не считается крупным производителем, [19] Шахта Малберри возле Ретернбриджа произвела около 1300 тонн олова в период с 1859 по 1916 год. [20] [19] Записи показывают, что медная руда была отправлена ​​​​из Падстоу в Нит для выплавки. , [21] а оловянные и медные руды были основным товаром, перевозимым из Гвинеипорта в 1830 году. [22] Несколько небольших карьеров по производству китайской глины также действовали в 19 веке вокруг Блисланда [23] [24] [25] и Сент-Брюарда . [5]

Молодой речной верблюд в Слотербридже выше по течению от Кэмелфорда.

Исток Верблюда находится на высоте 218 метров (715 футов) над уровнем моря [26] и имеет средний уклон 7 м/км. [26] Верховья Верблюда и его притоков в основном представляют собой вересковые пустоши, уступающие место лесам и сельскохозяйственным угодьям, преимущественно животноводческим. [26] Это означает, что 64,8% водосбора занимают пастбища, еще 14,8% пахотных земель и 12,9% лесных массивов. Из оставшихся 7,4% 4,5% приходится на городские или застроенные территории, 2,7% — на горы, пустоши и болота, а остальная часть — на внутренние воды. [27]

Водосборная площадь реки Кэмел составляет 413 км 2 [26] на западной стороне Бодмин-Мур и состоит в основном из девонских сланцев и гранита , [28] с некоторыми сланцами и песчаниками. [26] На объемы воды влияет водохранилище в Крауди-Марш, забор воды для общественного снабжения и сточные воды из канализационной системы вокруг Бодмина . Данные, собранные Национальным архивом речного стока, показывают, что расход воды в реке Верблюд в 2006 году был значительно ниже среднего. Это коррелирует с уменьшением количества осадков, особенно в период с июня по сентябрь. Данные за 2013 и 2014 годы также показывают уровень ниже среднего годового расхода, но с точками, превышающими средний расход зимой. [26]

В реке, которая на большей части своей длины протекает по долине с крутыми склонами, внезапные ливни могут привести к быстрому повышению уровня воды, и хотя наводнения на Верблюде не являются чем-то необычным, наводнение 16 июля 1847 года было исключительным. Вызванная водяным смерчем и наводнением в Дэвидстоу-Мур, стена воды снесла шесть мостов, но Хелландбридж выдержал силу воды, которая текла по конструкции, оставляя обломки видимыми на близлежащих деревьях на высоте до 20 футов (6 м) над обычной рекой. уровень. [29] Сегодня приливные части реки Верблюд подвержены риску наводнений, особенно во время весенних приливов после периодов сильных дождей, когда водосборный бассейн уже насыщен водой. Территория вокруг Уэйдбриджа была определена Агентством по охране окружающей среды как критическая зона дренажа (CDA), и из-за приливной стихии ожидается, что риск увеличится из-за изменения климата . Это означает, что все разработки в рамках CDA должны учитывать наводнения, включая сток дождевых осадков . [30]

В 2023 году Агентство по охране окружающей среды измерило уровень воды на реке Кэмел в Слейдсбридже, Данмере и Кэмелфорде, а также на реках Аллен и Де Ланк, которые являются притоками реки Кэмел. [31]

Устье реки

Схематическая карта устья реки Верблюд
Вид на устье реки Кэмел со стороны мыса Пентайр с мысом Требетерик на переднем плане.
Устье реки Кэмел смотрит в сторону моря со стороны Падстоу.
Песчаная отмель Дум -Бар простирается через устье реки Кэмел.

Следующие пять с половиной миль от расширяющейся дороги Кэмел до Пэдстоу — это самое красивое путешествие на поезде, которое я когда-либо знал.

-  Джон Бетджеман , Корнуолл Бетджемана [32]

Верблюжье устье ( Корнуолл : Хейл Каммель ) [33] простирается от Уэйдбриджа вниз по течению до открытого моря в заливе Падстоу. Набережные Уэйдбриджа теперь застроены квартирами и торговыми помещениями на западном берегу. К северу от причалов река проходит под бетонным мостом, ведущим по объездной дороге A39 , мимо заброшенной набережной Купорос. Ниже по течению от мыса Берньер долина справа расширяется акрами солончаков , где впадает река Эмбл. Здесь Корнуоллское общество наблюдения за птицами и охраны природы имеет укрытия по обе стороны реки; те, что находятся на Верблюжьей тропе, открыты для публики. Основная река течет по западной стороне долины, а на восточной стороне плотина предотвращает попадание прилива в реку Эмбл.

Ниже по течению от реки Эмбл на береговой полосе ниже Динэм-Хилл, части медного рудника Уил-Систерс, можно найти штольню . [17] В штольню можно попасть только с береговой линии во время отлива, и она расположена недалеко от места, где находится приливная мельница, зафиксированная в месте, где Динхэм-Крик впадает в главную реку. Эта мельница показана на карте 1830-х годов, хотя сейчас от нее не осталось никаких следов. [34] [35] Бухта Кант расположена на восточном берегу ниже Кант-Хилла, где из грязи выступают гниющие ребра двух кораблей, которые можно различить на Картах Google в 2019 году, а почти напротив Кант-Хилл на западном берегу находится Верблюжий карьер [ 34] [35] 36] с хорошо заметными над рекой грудами пустой породы и остатками причала, видимыми при малой воде. Отсюда грязь сменяется песком и Нежной Джейн, названной в честь легендарной дамы, лечившей недуги всех желающих. [37]

От бухты Портхилли на восточном берегу устье расширяется и поворачивает на север. На западном берегу Верблюжья тропа пересекает трехпролетный «Железный мост» через Литтл-Петерик-Крик, а затем проходит под Деннис-Хилл и его обелиском .

Рыбацкий порт Падстоу расположен на западном берегу, откуда паром Блэк-Тор (официально принадлежащий герцогству Корнуолл ) перевозит людей через реку в Рок .

Устье реки Кэмел находится между Степпер-Пойнт на западе и Пентайр-Пойнт на востоке, и на каждом мысе есть песчаные пляжи. На западной стороне устья пляж Трегерлс охраняется Степпер-Пойнт. В северной части пляжа Трегерлс находится бухта Харбор, а между этим местом и бухтой Хокерс были обнаружены свидетельства заселения в бронзовый век , железный век и римские периоды, а также использования бухты Харбор для торговых судов. [38]

В 1827 году Ассоциация гавани Падстоу выбрала бухту Хокерс в качестве места для спасательной шлюпки Падстоу . В 1856 году операции были переданы RNLI. В 1931 году были построены новая станция спасательных шлюпок и стапель, а вторая спасательная шлюпка была размещена в бухте Хокерс. Станция закрылась в 1962 году, потому что из-за заиления канал стал слишком мелким, а здание, в котором размещалась спасательная шлюпка, было переоборудовано под жилое помещение. [39] Движение песка в различных частях устья в течение многих лет влияло на возможность судов заходить в гавань Падстоу, и даже в мае 2020 года было выпущено навигационное предупреждение, касающееся увеличения размеров песчаной косы между Ган-Пойнт. и мыс Сент-Сэвиорс, который считается серьезной угрозой для судоходства. [40]

За бухтой Хокерс через устье реки простирается песчаная коса, известная как «Роковая отмеля» . Это ограничивает доступ к гавани Падстоу и на протяжении многих лет было кладбищем многих кораблей. В прошлом было предложение построить пирс на роковой косе, чтобы направить прилив и, таким образом, прочесать главный канал и сохранить его судоходным, но ничего так и не было построено. [41] Легенда о том, как появился Doom Bar, описывает, как местный рыбак, как считается, выстрелил в русалку из стрелы, в результате чего она прокляла Падстоу, поставив песчаную косу между гаванью и морем. [42]

На восточной стороне устья находится деревня Рок — центр парусного спорта , гонок на лодках и морского отдыха. От Рока дюны и приливные пески простираются на север до холма Бреа . За холмом Бреа находится залив Деймер с пляжем, к северу от которого находится поселение Требетерик . Затем река течет мимо мыса Требетерик и поворачивает на восток по скалистому участку прибрежной полосы, перемежающемуся песком в Гринуэе, прежде чем достичь пляжа в Ползите , месте для серфинга . К северу от Ползита мыс Пентайр отмечает северо-восточную оконечность устья.


The Camel Estuary has been designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), covering the area between Padstow/Rock and Wadebridge.[43] The estuary comprises part of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


In the 1920s Trout fishing was listed as one of the attractions of the river and today it is known for both Trout and Salmon fishing, and particularly for Sea trout with the fishing season running from 1 May to 15 December.[44][45] Fishing techniques used include spinning, worm bait and Fly fishing.[45] Fishing from the end of August is covered by a voluntary catch-and-release agreement, and the upper reaches are designated as a fish sanctuary and fishing here is prohibited.[46]

For fishing purposes, the River Camel is considered to be tidal from the mouth up to Egloshayle church.[47]

Although not often mentioned when discussing Bass fishing on the River Camel, the whole of the river is a Bass conservation area with a ban on fishing from boats and an increased minimum size for fish caught from the shore.[48][49] Sea fishing for Flounder is also a feature of the River Camel, particularly in the sandy parts between Padstow and Cant Hill[50]

Beaches and bathing

On the western bank Hawker's Cove, Tregirls beach and St Georges Cove lie between Stepper Point and Padstow, while on the eastern bank moving upstream from Pentire Point is Polzeath beach, Daymer Bay and Rock. Water quality is monitored at Polzeath and Daymer Bay with water classification for the years 2012 to 2015 for both locations being "Excellent".[51][52] Water quality was previously monitored at Rock, results from 2007 for all three locations on the eastern bank of the river being either "good" or "excellent".[53]

Mountain biking

The steep-sided parts of the Camel valley are ideal for mountain biking, and several trails are maintained. Particularly accessible are those on land owned by the Forestry Commission at Cardinham Woods and Hustyns Woods.[54][55]


The Camel Trail crosses Petherick Creek on this bridge which formerly carried the North Cornwall Railway

The Camel Trail, used by walkers and cyclists, follows the trackbed of the Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway from Wenfordbridge, past the outskirts of Bodmin at Dunmere, and through Wadebridge to Padstow.

From Poleys Bridge near Wenfordbridge, the Camelford Way follows the valley of the River Camel further up to the town of Camelford.[56]

The South West Coast Path follows the River Camel from Pentire Point to Rock, and from Padstow to Stepper Point. It crosses the river using the Black Tor Ferry.

The Saints' Way footpath links Padstow with Fowey. It follows first the River Camel, and then Little Petherick Creek from Padstow to Little Petherick, before striking inland and crossing the county to the River Fowey. This route is a very ancient one used by travellers from Ireland and Wales making for Brittany and wishing to avoid the dangerous seas around Lands End.[57]

Water sports

Canoeing and Kayaking take place on the river Camel with a dedicated access point just above the bridge at Wadebridge. Further up there are stretches that are particularly favoured such as between Tuckingmill to Penrose which has grade 2 rapids.[58]

Water skiing takes place on the estuary based in Rock, with four set courses located between Dennis cove and Pinkson creek.[59] Rock is also a centre for sailing with the Rock Sailing and Waterski Club being founded in 1938[60][61]

Daymer Bay and Hawkers Cove are good locations for Kitesurfing, particularly freestyle and wakestyle. These locations being on opposite sides of the river provide between them kitesurfing opportunities for all wind directions, although kitesurfing is not allowed at either venue during the daytime in July and August. Kitesurfing UK list Hawkers cove as one of their favourite kitesurfing spots in Cornwall.[62][63][64]

Wildlife and conservation

The majority of the Camel Estuary, from Padstow/Porthilly upstream to Wadebridge are part of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty[65] and thus considered worthy of special landscape protection. There are also five Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) along the length of the Camel. Four small SSSIs at Harbour Cove, Rock Dunes, Trebetherick Point and Pentire Peninsula are on the estuary, while the River Camel Valley and Tributaries SSSI covers much of the Camel Valley between Egloshayle and Blisland, and extends in several further sections of varying size up to its source. This SSSI also includes much of the River Allen, a tributary which flows into the river immediately upstream of Egloshayle, and some smaller unnamed tributaries. In addition, there is an SSSI at Amble Marshes on the River Amble which flows into the Camel Estuary between Wadebridge and Rock.

The River Camel was designated by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee as a Special Area of Conservation[66] in April 2005 as being of European importance for the otter and the bullhead, and this was reviewed in 2015.[67] However publicly available information on the area is unclear as the DEFRA Joint Nature Conservation Committee website shows the area stretching from Pinkson Creek on the Camel estuary up to Polbrock bridge, but incorporating Pinkson Creek, the River Allen to just upstream of Sladesbridge, and the Polmorla Brook almost to the edge of the Wadebridge built-up area, and incorporating all of the intertidal zone.[68] In contrast, both the Marine Conservation Institute and ProtectedPlanet show the area from Wadebridge bridge upstream, including the Ruthern, Allen, De Lank and Stannon, all being shown as covered to their respective sources.,[69][70] the only part of this area considered tidal is between Wadebridge bridge and St Marys church Egloshayle.

There are two nature reserves on Camel and its tributaries. The Walmsley sanctuary of the Cornwall Birdwatching and Preservation Society is on the Amble marshes on the River Amble above Trewornan Bridge. Hawke's Wood reserve, owned by the Cornwall Wildlife Trust, is on the south side of the Camel Valley between Wadebridge and Dunmere. Here is an abandoned quarry in a mature woodland of predominantly sessile oak,[71] this latter habitat also being named as contributary to the Special Area of Conservation listing.[67]


With the large areas of salt marsh on the estuary, the river provides an excellent location for birds. Large flocks of waders can be seen in winter, preyed on by peregrine falcons, and a migrant osprey often pauses a few days to fish in spring and autumn.[71] Mute swans nest at several locations, particularly near to the bridge in Wadebridge. Shelduck, shoveler and mallard are found on the river and teal further upstream.[72]

A belted kingfisher was seen in the 1980s for only the second time in England and the estuary has been noted for early colonisation by egret species. In the 1980s and 1990s little egrets were to be seen on mudflats at low tide, and more recently large numbers of cattle egrets have been found on the River Amble and near Burniere, and have now become sufficiently common not to require corroborating evidence when reporting sightings.[73]

Upstream and on several of its tributaries, kingfishers can be seen,[72] while the Cornwall Wildlife Trust reserve at Hawkes Wood is noted for nuthatches and tawny owls.[74]

There are three birdwatching hides overlooking the River Camel. Tregunna Hide (Grid reference SW 969 738), owned by Cornwall County Council, is located by the Camel Trail[75] and is open to the public. Burniere Hide (Grid Reference SW 982 740) is owned by the Cornwall Birdwatching and Preservation Society (CBWPS)[75] is open to members. In addition the CBWPS own the Walmsley Sanctuary which covers over 20 hectares (49 acres) on the River Amble, with two further hides for use by its members. The Walmsley sanctuary is nationally important for wintering waders and wildfowl.[72] These hides are located on the estuary below Wadebridge while upstream of Wadebridge there is a hide overlooking Treraven Meadow located 500m from Guineaport towards Bodmin[76]

Sometimes nationally rare bird species have been recorded in the Camel valley or on one of the major tributaries. In 2010 an American bittern was recorded on the River Amble having flown in from the River Camel nearby,[77] and in 2016 a Dalmatian pelican was recorded on the River Camel at various locations between Rock and Dinham[78]


The estuary is a sea bass conservation area. This was originally designated as being upstream from a line drawn between Stepper Point and Trebetherick Point[48] but this was extended to include all waters upstream of a line between Stepper Point and Pentire Point in 1999.[49] Surfers at Polzeath have recounted seeing bass swimming around their surfboards in summer. Flounders can be found in the brackish waters around the entrance to Little Petherick Creek,[50] and Daymer Bay is noted as a location for fishing from the rocks.[79]

Egg cases from shark and ray species are regularly found on the beaches near the mouth of the river, and have been recorded as far up as Porthilly and Dennis Cove. Species whose egg cases have been identified include Small-spotted catshark, Small-eyed Ray, Spotted Ray, Nursehound, Cuckoo Ray, Blonde Ray, Undulate Ray, and Thornback Ray.[80]

Salmon and sea trout are found in the River Camel and have been fished since the 12th century when the Priory at Bodmin constructed a Salmon weir near Dunmere[81][82] and Salmon is named as a contributary species in the designation of the River Camel as a Special Area of Conservation.[67] More recently the Camel had a reputation for good runs of both salmon and sea trout up to the early 2000s,[81] particularly in the area around Bodmin,[79] but there was a rapid decline in the late 2010s leading to the Environment Agency placing restrictions on salmon fishing in the river in 2017.[83] There have also been significant reductions in catches of sea trout and while a total of over 900 fish were caught in 2010, this reduced to less than 300 fish in 2016.[47]

Occasionally basking sharks can be seen at the mouth of the river and very occasionally bottlenose dolphins can be seen.[84] The largest and most unusual fish reported to have been found in the river was a sturgeon weighing 432 pounds (196 kg) which was stranded by the outgoing tide in June 1887.[85]


By the Atlantic Ocean the flora is distinctly maritime, characterised by thrift and sea campion on exposed clifftops and spring squill and heather in the turf. Stunted blackthorn and gorse tolerate more exposed sites, while the quarry on Stepper Point is home to many species of marsh plants. Above Egloshayle there are beds of yellow flag iris while the wooded slopes of the valley are filled with bluebells in spring.

The camel is home to two invasive non-native species; Japanese knotweed[86] and Himalayan balsam.[87] Both are the subject of manual control on various stretches of the river.[88]

The valley and its immediate environs are, in parts, thickly wooded with managed plantations at Cardinham[89] and Dunmere[90] near Bodmin and Bishop's, Hustyn, and Grogley Woods[91] between Bodmin and Wadebridge all managed by the Forestry Commission with mature Douglas fir[92][93] as well as mixed deciduous trees. Before that the Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway planted avenues of elm Trees along the line of the railway,[94] and there were also elms near the railway between Wadebridge and Padstow, now gone as a result of Dutch elm disease.[95] Another tree that is uncommon, but is found in the Camel valley is the wild service tree,[96][97] an indicator of ancient woodland or hedgerows.[98]


The Camel and its tributaries are home to otters. These were hunted up to the early 20th century[99] but are now one of the species cited in the River Camel and Tributaries SSSI.

Red deer and roe deer can both be seen in the valleys of the River Camel and its tributaries, with roe deer being the more common.[100][101]

Badgers can be found throughout the Camel Valley, but in 2016 DEFRA announced a badger cull zone covering North Cornwall, the boundary of which encompasses the rivers Camel and Allen. The cull, which resulted in over 1500 badgers being killed in North Cornwall in 2016,[102] is intended to reduce instances of Bovine TB but has proved controversial.


The beaches and cliffs around the mouth of the River Camel are home to a variety of marine molluscs, and on beaches exposed to longshore drift one can also find shells washed up with the tide, particularly after westerly storms.[103] Common limpet, blue mussel and the barnacle (Chthamalus stellatus) are commonly found on rocks that are covered at high tide, with dog whelk and common periwinkle found in tidal rockpools. The banded wedge shell and blunt tellin (Arcopagia crassa) can also be found as far upstream as Padstow.[104]

History and infrastructure

Transport and Industry

Cornwall is an undulating county with high cliffs, rough moors and deep valleys, so rivers have been used for transport throughout history. Being one of the few safe havens on the north coast of Cornwall, the Camel Estuary has been used since Roman times and most likely earlier, and by the 18th century the port of Padstow was the second largest importer of coal in Cornwall after Falmouth.[38][105] The river has previously been navigable beyond Wadebridge with the highest quays being at Guineaport and Egloshayle,[106][107] and ships were recorded beyond that at least as far as Pendavy a mile further upstream while Polbrock was given as the limit of navigation in 1814.[108][109] The river as far as Wadebridge was considered navigable for vessels up to 150 tons in 1830 and Wadebridge was used as the location for loading granite, iron ore and china Clay onto ships for onward transport.[110][111][112] Advice from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency published in 2003 indicates that the River is now only navigable for merchant vessels as far as Brea Hill.[113]

During the period of canal building in Britain the River Camel was investigated as one end of a canal looking to join the north and south coasts of Cornwall by linking to the River Fowey. The first plan, often referred to as the "Polbrock Canal" was put forward in 1794 and engineer John Rennie was engaged to advise on the idea. The canal was intended to be 5 foot (1.5 m) deep and 32 foot (10 m) wide, but Rennie advised that a tunnel would be required on the route and that little through traffic could be anticipated so no further effort was expended.[114][115] Soon after in 1796 an act of Parliament was passed authorising a canal from Guineaport to Dunmere with a branch to Ruthernbridge but in the event no start was made and the scheme lapsed.[116] In the 1820s Marc Brunel, the father of Isambard Kingdom Brunel considered the possibility of a ship canal looking to make a connection similar to that proposed in 1794 between the rivers Camel and Fowey but again little return on the investment was predicted and nothing was built.[114]

With boats as one of the main methods of transporting goods until the advent of the railways there were several quays along the river, often at the limit of navigation of the many tributaries and creeks on the estuary. There were quays at Little Petherick[117] and Trevorrick Mills[118] on Little Petherick Creek and before construction of the railway between Wadebridge and Padstow there was a quay at Pinxton Creek.[119] Also on the south bank of the estuary two quays served the nearby Camel Quarry and Penquean Quarry, the quays being used to export the slate quarried there and, as the slate was raised from up to 60 feet (20 m) depth, to bring in coal for the two engines used for pumping and sawing, although both quarries had ceased operation before the railway line separated them from the river.[120][121] Joining the main river upstream of Camel Quarry, the River Amble was navigable up to Chapel Amble on high spring tides, with seaweed, sand and coal being taken up to the village and grain brought out again.[122] Construction of the bridge at Trewornan did not prevent access to Chapel Amble, but the tidal barrage which prevents salt water going upstream past Burniere Point has left the River Amble inaccessible from the main river. Nearer to Wadebridge there was a quay at Trevilling on the north bank of the river built in the 19th century for a Vitriol works[123] and thus known as the 'Vitriol Quay', the location downstream from the town near the current A39 Wadebridge Bypass bridge being appropriate for the product.

Despite the many opportunities for transport along the estuary, historically the main traffic on the river above Padstow was to the Quays at Wadebridge where there is evidence of a dock dating back as far as Elizabethan times, and in 1830 the limit of navigation was recorded as Guineaport.[22] Construction of the Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway in 1834 was based on taking sand brought up to Wadebridge by 12 ton barges[124] that were poled under the bridge at Wadebridge with the sand then being transhipped to the railway for onward transport. From a specially built sand dock at Wadebridge the railway took the sand further up the valley, replacing the previous use of pack animals that took the sand from landings at Sladesbridge[125] and a quay at Marsh cottages near Egloshayle church.[107]

In common with much of Cornwall lime was a common commodity for transportation in the 18th and 19th centuries[126] and the Camel was no exception with lime kilns being recorded at Egloshayle[127][128] with a quay adjacent,[129] another at Bishop's Quay below Gonvena Hill,[130] and one on the town side of the river adjacent to the Pomorla brook[131] The furthest downstream was a lime kiln at the small inlet where the current sewage works is located.[132]

On the estuary itself there was no need to transport sand by barge, and 'sanding lanes' were laid from local villages directly onto the foreshore so that carts could be taken down at low tide and loaded with sand. On the southern side of the estuary 'sanding lanes' linked Higher Halwyn to Oldtown Cove, Tregunna to the River at White House, Tregonce to Little Petherick Creek and also St Issey to Benuick near Sea Mills, also on Little Petherick Creek.[133] On the northern side of the estuary the access lane to Daymer Bay has its origins as a sanding lane.[134]

Historic sites

There are several ancient defensive sites along the Camel Valley. Penhargard Castle is an Iron Age defended settlement near Helland situated high on the eastern side of the Camel valley[135] with extant ramparts up to 10 ft (3 m),[136] and not far away on the other side of the river is an older hillfort.[137] Rather earlier in date is Killibury Castle above Egloshayle which originates from the late Bronze Age, was in use throughout the Iron Age and was re-occupied during the Roman period. It is a scheduled monument of national importance.[138] Also Roman in date but several miles up the valley there is the remains of a Roman fort near Nanstallon overlooking the river[139] which was once thought to have been the only Roman Fort in Cornwall, and was only occupied between 60 and 80AD.[140] Less certain is the association of a Roman legion with the area around Cant Hill. The evidence in circumstantial, with the name Cant being associated with the Latin canti meaning 'corner' and nearby Carlyon Farm through a spelling from the 13th century of Carleghion being interpreted as car meaning camp and leighion meaning legion, while the name Cant is attributed by others to ownership by the De Cant family.[141][142] Although Cant Hill may not have any substantiated links to the Roman period, Roman coins, ornaments and pottery have been found in the area of Brea Hill where there is believed to have been a Roman camp.[143]

There was at one time a small chapel located at St Saviours point downstream of Padstow where a monk would keep a light at night to assist shipping, and it is considered likely that this was associated with Bodmin Priory which held land at Padstow, although the provision of this light ceased with the dissolution of the monasteries.[144] More certainly associated with Bodmin Priory is the building of the bridge over the Camel at Dunmere in the 12th Century and the small chapel that stood on the Bodmin side of the river at the location that is now known as St Annes Chapel Hayes.[82]


Wherever there are rivers, people will need to cross them. Routes of ancient trackways and Roman Roads in Cornwall are, at best, open to speculation but although most maps of Roman Roads show nothing west of Isca Dumnoniorum (modern Exeter) there is some evidence of Romans creating or using roads or paths in the county in the shape of Roman Milestones.[145] The routes of the three main roads through Cornwall, following generally the alignment of the current A30, A38 and A39 are believed to have ancient origins, and if this is true then there would need to be a historic crossing of the Camel, most likely somewhere near Wadebridge. There is no record of how old the ford at Wadebridge is, but it is likely of great antiquity. There is also some speculation of a further ancient ford of the Camel in the area around Camelford, which in the same manner is likely near to the route of the current road through the town.[146]

Further down towards the sea, the Black Tor Ferry has crossed the estuary between Padstow and Rock since 1337, the title to run the ferry resting with the Duchy of Cornwall.

The natural progression for a road crossing a river or stream is to replace the ford with a bridge, and the River Camel and tributaries are crossed by more listed bridges than any other river in Cornwall[147] with the most notable being at Wadebridge. Referred to as "the longest and fairest bridge in Cornwall"[148][149] it was the furthest bridge downstream on the river until the opening of the A39 Wadebridge bypass in 1993.[150] Built in the 15th century Wadebridge bridge was built by John de Harlan at the instigation of Vicar of Egloshayle Thomas Loveybond[151] and replaced an earlier ford which was considered so dangerous to use at certain times that a chapel was built on either bank; one to pray for a safe crossing and the other to give thanks.[152] The bridge was made a county bridge in the reign of James I,[153] and has been widened three times over the years,[147] being granted Grade II listed status in 1969.[154]

Moving upstream from Wadebridge, the other listed bridges are Helland Bridge,[155] Wenfordbridge,[156] Coombe Mill Bridge,[157] Gam Bridge,[158] and Slaughterbridge,[159] this latter so named as it is the location of an historic battle, possibly that of King Arthur's last battle.[160][161][162] While the heritage value of ancient crossings is great, continued use of structures that are several hundred years old and that were designed and built with lighter and less frequest traffic in mind can have a deleterious effect on the fabric of these bridges. Helland Bridge was added to the Historic England Heritage at Risk Register in 2020 citing an "Immediate risk of further rapid deterioration or loss of fabric"[163][164][165] This is perhaps unsurprising as Hellandbridge is still completely original, while Wenfordbridge and Gam Bridge, along with Pendavey, Dunmere, Poley's and Tresarret bridges, were broken by the flood of 1847 and were subsequently rebuilt.[29]

One of the largest structures on the Estuary is the "Iron Bridge", a three span girder bridge of 400 ft (120 m) originally built to carry the North Cornwall Railway between Wadebridge and Padstow over Petherick Creek.[119] Good use was made of the river during construction as the metalwork was brought to Wadebridge by boat and then floated on barges down to where the bridge was being built.[166] Sitting on Dennis Hill overlooking the bridge is an Obelisk erected to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria'. Erected in 1889 the granite obelisk is Grade II listed.[167]


A stone platform, previously the site of a gun battery, located on top of a low cliff and seen from the beach below the cliff.
The napoleonic gun platform at Gun Point.

Although the River itself has never been a location for military bases, some parts have been used periodically for military purposes. Other than the Roman forts noted above, one of the earliest military installations was at Gun Point just downstream of Padstow. Henry VIII sited guns here when there was considered a threat of invasion by the Spanish, and Queen Elizabeth expanded these, and guns were also sited here during the Napoleonic wars.[168] In 1940 during World War II a pair of 4 inch naval guns were mounted on Gun Point, the installation being known as Padstow Coastal Gun Battery. The guns were replaced in 1942 with a pair of larger guns but these in turn were removed in July 1945, although some remains of the installation was still extant in 2018.

Water pollution incident

In July 1988, the water supply to Camelford and the surrounding area was contaminated when 20 tons of aluminium sulphate was poured into the wrong tank at Lowermoor Water Treatment Works on Bodmin Moor. An inquiry into the incident (the worst of its kind in British history) started in 2002, and a report was issued in January 2005 but questions remain as to the long-term effects on the health of residents. Michael Meacher, who visited Camelford as environment minister, called the incident and its aftermath, "A most unbelievable scandal."[169]

Tributaries and their names

The main tributaries of the River Camel are the Allen, the Ruthern, the De Lank and the Stannon. Other tributaries include Little Petherick Creek which joins the main estuary through the Iron Bridge on the Camel Trail, the River Amble which joins the Camel though a tidal barrage near Burniere Point, and the Polmorla Brook (historically Treguddick Brook) which joins the Camel immediately above the bridge at Wadebridge.

In terms of its name there is evidence that what is now known as the River Camel has had several names in the past. The name Camel is derived from Middle Cornish "Cam-El", "Crooked one", and seems originally to have referred only to the upper parts.[170]The lower part of the river was referred to as the River Allen, a common Celtic river name of unknown derivation, but the names were somewhat interchangeable, and even a hybrid Camb-alan wss recorded in the 16th Century.[171]By the 19th Century the name Allen was exclusively used for the River Layne which flows into the Camel just above Egloshayle and the name Camel applied to the whole length of the river. The Camel estuary appears to have been called the River Hayle from Middle Cornish "Hayle", estuary[170] and while this may have been as much a description as a proper name, the continued use of the name Hayle Bay for the bay containing Polzeath beach supports this. In turn it has been suggested that the River Layne may have previously been called the River Dewi given the number of places along its course which contain the element.[170]



  1. ^ "Cornwall Rivers Project | Geography | Camel and Allen". Retrieved 2 September 2017.
  2. ^ Weatherhill, Craig. A Concise Dictionary of Cornish Place-names, 2009.
  3. ^ "Geology of Britain viewer". British Geological Survey. Archived from the original on 2 December 2016. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  4. ^ Barton, R M. Cornwall's structure and scenery. Tor Mark Press. p. 22.
  5. ^ a b Reid 1996, p. 7.
  6. ^ "Killas". Cornwall Regionally Important Geological/Geomorphological Sites Group. Retrieved 12 August 2008.
  7. ^ a b Barton, R M. Cornwall's structure and scenery. Tor Mark Press. p. 37.
  8. ^ Ferris 1969, p. 12.
  9. ^ Ferris 1969, p. 24.
  10. ^ "BGS GeoIndex". British Geological Survey. Retrieved 14 August 2008.
  11. ^ "Pentireglaze Mine". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  12. ^ Ingrey 1984, p. 19.
  13. ^ "Little Petherick". AWMP Creative Media. Retrieved 5 May 2019. Credis lies within the parish. It was once the location of a small copper mine. The mine employed forty men and the shaft at Credis was thirty fathoms (55m) deep.
  14. ^ "Penbugle Mine". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  15. ^ "Bodmin Moor Consols". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  16. ^ a b "Pentireglaze mines, Cornwall". cornwall calling. Retrieved 8 June 2019.
  17. ^ a b "Wheal Sisters". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  18. ^ "James, Retire, Colbiggan & Rosewarrick Mine, Cornwall". Cornwall in focus. Shimbo. 2019. Retrieved 8 June 2019.
  19. ^ a b "Mulberry Hill Mine, Cornwall". Cornwall in focus. Shimbo. 2019. Retrieved 8 June 2019.
  20. ^ "Mulberry Pit Tin Mine". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  21. ^ "The Copper Ore trade of South West England" (PDF). Aditnow. Retrieved 8 June 2019. Table 3 and Table 4
  22. ^ a b Rodgers 1948, p. 91.
  23. ^ "Durfold China Clay Works". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  24. ^ "Carwen China Clay Works". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  25. ^ "Temple China Clay Works". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  26. ^ a b c d e f "49001 – Camel at Denby: Land Use". Natural Environment Research Council. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
  27. ^ "camel and allen". Westcountry Rivers Trust. Retrieved 5 January 2010.
  28. ^ "Camel at Denby". Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
  29. ^ a b Ingrey 1989, pp. 44–46.
  30. ^ "Critical Drainage Area (CDA) Cornwall – Wadebridge" (PDF). Environment Agency. May 2015. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  31. ^ "Find river, sea, groundwater and rainfall levels". Environment Agency. Retrieved 4 November 2023.
  32. ^ Betjeman, John (1984). Betjeman's Cornwall. London: John Murray. ISBN 0-7195-4106-9.
  33. ^ Place-names in the Standard Written Form (SWF) Archived 15 May 2013 at the Wayback Machine : List of place-names agreed by the MAGA Signage Panel Archived 15 May 2013 at the Wayback Machine. Cornish Language Partnership.
  34. ^ "DINHAM – Post Medieval tide mill". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. Minchinton and Perkins record that Dinham salt water mills were advertised for sale in 1851 (2). The 1st Edition 1:2500 OS c1880 map records a disused tidal bone mill at the site (1). A tidal pond is recorded on the 1963 OS map but this is not apparent on the current 1:10000 edition (3, 4). The CCC 1999–2001 vertical aerial photograph shows no survival of the mill
  35. ^ "Ordnance Survuey Unions – Camelford 1830–1840". A vision of Britain through time. University of Portsmouth and others. 2017. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  36. ^ "Camel Quarry". Retrieved 3 September 2016.
  37. ^ Duxbury & Williams 1987, p. 46.
  38. ^ a b "From Constantinople to Cornwall". Time Team. Season 2008. Episode 10. 9 March 2008.
  39. ^ "Padstow History". RNLI. 2007. Retrieved 7 March 2013.
  40. ^ Bryn Philips, Padstow Harbour Master (12 May 2020). "Local Notice to Mariners #9/2020 issued 12 May 2020" (PDF). Padstow Harbour Commissioners. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  41. ^ Barton, R M. Cornwall's structure and scenery. Tor Mark Press. p. 47.
  42. ^ Bishop, Ray (1994). North Cornwall Camera. Bodmin: Bossiney Books. ISBN 0-948158-97-2.
  43. ^ "Camel Estuary" (PDF). Cornwall AONB unit. Retrieved 27 August 2008.
  44. ^ A pictorial and descriptive guide to Newquay and North Cornwall. Red guides (9th (revised) ed.). London: Ward, Lock & Co. 1927. p. 69.
  45. ^ a b Jon Evans (8 December 2008). "The River Camel". Get Hooked!. Diamond Publications. Retrieved 26 January 2020.
  46. ^ Perran Springs Holiday Park. "Fishing on the River Camel". Perran Springs Holiday Park. Retrieved 26 January 2020.
  47. ^ a b "The River Camel". Sea Trout Fishing. Retrieved 26 January 2020.
  48. ^ a b "Bass nursery areas and other conservation measures" (PDF). Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Retrieved 27 April 2019. All tidal waters enclosed by a line drawn 116 deg true from stepper point to Trebetherick Point
  49. ^ a b "UK bass legislation: Location of bass nursery areas". Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society. 1 February 2016. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  50. ^ a b "Flounder Fishing on the River Camel". Retrieved 26 January 2020.
  51. ^ "Bathing Water Profile for Polzeath". Environment Agency Bathing Water Quality. Environment Agency. 2016. Retrieved 23 September 2016.
  52. ^ "Bathing Water Profile for Dammer Bay". Environment Agency Bathing Water Quality. Environment Agency. 2016. Retrieved 23 September 2016.
  53. ^ "Water Quality 2007". North Cornwall District Council. 2008. Retrieved 11 August 2008.
  54. ^ "Cardinham Woods Mountain Bike Trails". More Dirt Ltd. 2019. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  55. ^ "Hustyns Woods". More Dirt Ltd. 2019. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  56. ^ Reid 1996, pp. 36–37.
  57. ^ Duxbury & Williams 1987, p. 9.
  58. ^ "Guide to the River Camel (Tuckingmill to Penrose)". The UK rivers guidebook. Retrieved 21 November 2011.
  59. ^ "Camel Estuary Ski Area Map". Rock Sailing and Waterski Club. 2017. Retrieved 2 June 2019.
  60. ^ "History The early years". Rock Sailing and Waterski Club. Rock Sailing and Water Ski Club. 2017. Retrieved 28 September 2019.
  61. ^ Reid 1996, p. 40.
  62. ^ "Kitesurfing in Cornwall". Kitesurfing UK. 2020. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  63. ^ "Kitesurfing Daymer Bay". Kitesurfing UK. 2020. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  64. ^ "Kitesurfing Hawker's Cove, Cornwall". Kitesurfing UK. 2020. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  65. ^ "03 The Camel Estuary". Retrieved 24 May 2020.
  66. ^ "River Camel". Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Retrieved 26 August 2008.
  67. ^ a b c Joint Nature Conservation Committee (25 January 2016). "Site UK0030056 River Camel" (PDF). NATURA 2000 – STANDARD DATA FORM. Retrieved 7 June 2020.
  68. ^ "Marine Protected Areas in the UK". Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Retrieved 2 June 2019.
  69. ^ "River Camel Valley and Tributaries Site of Special Scientific Interest". Marine Conservation Institute. 2019. Retrieved 2 June 2019.
  70. ^ "River Camel Valley and Tributaries in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". ProtectedPlanet. 2019. Retrieved 2 June 2019.
  71. ^ a b Bere, Rennie (1982). The Nature of Cornwall. Buckingham: Barracuda Books Limited. ISBN 0-86023-163-1.
  72. ^ a b c "Walmsley Sanctuary". Cornwall Birdwatching & Preservation Society. Retrieved 25 January 2010.
  73. ^ "News: January 2019 News Page". Cornwall Birds. Cornwall Bird Watching and Preservation Society. 9 January 2019. Retrieved 28 April 2019. County Bird News: As of 1st Jan, the two expanding egret species in the UK, Cattle and Great White have been taken off the 'County Description Species' List. Care over id may still need to be taken, & recorder/committee may request further information for any particular sighting.
  74. ^ "Hawkes Wood". Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Archived from the original on 14 September 2009. Retrieved 28 January 2010.
  75. ^ a b "Reserves & Hides". Cornwall Birdwatching & Preservation Society. Archived from the original on 5 May 2010. Retrieved 25 January 2010.
  76. ^ "camel estuary wildlife". camelbirder. 22 November 2012. Retrieved 2 September 2016.
  77. ^ "American Bittern at Walmsley Sanctuary". South West Optics. 2 November 2010. Retrieved 1 February 2020.
  78. ^ "First sighting of a Dalmatian pelican in the Camel Estuary". North Cornwall today. Tindle Newspapers Ltd. Retrieved 25 November 2016.
  79. ^ a b "SEA FISHING ALONG THE NORTH CORNWALL COAST". Cornwall Online. 2019. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  80. ^ "Great Eggcase Hunt Results". Shark Trust. 2019. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  81. ^ a b Evans, Jon (8 December 2008). "The River Camel". Diamond Publications. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  82. ^ a b Ingrey 1989, p. 37.
  83. ^ "Extension of EA restrictions 01/11/2018". Bodmin Anglers Association. 1 November 2018. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  84. ^ "Marine sightings of Basking Shark 'Cetorhinus maximus' in Cornwall". Cornwall Wildlife Trust. 2008. Retrieved 11 August 2008.
  85. ^ Ingrey 1984, p. 12.
  86. ^ "Japanese knotweed". Cornwall Council. 2019. Retrieved 3 May 2019.
  87. ^ "Himalayan balsam". Cornwall Council. 2019. Retrieved 3 May 2019.
  88. ^ "Invasive weeds on the River Camel". Westcountry Rivers Trust. Retrieved 26 August 2008.
  89. ^ "Cardinham Woods". Forestry England. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  90. ^ "Dunmere, Eastwood". The Woodland Trust. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  91. ^ "Bishop's, Hustyn, and Grogley Woods". The Woodland Trust. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  92. ^ "Hustyn Woods". AWMP Creative Media. Retrieved 29 September 2019. Hustyn Wood, in the Parish of St Breock, is a Forestry Commission wood, adjoining Bishop's Woods, composed of a variety of trees – areas of broadleaved trees, mature Douglas fir and mixed woodland.
  93. ^ "Bishop's Woods". AWMP Creative Media. Retrieved 29 September 2019. Bishop's Wood, in the Parish of St Breock, is a Forestry Commission wood, composed of a variety of trees – areas of broadleaved trees, mature Douglas fir and mixed woodland.
  94. ^ Fairclough & Wills 1979, p. 14.
  95. ^ Ingrey 1984, p. 21.
  96. ^ Roper, P (1993). "The distribution of the Wild Service Tree, Sorbus torminalis in the British Isles" (PDF). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  97. ^ "Sorbus torminalis – Wild Service-tree". Flora of Cornwall (1999). Cornish Biodiversity Network. 2017. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  98. ^ "Wild service tree". Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Retrieved 29 September 2019. The wild service tree was once widespread, if seldom abundant, in the forests of England and Wales. But, as these were cleared, it became rarer and is now confined to ancient woodlands and hedges
  99. ^ "Otter hounds", Cornish & Devon Post, p. 7, 18 September 1908
  100. ^ "Red Deer-(Cervus elaphus)". Cornwall Mammal Group. 2018. Retrieved 28 January 2020.
  101. ^ "Fallow Deer-(Dama dama)". Cornwall Mammal Group. 2018. Retrieved 28 January 2020.
  102. ^ Graham Smith (17 December 2016). "More than 1,500 badgers killed in Cornwall during recent anti-TB cull". Cornwall Reports. Retrieved 30 January 2020.
  103. ^ Pascoe n.d., p. 8.
  104. ^ Pascoe n.d., p. 30-31.
  105. ^ "Declared Accounts: Customs, Coal". British History Online. University of London. 2019. Retrieved 21 May 2022.
  106. ^ "GUINEAPORT – Post Medieval quay". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. A quay on the south bank of the River Camel, adjacent to the old line of the London and South Western Railway (now the Camel Trail). The quay survives substantially intact, although partly obscured by modern infill to the east. It is constructed of slate stone masonry in alternate vertical and horizontal bedding, with granite capstones (JRS, 2002)
  107. ^ a b "MARSH COTTAGES – Post Medieval quay". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. A sand wharf on the Camel at Egloshayle
  108. ^ Fairclough & Wills 1979, p. 21.
  109. ^ Daniel Lysons and Samuel Lysons, 'Geography and geology', in Magna Britannia: Volume 3, Cornwall (London, 1814), pp. clxxxi-cxciii. British History Online [accessed 23 January 2021].
  110. ^ Pigot's Directory. 1830. p. 135.
  111. ^ Reid 1996, p. 4.
  112. ^ Ingrey 1984, p. 31.
  113. ^ MERCHANT SHIPPING NOTICE MSN 1776 (M). Southampton: Maritime and Coastguard Agency. 2003. p. 18. Retrieved 7 June 2020.
  114. ^ a b "Waterways that were Never Built section "Polbrock Canal"". Inland Waterways Association. 2013. Retrieved 7 June 2020.
  115. ^ "Imagined canals". 5 July 2018.
  116. ^ Ingrey 1989, p. 14.
  117. ^ "Little Petherick Conservation Area Character Statement" (PDF). North Cornwall District Council. 1997. p. 3. Retrieved 5 May 2019. Some of the wharves and quays where goods such as lime and grain were loaded are still clearly visible on the west side of the creek
  118. ^ Ingrey 1984, pp. 12–14.
  119. ^ a b Wroe, David (1994). An Illustrated History of the North Cornwall Railway. Caernarfon: Irwell Press. p. 94. ISBN 1-871608-63-5.
  120. ^ "Camel Slab and Slate Quarry". Grace's Guide to British Industrial History. Grace's Guide Ltd. 8 February 2020. Retrieved 18 October 2020.
  121. ^ "Cornwall XXV.1 (St Breock; St Issey; St Minver Highlands; St Minver Lowlands)". Ordnance Survey. 1907. Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  122. ^ Duxbury & Williams 1987, p. 43.
  123. ^ Hoyle, Ronnie (1983). Old Wadebridge. Vol. 1. Wadebridge: Westward Press. p. 6.
  124. ^ Ingrey 1984, p. 7.
  125. ^ Duxbury & Williams 1987, p. 33.
  126. ^ "History Of Lime Pointing In Cornwall". Oak Ridge. 2019. Retrieved 9 June 2019. most of Cornwall's tiny ports had a lime kiln in the vicinity
  127. ^ "Lime kiln known as 'Trevillian' recorded on Tithe Award". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. The Tithe Award for Egloshayle records a lime kiln at the location, owned by Susannah Hawken and worked by Richard Hawken (b1). No remains are now extant (b2)
  128. ^ "Lime kiln known as 'Hellgelders', marked on the Tithe Map". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. The Tithe Award for Egloshayle records a lime kiln at the location, owned by Nevell Norway (b1). No remains survive (b2)
  129. ^ "WADEBRIDGE – Post Medieval quay". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. Sand quays on the Egloshayle side of Wadebridge are recorded on the Tithe map of 1840. The quay has now been overbuilt by modern housing (h1).
  130. ^ "A lime kiln situated on Bishop's Quay". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. Situated on Bishop's Quay, this kiln existed at least as early as 1834, as it appeared then in a 'for sale' notice. Run in its latter days by Messrs Martyn (b1). Marked on the 2nd Edition 1:2500 OS map (b2)
  131. ^ "WADEBRIDGE – Post Medieval lime kiln". Heritage Gateway. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2019. A limekiln at Wadebridge is shown at this location on the Tithe Map of 1840, when its owner was Sir William Molesworth and its occupier was Thomas Trebilcock (b1). It is shown on both the 1st and 2nd Edition 1:2500 OS maps (b2, b3), but is believed to have been derelict well before 1910 (b4).
  132. ^ "Cornwall XXV.2 (Egloshayle; St Breock; St Kew; St Minver Highlands; Wadebridge))". Ordnance Survey. 1881. Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  133. ^ Ingrey 1984, p. 15.
  134. ^ Ingrey, Jack (1994). St Minver, It's Bays and Byways. Padstow: Tabb House. pp. 47–48. ISBN 1-873951-07-8.
  135. ^ "Iron Age defended settlement called Penhargard Castle". Retrieved 29 April 2019.
  136. ^ Reid 1996, p. 34.
  137. ^ "Slight univallate hillfort in Dunmere Wood 235m WNW of Crabb's Pool". Retrieved 29 April 2019.
  138. ^ "Killibury Castle later Prehistoric hillfort". Historic England. Retrieved 23 January 2021.
  139. ^ Historic England. "Roman fort called 'Nanstallon Roman fort' 135m south west of Tregear (1007273)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  140. ^ "Nanstallon Roman Fort". SouthWest in Focus. 2019. Retrieved 29 April 2019.
  141. ^ Ingrey 1984, p. 18.
  142. ^ Daniel Lysons and Samuel Lysons, 'Parishes: Mevagissey - Mullion', in Magna Britannia: Volume 3, Cornwall (London, 1814), pp. 227-244. British History Online [accessed 23 January 2021].
  143. ^ The Parish of St. Minver: The History of the Parish of St. Minver which includes the small chapelries of St. Enodoc at Trebetherick and St. Michael's at Porthilly, Rock. 1974. p. 10.
  144. ^ Reid 1996, pp. 12–13.
  145. ^ "Roman Inscribed Stone 1m South of St Piran's". Historic England. 2020. Retrieved 10 October 2020.
  146. ^ T.H. ROGERS. "ANCIENT ROADS IN CORNWALL". (Quoted from) Western Morning News and Mercury, 2 December 1924. Retrieved 10 October 2020.
  147. ^ a b Kentley, Eric (2005). Cornwall's bridge & viaduct heritage. Truro: Twelveheads Press. ISBN 0-906294-58-4.
  148. ^ Mee, Arthur (1955). Arthus Mee's Cornwall. The King's England (7th ed.). London: Hodder and Stoughton. pp. 302–303.
  149. ^ Historic England. "WADEBRIDGE BRIDGE (1142975)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  150. ^ "08Jul93 UK: CAMEL CROSSING – WADEBRIDGE BYPASS". Construction News. 8 July 1993. Retrieved 10 October 2020.
  151. ^ "History of Wadebridge". creative media. Retrieved 11 November 2016.
  152. ^ Duxbury & Williams 1987, p. 28.
  153. ^ The Post Office Cornwall Directory. Post Office. 1873. p. 890.
  154. ^ "Wadebridge Bridge, Wadebridge". British Listed Buildings. Retrieved 11 November 2016.
  155. ^ Historic England. "Helland Bridge (1020812)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  156. ^ Historic England. "BRIDGE AT WENFORDBRIDGE (1311310)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  157. ^ Historic England. "ROADBRIDGE 70 METRES TO NORTH EAST OF COOMBE MILLHOUSE (1142355)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  158. ^ Historic England. "GAM BRIDGE (1311392)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  159. ^ Historic England. "SLAUGHTERBRIDGE 500 METRES TO SOUTH EAST OF WORTHY MANOR (1142724)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  160. ^ Gregory, Edward (2016). "King Arthur in Cornwall". Edward Gregory. Retrieved 28 April 2019. The area has yielded up information that Slaughterbridge, on the River Camel, was undoubtedly, the site of a ferocious battle in ancient times; though, whether this was the Battle of Camlann in 542 is open to speculation
  161. ^ "Slaughter Bridge, Cornwall". Retrieved 28 April 2019. Slaughter Bridge still remains a candidate for the Camlann battle site
  162. ^ "The Legend of Arthur". BBC. 25 July 2008. Retrieved 28 April 2019. Visitors can walk through the fields where King Arthur and Mordred were believed to have met for their last battle.
  163. ^ "Seventy-one historic landmarks 'at risk'". BBC News website. BBC Spotlight. 2020. Retrieved 15 October 2020.
  164. ^ "Heritage at Risk 2020". Historic England. 2020. Retrieved 15 October 2020.
  165. ^ "Helland Bridge, St. Mabyn / Helland – Cornwall". Historic England. 2020. Retrieved 15 October 2020.
  166. ^ "Little Petherick Creek bridge". Four by Three. 2017. Retrieved 5 May 2019.
  167. ^ Historic England. "OBELISK (1289848)". National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  168. ^ Reid 1996, p. 14.
  169. ^ The Independent, 16 April 2006, Poisoned: The Camelford scandal Archived 2008-05-20 at the Wayback Machine
  170. ^ a b c Weatherhill, Craig (1995). Cornish Place Names and Language. Sigma Leisure. ISBN 1-85058-462-1.
  171. ^ "William Camden,Britannia (1607)". The philological museum. The University of Birmingham. Retrieved 25 March 2023.


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