Seder HaDoroth

The Seder HaDorot or "Book of Generations" (completed 1725, published 1769) by Lithuanian Rabbi Jehiel Heilprin (1660–1746) is a Hebrew-language chronological work that serves as a depot of multiple Hebrew language chronological books and manuscripts. The work presents all given dates in the Hebrew calendar format.[1]

As well, Heilprin analyzed alternating and sometimes conflicting dates to produce a final decision and/or at times presents two plausible dates for a given event.


This work consists of three independent volumes or parts:

The whole work is followed by notes on the Talmud, also arranged in alphabetical order. It was published for the first time by Heilprin's grandson, Judah Löb Heilprin, at Karlsruhe in 1769. There exist several other editions, the latest being the revised one of Naphtali Maskileison, son of Abraham Maskileison Warsaw, 1882.

Of Heilprin's numerous other works mentioned in the Seder HaDorot, the only one which has been published is Erke HaKinnuyim, a dictionary of synonyms and homonyms occurring in the Bible, Talmud, and other works, chiefly Kabalistic (Dyhernfurth, 1806).

Example (Israel's sojourn in Egypt)


  1. ^ A History of Jewish Literature: The German-Polish cultural center p152 Israel Zinberg - 1975 "But such works were of little interest to Heilprin's generation, which was absorbed in pilpul, and Seder HaDorot, which was completed in 1725, was first published in 1768 when Heilprin had already long been in his grave."
  2. ^ 2 Kings 25:27