Jochem Kahl

Jochem Kahl (born 1961) is a German Egyptologist.[1]

A native of Ravensburg, Kahl studied undergraduate history and Greek at the University of Tübingen from 1983 to 1984 and then Egyptology, Classical Archeology and Pre- and Early History at Münster, Tübingen and Vienna between 1984 and 1990. Kahl undertook his doctorate with the study "The System of Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing in the 0th – 3rd Dynasty" between 1992 and 1998.

From 1998 to 2004, he was a university lecturer at the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology at the University of Münster. In 2004, he was given a professorship at the University of Münster and in 2006 a professorship at University of Mainz. He is currently at Free University of Berlin.[2]

He leads the excavations at Assiut[3] and the surrounding area in Central Egypt and has been a professor at the Free University of Berlin since October 2008. Kahl is a member of the German Archaeological Institute.

Selected publications


  1. ^ Kürschner's German Scholarly Calendar 2001 . Saur, 2001, ISBN 9783598236037 , p. 1464.
  2. ^ Univ.-Prof. dr Jochem Kahl. page
  3. ^ The Asyut Project Archived 2014-05-02 at the Wayback Machine website.
  4. ^ Jochem Kahl, Das System der ägyptischen Hieroglyphenschrift in der 0.-3. Dynastie (Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994).
  5. ^ Jochem Kahl, Books by Jochem Kahl.
  6. ^ Siut - Theben (BRILL, 1999).
  7. ^ a b Books by Jochem Kahl.
  8. ^ The Tomb of the Dogs at Asyut: Faunal Remains and Other Selected Objects. With contributions by Jochem Kahl and Günter Vittmann (The Asyut Project, Band 9).
  9. ^ The Asyut Project: Eleventh Season of Fieldwork (2014) Painted pottery from the so-called "Hogarth Depot" in Tomb IV of the Asyut necropolis.
  10. ^ The First Intermediate Period Tombs at Asyut Revisited.,

External links